
yí dònɡ mènɡ wǎnɡ
  • mobile dream network
  1. 依托WAP平台,提供移动梦网移动商务经营;

    Support Monternet M-business management rely on WAP platform .

  2. 基于USSD的移动梦网业务的实现

    The Monternet Business Based on USSD

  3. 该系统通过CMPP协议与短信网关相连,实现短信的转发、接入用户的计费及对移动梦网业务的支持。

    The system realizes short message forwarding , userser s service billing and MonterNet supporting by connecting ISMG through CMPP protocol .

  4. 与传统短信方式的移动梦网相比,本文通过有限状态自动机理论和Java多线程技术,设计开发的USSD移动梦网业务更具优势,该系统能涵盖绝大部分移动梦网文字交互类服务。

    The paper gives the design and implementation of Monternet business based on USSD , by Automata Theory and Java Multithreading Technology . Compare with SMS Monternet , the system is more preponderant and provides most text alternate services about Monternet .

  5. 鉴于USSD移动梦网系统不仅在单个用户处理上具有多级菜单的复杂状态跳转,还同时并行多个用户请求。

    Whereas the characters of USSD Monternet , the situation , which is not only each user has complex state-jump , multilevel menu but also many users ' accessing at one time , is needed to be solved .

  6. 得出移动梦网面临业务方向选择发展策略的问题。

    Obtained Monternet choice facing the direction of development strategy of the business issues .

  7. 基于灰色理论的移动梦网数据分析

    The Monternet data analysis based on Grey Theory

  8. 资深手机网游设计师,曾任移动梦网平台文字网络游戏夺宝中华运营策划。

    Mobile phone games , senior designer , was the platform for text MonternetChinese online game operator planning Indiana .

  9. 点对点短信的出现和移动梦网模式的横空出世,让手机用户从此步入了增值业务时代。

    The presence of point-to-point text message and the mode of China Mobile dream-net makes cellphone users step into an era of value-added services .

  10. 通过该系统缩短用户关于移动梦网咨询及投诉过程的时间,提高了用户满意度,有效提升企业解决问题的效率。

    Shorten the time of the Users the Monternet inquiries and complaints process through the system , improve user satisfaction , and effectively improve the efficiency of enterprises to solve the problem .

  11. 中央人民广播电台作为持有第四张全国性手机电视牌照独家运营权的机构,目前已开通手机电视节目“央广视讯”,在中国移动梦网等移动网络中均可收看。

    As the fourth authorized Handset TV service operator in China , CNR has launched a mobile TV channel YTV , which can be watched in mobile telecoms networks such as Monternet China .

  12. 分析研究移动梦网,主要是因为移动梦网是长尾理论在移动通信领域应用的先驱、典范,有很多值得今天移动运营商发展增值业务、参与移动互联网竞争时借鉴的经验教训。

    Analysis and research , mainly because of that monternet is representative of the long tail theory . To develop value-added services , participate in mobile Internet competition , there are many worth mobile operator experiences for the lessons . Chapter 6 mainly introduces mobile applications mall .

  13. 并分析移动梦网业务转型取得的部分成效。最后展望无线通讯技术的持续发展和移动互联网未来发展路线,指出技术革新和市场需求将带来移动通信业新一轮的增长高峰。

    And analyze business transformation Monternet made part of the results . Finally , prospects for sustained development of wireless technology and mobile Internet future development of the line , pointed out that technological innovation and market demand for mobile communications will bring a new round of growth peak .

  14. 为了实现对数据业务的精细化管理,提升增值业务产品质量,河北移动通过对梦网业务的无效下发的研究,建立数据业务网络管理平台DNMP,从而将提高服务质量落实为具体行动。

    In order to achieve the fine management of data services , to improve quality of value-added services product , Hebei Mobile through researching on invalid monternet business of issued , build data service network management platform DNMP , Which will improve service quality into concrete actions .

  15. 2000年,中国移动推出了以“移动梦网”为总品牌的移动数据增值业务。

    In2000 , China Mobile Communication Corpopration launched " Monternet " Service for the overall brand mobile data value-added business .

  16. 我国移动增值业务从2000年中国移动推出移动梦网创业计划以来迅速发展,尤其是2002年开始出现的短信业务井喷式发展,吸引了大量的社会资源进入增值业务市场。

    Since the " Monternet Project " was proposed by Corporation of China Mobile Telecommunication in 2000 , the mobile value-added services has been developing in a high rate , especially , the greatly development of SMS in 2002 acquired much attention from the society .

  17. 1998年以来,山东移动短信业务迅猛发展,特别是2000年移动梦网业务在山东推出以后,梦网短信更是呈现了几何级数的增长。

    With the huge development of short message service and monternet service , the short message number increasing at geometric series .

  18. 目前宁夏移动数据业务管理平台已经上线运行,对于移动梦网短信业务起到了很好的规范和管理作用。

    Present Ningxia Mobile Data Service Management platform has been on-line running , for Monternet SMS played a very good specification and management role .

  19. 伴随着移动通信的日益普及以及传统语音类业务的饱和,移动增值业务逐渐成为移动运营商收入中新的增长点,中国移动的移动梦网以其优势在市场占有主导地位。

    With the increasing popularity of mobile communications , as well as saturation of traditional voice-related services , the mobile increment business becomes a new growth point for mobile operators revenues .