
yí mín qiān zhènɡ
  • immigrant visa
  1. 是否有人曾为您提供过移民签证申请?

    Has anyone ever filed an immigrant visa petition on your behalf ?

  2. 我想拿一份申请移民签证的表格。

    I 'd like to have a form for the immigrant visa .

  3. B非移民签证是针对想要暂时进入美国进行商务和旅游的人的分类。

    THE B non-immigrant visa is a classification for someone who wants to enter the U.S. temporarily for business and tourism .

  4. 一份文件显示,一些外国人前往美国旅行的主要目的是通过在美国分娩来获得孩子的美国公民身份,而邻事官员应拒绝向这类外国人发放B类非移民签证。

    A document suggest that a consular officer should deny a B non-immigrant visa to a foreigner who is likely to travel to the U.S. with the primary purpose of gaining citizenship for a child by in the country .

  5. 如果我使用DS-160表申请非移民签证,还需要其它表格吗?

    Q13 : When I apply for a nonimmigrant visa using the online DS-160 , are additional forms required ?

  6. 适工程序(JRP)确保技术移民签证申请人拥有澳大利亚工作单位所需专业工作的技术与知识。

    The JRP ensures that applicants for skilled migration have the skills and knowledge to perform their nominated occupation within the Australian workplace .

  7. 美国的创造就业投资移民签证项目,即EB-5,将于9月到期。国会参议院司法委员会主席格拉斯利、资深成员莱希日前联合提出一项两党支持的议案,延长并完善EB-5项目。

    US Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley and Ranking Member Patrick Leahy introduced bi-partisan legislation to extend and improve the job-creating immigrant investor visa program , known as EB-5 , which is set to expire in September .

  8. 此政策对我的永居移民签证会有什么影响?

    How does this affect my application for permanent residency ?

  9. 不提供表格上要求的资料将会延迟您移民签证的面试(时间)。

    Failure to provide the requested information will delay your immigrant visa interview .

  10. 创业移民签证持有人可以在英国创办企业,并通过快速通道获得英国公民身份。

    The visas allow holders to start a UK business and earn fast-track citizenship .

  11. 我想取一些申请移民签证的资料。

    I 'd like to obtain some information about applying for an immigrant visa .

  12. 澳大利亚移民签证类别

    The sorts of emigration visa in Australia

  13. 共有24个主要的非移民签证类别,同时有87个特定类型的非移民签证的签发。

    There are24 major nonimmigrant visa categories , and87 specific types of nonimmigrant visas issued .

  14. 一般技术移民签证的关键目标是为澳大利亚雇主提供“适工”的申请人。

    A key aim of the GSM program is to provide'job ready'applicants to Australian employers .

  15. 所有申请到美国避难和申请移民签证的人都必须进行健康检查。

    FOR all refugees coming to the U.S.and all applicants outside the U.S.applying FOR an immigrant visa .

  16. 你还没办好去澳大利亚的移民签证就把房子卖了?

    You 've sold your house before you 've got your emigration clearance to go to Australia ?

  17. 一些人权组织批评向伊拉克翻译和其他雇员发放移民签证的计划。

    Some human rights groups criticize the plan to grant visas to Iraqi translators and other employees .

  18. 我们已经检阅过您为申办移民签证所提交的文件。

    We have reviewed the documents which you submitted in support of an application for an immigrant visa .

  19. 网友问:1.CR1类移民签证要多长时间能够办理下来?

    HS : 1 Appx how much it takes for CR1 immigrant visa approval under administrative at consulate ?

  20. 员工及其家属都可以通过公司签证项目申请任何类型的非移民签证。

    Employees and their family members may use the CVP to apply for any type of non-immigrant visa .

  21. 大部分移民签证的颁发是根据亲属移民或者通过工作(包括投资)。

    Most immigrant visas are issued on the basis of family sponsorship or through employment ( including investment ) .

  22. 超过13万3千技术工人可以移居澳大利亚,一万三千难民可以得到移民签证。

    Just over 133000 skilled workers will be allowed in , and about 13000 refugees will be granted visas .

  23. 我们无法预期何时可是给您继续做移民签证申请。

    We have no way of predicting when it will be possible to proceed with your immigrant visa application .

  24. 与之相反,非移民签证仅允许在特定的期间内进入并且只能进行指定的活动。

    In contrast , nonimmigrant visas allow entry only for a limited period an only to carry out specified activities .

  25. 我先前的申请被封顶和停签了,我还能再次申请境外一般技术移民签证吗?

    Q8 Can I apply again for an offshore GSM visa even though my previous application has been capped and ceased ?

  26. 签证中心将联系被申请人,以完成移民签证的步骤。

    The NVC will contact the person for whom you are petitioning ( beneficiary ) concerning further immigrant visa processing steps .

  27. 更多信息见“常见问题”中的《满足澳大利亚学习要求的境外技术移民签证申请申请方面的变化》一文。

    Further information can be found in the FAQ , Changes to offshore GSM applicants seeking to meet the Australian study requirement .

  28. 请注意,一些加拿大移民签证处可要求该翻译是认证监管机构作为一个翻译。

    Please be aware that some Canadian immigration visa offices may require that the translator is certified by a regulatory body as a translator .

  29. 1990年,国会出台了非神职人员教务工作者特别移民签证计划,以此对各教派和教派下属组织的特殊需要给予承认。

    In1990 , Congress recognized the special needs of religious denominations and their organizations when it created the special immigrant non-minister religious worker visa program .

  30. 体检说明鉴于您已准备好申请移民签证所需要的各种证件,您应该就体检作出安排。

    Now that you have obtained the various documents required in connection with your immigrant visa application , you should make arrangements for your medical examination .