
  • 网络Hutchinson
  1. 评哈金森和沃特斯的学习模式

    Hutchinson and Waters ' model for learning

  2. 哈金森癌症研究中心将会研究基因疗法技术是否可以促成一种让细胞含有抵抗艾滋病病毒的基因的方法。

    The Hutchinson Center will investigate whether gene therapy techniques can lead to a method of making cells genetically resistant to the HIV virus .

  3. 这项研究由华盛顿的西雅图佛瑞德•哈金森癌症研究中心负责,并发表在《内科学文献》2月9日的网络版上。

    The study was led by researchers from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle , Washington and is published in the9 February online issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine .

  4. 一项来自西雅图佛瑞德?哈金森癌症研究中心的研究发现,相比忽略食物包装袋上的营养标签的人而言,阅读标签的人大约少摄入5%的脂肪。

    Those who read nutrition labels on food packaging eat around 5 per cent less fat than those who don 't bother , according to researchers at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle .