
yí qíng
  • empathize;exchange feelings
移情 [yí qíng]
  • [exchange feelings] 改变人的情操

移情[yí qíng]
  1. 但你可以移情于自负和反社会的人。

    But you can empathize with narcissists and sociopaths .

  2. 我可以移情于任何人。

    I can empathize with anybody .

  3. 乔已移情别恋,把爱意从莉萨转移到了克利奥身上。

    Joe had already transferred his affections from Lisa to Cleo .

  4. 对服务质量的测度采用SERVQUAL模型,包括4个维度:可靠性、响应性、保证性、移情性。

    The service quality can be measured with SERVQUAL , which includes four dimensions : reliability , responsiveness , assurance and empathy .

  5. S-S-B整合模式的建构,以及其在移情阅读过程的应用,展示了移情既是一种情感过程,也是一种认知过程。

    The S-S-B model and the application of it to empathetic reading demonstrate that the process of empathy is cognitive as well as affective .

  6. 功能句法学中的移情原则及其认知解释

    The Principles of Empathy in Functional Syntax and Their Cognitive Explanation

  7. 关于中国英语专业大学生文化移情能力的调查

    An Investigation into Cultural Empathy Obtained by Chinese College English Majors

  8. 移情作用曾经一度被认为是人类的专利。

    Empathy was once thought to be a uniquely human trait .

  9. 我首先想讲的是移情。

    The first one I want to deal with is empathy .

  10. 抑郁症患者的移情结构与家庭动力特征的关系

    Relationship between the Structure of Empathy and Family Dynamics of Depression

  11. 这种移情作用让你想去帮助他们。

    The feeling of empathy makes you want to help them .

  12. 这两个理念贯穿了整个移情训练活动的设计和组织过程。

    These two ideas impenetrate the whole design and operating process .

  13. 语用移情在外语学习中的应用

    The Application of Pragmatic Empathy to the Learning of Foreign Language

  14. 道德判断与移情之间的联系是以角色采择作为中介因素的;

    Role taking is a mediator between moral judgment and empathy ;

  15. 许多理论认为,移情是亲社会行为的基础。

    Empathy is the basis of pro-social behavior in many theories .

  16. 移情训练对幼儿分享行为的影响的实验研究

    Effects of the training of transference on young children 's sharing behavior

  17. 移情能力&企业管理者应必备的基本素质

    Ability of Emotion Transfer & Basic Quality of the Enterprises ′ Managers

  18. 第四部分主要阐述《林泉高致》中有关移情的美学思想。

    The Forth part elaborates mainly " empathy " in aesthetics thought .

  19. 移情是“偶能感受你的感受”。

    Empathy is ," I feel how you feel " .

  20. 显示出移情的或准备理解他人的。

    Showing empathy or ready comprehension of others ' states .

  21. 本研究把幼儿移情的影响因素分为两类,一是外在因素,包括情境、教育训练、人际交往和教养方式四个方面;

    In this study , factors are divided into two .

  22. 软卖型广告中的移情

    Emp at hy in " Soft - sell " Advertisements

  23. 移情教学设计及其网络教育运用研究

    Research on empathic instructional design and it 's application in distance education

  24. 山水诗:诗人审美移情的多重渗透

    Scenic Poems : Multiple Appeals of Aesthetic Empathy of Poets

  25. 移情类移就修辞格的标记性特征及其修辞特色

    Empathetic Hypallage : Its Feature of Markedness and Rhetorical Functions

  26. 中国移情理论辨析

    Differentiation and Analysis on the Theory of Empathy in China

  27. 不同的人感受到的移情程度也不同。

    And people differ in the extent to which they feel empathy .

  28. 从文学活动的互动性看立普斯移情观

    Theory of Empathy Lipps from the Interactivity of Literature Movement

  29. 也许他移情别恋了而你不喜欢这样。

    Maybe he moved on , and you didn 't like that .

  30. 视角的转变或移情也会发生。

    A shift of point of view or empathy may also occur .