
  • 网络central control;center control;control center
  1. 中心控制机软件采用QuickBASIC语言编写,包括发送命令代码和数据接收处理等7个功能模块。

    The software of center control machine is edited with Quick BASIC , the software includes the main functions of 7 modules that are sending of instruction code and receiving data and processing data .

  2. DCS系统设有两套现场装置控制单元,一套设在电机控制间,一套设在中心控制室。

    DCS system has two sets field devices control Units . One sets on the motor control room , the other sets on the center control room .

  3. PLC对挖掘机中心控制阀体加工组合机床的控制改造

    The Application of PLC in the Control System of Hydraulic Excavator 's Center Control Valve Manufacturing Machine

  4. 利用NetworkDeployment可以从中心控制点管理多个应用程序服务器节点(通常分布在不同的计算机系统上)。

    Network Deployment makes it possible to manage multiple application server nodes ( usually distributed across different computer systems ) from a central point of control .

  5. 这种拓扑通过更改注册中心控制模型来扩展直连ESB模型。

    This topology extends the Directly Connected ESB model by changing the registry governance model .

  6. 基于840D和PLC探讨和分析了数控加工中心控制系统的实现。

    Based on the840D and PLC Discussion and Analysis of CNC machining centers control system is achieved .

  7. adhoc网络是一种新型的无线移动自组织网络,内部节点相互合作信任,没有中心控制节点,节点计算能力有限。

    As a new type of wireless mobile networks , ad hoc networks enjoys cooperative and trustful domain nodes without centralized control unit .

  8. 网络蠕虫之所以难于控制主要是由于Internet本质上是一个开放的复杂巨系统,其结构复杂,缺乏中心控制能力以及其开放性的特征导致存在大量网管层面上的不可控节点。

    Internet worms are difficult to eliminate because Internet is an open and complex scale-free system , and there are a mass of vulnerable nodes , which are absent of managing and defending .

  9. 由于adhoc网络的自组织性和无任何中心控制节点,信道接入方案的选择并不是固定不变的,而是具有一定的随机性。

    Since the Ad Hoc networks are self-organization and have no central control nodes , the channel access schemes chosen is not fixed , but changed with certain randomness .

  10. 移动adhoc网络(MANET)是一种不需要基础设施的多跳无线网络,它由多个无线节点组成,没有中心控制节点,是完全分布式的网络结构。

    Mobile Ad hoc NETwork ( MANET ) is a wireless multi-hop network without pre-established infrastructure . There is no central controller and MANET is completed distributed .

  11. 该系统以单片机作为中心控制单元,采用V/F型模数转换、锁相倍频、非线性校正和数字滤波等技术。

    The microcontroller was used as the central control unit in the system , the techniques of V / F conversion , PPL multiplex frequency , non-linear correction and digital filter were employed .

  12. 没有注册中心控制协议,但却尝试建立UDDI用途的企业将经常遇到此反模式。

    Enterprises that do not have an agreement on the registry governance but attempt to establish UDDI usage will often encounter this antipattern .

  13. 具有开放、分布式、不协作、异构、无中心控制等特点的Internet复杂巨系统的管理、容量规划、新一代网络体系结构设计与分析和性能预测都离不开对网络行为的充分理解。

    Internet has become a complex gigantic system that has open , distributed , uncooperative , heterogeneous , non-center-control characteristics . To manage and scheme Internet , and design new generation network architecture and anal-yse and performance forecast is need to perceive network behavior .

  14. 同时我们选择另一凋亡相关基因ICE,它也是细胞凋亡重要的调节因子,是细胞凋亡另外一条重要通路&Fas凋亡通路的核心,是凋亡中心控制和凋亡发生效应的调节因子。

    At the same time , we choose another apoptosis-related gene , ICE which is also important regulator of apoptosis . It is the core of Fas apoptosis pathway and a regulatory factor in the central of apoptosis .

  15. adhoc网络是一种无中心控制、高度动态拓扑、多跳通信的自组织网络,依靠节点间的相互协作在移动、复杂多变的无线环境中自行成网。

    Ad Hoc network is a non-central control , highly dynamic topology , multi-hop communications , self-organizing network . It relies on mutual cooperation between the nodes to form a network in the mobile and complex wireless environments .

