
  • 网络transplanter
  1. 氯吡格雷抵抗研究进展直铲式树木移植机下铲阻力的探讨

    Research on the Spading Resistance of the Straight-Spade-Typed Tree Transplanter

  2. 模型铲预测树木移植机下铲阻力的研究

    A study on the predicting spading resistance of tree transplanter using model spades

  3. 逆铣圆盘开沟器在营养钵移植机上应用的分析

    The Analysis of Application of Counterclockwise Disc Ditcher in Nutrition-pot Transplanter

  4. 4YK-200型床作苗木移植机的研制

    Development of Model 4YK & 200 Seedbed Transplant Seedlings Implements

  5. 表皮移植机治疗白癜风病人的护理

    Nursing care of vitiligo patients treated by epidermis grafting machine

  6. 嵌入式系统控制在苗木移植机中的应用

    The Application of Embedded System Control in Seedling Transplanters

  7. 移植机六杆取钵机构的优化设计

    Optimization of Six Bar Bowl Taking Mechanism for Transplanter

  8. 机械手式水稻钵苗移植机传动系统设计

    A design of the transmission system in mechanical manipulater type tray grown rice seeding transplanter

  9. 我们回顾了关于移植免疫机转与移植后并发症之文献。

    We reviewed the literature about immunology and post-transplantation complications of CHRT .

  10. 请记住,移植大型机应用程序的风险和成本不仅限于所移植的应用程序。

    Remember , the risk and cost of porting a mainframe application is not limited just to the ported application .

  11. 在一些特定的市场,如拉美和亚洲大部分地区,因为担心将游戏移植到游戏机的成本过高,PC游戏即将占据统治地位。

    In certain markets such as Latin America and much of Asia , the PC is going to dominate because of worries of costs of bringing a game to consoles .

  12. 由于系统功能较多、程序复杂,本文将RTOS(实时操作系统)移植到下位机,从而简化软件设计,同时提高了系统的可靠性和实时性。

    In this way , software design is simplified and reliability and real-time operation ability of the system are improved .

  13. 本文介绍了数学软件STYR库移植到DUAL-83/80机上实现过程。

    The paper introduces the process of transplanting the STYR data - base mathematical software to the DUAL-83 / 80 computer .

  14. 肝脏移植中门静脉机化血栓的诊断

    Diagnosis of Organized Thrombus in Portal Vein in Liver Transplantation

  15. 术前呼吸机依赖患者肺移植术后撤机的护理

    Nursing care of preoperative ventilator-dependent patients undergoing discontinuing mechanical ventilation after lung transplantation

  16. 而作为现代电子计算机前驱的巴贝奇解析机,其存储和程序控制的原理,又借鉴、移植自提花机的纹板技术。

    Charles Babbage , pioneer of the modern computer , construct ed the principle of storage and program control , which are transplanted from Jacquard card technology .

  17. 本文主要介绍了如何将DJS131机上所用的功能较多的基本BASIC语言移植到DJS130机上来的方法,并在保留原BASIC解释程序的功能的基础上又进一步增加了新的功能。

    This paper introduces a method of using the BASIC Language interpreter of DJS-131 to DJS-130 . It offers some new functions , in addition to all original features which are kept .

  18. 目前,PDI可以在IBM&PC/XT及其兼容机上运行并已成功地移植到DUAL68000微型机上(仅打印图形)。

    At present , the PDI can run on IBM PC / XT and its compatible microcomputers and has been successfully transplanted to DUAL 68000 microcomputer ( printing only ) .