  16. 所以,跳频通信非常适合无中心控制的网络,如军事跳频通信网络、边缘地区紧急Ad-hoc网络等。

    Therefore , Frequency hopping communication is very suit for peer to peer networks without power control , such as frequency hopping communication for military 、 urgency Ad-hoc network for edge region .

  17. adhoc网络是自组织、无中心控制节点和无固定基础设施支持的网络,具有组网速度快、抗毁自愈能力强等优点,在军用和民用方面均有广泛的运用背景。

    Ad Hoc network is a no foundation architectural network which is self-organization and not have central control node , it has some advantages which are high speed in organizing network and hard to destruct , which is used widely in military and civil .

  18. 其中主要介绍了基于VB6.0的实时数据通信系统,即通过VB6.0的通信控件来实现PC机与多个单片机之间的串行通信,从而在中心控制室即能对远距离输油管线的工作状况进行集中监测。

    And the paper mainly describes how to implement serial communication between PC and each SCM by using communication component of VB6.0.The data collected and transferred to the center control compartment was handled afterwards .

  19. 在建立超声辐射力理论模型,分析其影响因素的基础上,利用CPLD作为中心控制单元开发了超声柔性发射模块,实现对超声辐射力的有效控制。

    On the basis of establishing the theoretical model of acoustic radiation force and analyzing its impact factors , an ultrasonic flexible transmitter module was developed to effectively control the acoustic radiation force by using CPLD as the central control unit .

  20. 为此提出了一种适用于BGP健壮性测试的方法&具有中心控制的远程横断测试方法,然后利用基于执行的软硬件结合入侵式错误注入技术,提出了健壮性测试系统的体系结构。

    This paper proposes the architecture of testing system for robustness-testing BGP . The architecture fits the testing method of remote transaction with center controller and the testing technology of invasion fault injector based on execution .

  21. 在XC60的仪表板进行了彻底的形状和高大的中心控制堆栈无数其他沃尔沃车型。

    The XC60 carries over the sweeping dashboard shapes and tall stack of center controls from myriad other Volvo models .

  22. 本文对SCADA自动控制系统的背景、发展现状作了简要介绍,并结合某输油管道工程详细介绍输油管道SCADA系统功能、技术要求以及中心控制和站点控制系统基本配置和主要功能。

    And combining with some a petroleum pipeline project , this paper describes the petroleum pipeline SCADA system functions , technical requirements as well as the basic configurations and main functions of the central control and site control system in detail .

  23. 无线视频监控终端是由中心控制模块、视频采集模块、视频压缩模块和CDMA1X传输模块构成的嵌入式系统。

    The wireless video surveillance terminal is an embedded system made of central control module , video capture module , video compression module and CDMA IX transmission module .

  24. 本文重点论述了中心控制层中改进的DFP的基本算法、实时控制的优势,并对实时控制过程中的相关问题提供了解决方案,实现了实时控制的各种要求。

    This paper focuses on the basic algorithm of modified DFP method used in the central level and the advantages of real-time control , and presents the scheme for the relevant problems of online control , which meets some requirements for real-time control .

  25. 然后由中心控制模块产生相应的控制信息,通过MVB总线传送到各执行模块,由执行模块来控制电磁铁的电流,使左右轮轨间受力趋于平衡。

    Then center control module produces corresponding control information and transmits to each executive module through MVB bus . The executing module controls the current and makes electromagnets force equilibrium between the wheel / rail . Each executive module uses PID algorithm to control magnetic effectively .

  26. 钢带中心控制理论在纵剪生产线上的应用

    The Application of Steel Strip Centre Control Theory in Slitter Mill

  27. 无中心控制多信道选址通信系统的组网研究

    Distributed Mobile System Network with Multi Channel Access and No Central Control

  28. 无线寻呼系统中心控制软件的实现

    The Implement of the Core Software in the Paging System

  29. 高速加工中心控制环参数的优化

    Control Loop Parameter Adjust off the High Speed Machining Center

  30. 四轴联动数控玻璃刻花加工中心控制系统设计

    Control System Design for NC Glass Engraving Machine Center with Four-coordinated Axes