
  • 网络mobile access
  1. 基于SIP的智能家庭网络的移动访问实现

    SIP-based implementation for mobile access to intelligent home network

  2. 当安全性、可管理性等传统问题依旧是最主要问题的同时,还遇到了一些新的重要挑战,包括SaaS竖井(SaaSSilos)、云间(CloudtoCloud)集成和移动访问等。

    While basic problems like security and manageability remain at the top of the list , meeting new challenges including SaaS silos , cloud-to-cloud integration , and mobile access are also a priority .

  3. Internet的移动访问技术研究

    On Mobile Internet Access Techniques

  4. 首先您要输入一段移动访问代码,这是一段惟一的关键字,可用来获取您在Moodle中的配置文件。

    First you need to input a mobile access code , a unique keyword that you can obtain from your profile in Moodle .

  5. 为了解决这个问题,开发了企业应用程序编程接口(API)管理,它允许对现有企业服务进行安全的BYOD移动访问。

    In an effort to remedy this issue , enterprise application programming interface ( API ) management was developed & a new approach that allows secure BYOD mobile access to existing enterprise services .

  6. 用户希望SoE融合对移动访问、位置感知、协作和大数据的利用,通过明智地评估可能的选项来帮助人类角色制定最佳的决策。

    Users expect SoEs to leverage the convergence of mobile access , location awareness , collaboration , and big data exploitation to assist the human actor in making the best possible decision by an informed evaluation of the possible options .

  7. 因此,本文将研究数字图书馆的移动访问。

    Therefore , in this thesis we 'll look into the digital library 's mobile access .

  8. 移动访问量的增长也十分可观,月度活跃用户超过4亿,较2012年底的2亿大大增长。

    Mobile growth also has been significant , with more than 400 million monthly active users , up from 200 million at the end of 2012 .

  9. 移动Web访问高性能缓存验证算法

    An Efficient Cache Validation Algorithm for Mobile Web Browsing

  10. 第三代通信网络的主要目标定位于实时视频、高速多媒体和移动Internet访问业务。

    The most important target of the 3G is aim to realize the real time video , high-speed multimedia , and mobile Internet access .

  11. 应用程序的第三部分的开发使得应用如蜂窝手机之类的移动设备访问数据库成为可能,本文称之为移动Web应用程序。

    The third part of the application being developed is accessing the database using mobile devices such as cellular phones and is called Mobile Web Applications .

  12. 今年6月,约有1.02亿人仅通过移动设备访问Facebook,比3月猛增23%。

    Some 102 million people accessed Facebook solely from mobile in June , a massive 23 % increase over March .

  13. (截止今年1月,每天有1.57亿用户通过移动设备访问Facebook。)

    ( indeed , 157 million Facebook users checked the social network daily via mobile devices as of last January . )

  14. 随着智能电话使用率的增长,越来越多的基于Web的应用程序开始提供从移动客户端访问的能力,无论该客户端是浏览器还是原生应用程序。

    With the growth of smart phone use , more and more web-based applications are starting to offer access from a mobile client , whether it is a browser or a native application .

  15. 在RBAC模型的基础上,设计了改进的移动商务访问控制模型。

    Based on the RBAC model , this paper designed improved access control model for m-commerce .

  16. SaaS的终端用户有从桌面或者移动设备访问供应商的应用程序,来处理业务任务的权利。

    A SaaS end user has access to the provider 's application from a desktop or mobile device to process business tasks .

  17. 当移动设备访问互联网海量资源时,它们必须配置唯一的IP地址,才通过网关与对应节点通信。

    When some mobile devices need to get a lot of resources from the Internet , they must be configured a unique IP address , and maintain communications with the corresponding nodes through the gateway .

  18. 尽管已经提供大量的技术用于移动设备访问Web内容的支持,问题的焦点主要是如何将HTML内容显示在内存和屏幕大小受限制的移动设备上。

    Although much work has been done on providing mobile access of Web content , the focus has mainly been the adaptation of HTML content to make it viewable on mobile devices that might have memory and scrren-size limitation .

  19. SaaS最终用户:最终用户拥有的唯一控制能力是从桌面、笔记本电脑或移动设备访问提供商的应用程序。

    SaaS end user : The only control an end user has is to access the provider 's application from a desktop , laptop , or mobile .

  20. adhoc网络通常是以一个独立的通信网络形式存在的,但为了满足adhoc网络实际应用中移动终端访问有线网络资源的需要,就必须实现adhoc网络与其它网络的互连。

    Ad hoc network is usually a self-governed network . It is necessary that Ad hoc network should be accessed to other networks to satisfy the need of mobile terminal in Ad hoc network accessing to wire-network .

  21. 智能电话应用程序可以通过移动设备访问LotusLive网络和协作服务,包括Webcasting服务、即时通讯等等。

    The smartphone application allows access to the LotusLive network and collaboration services , including Webcasting services , instant messaging , and more , from the mobile device .

  22. 一种基于角色和应用上下文的移动网访问控制模型

    A Mobile Network Access Control Model Based on Role and Application Context

  23. 而且,其内容逐渐可以通过移动设备访问。

    And that content is accessed increasingly by mobile devices .

  24. 基于手机的移动数据访问服务认证模型

    Research and implementation of secure service model for data access based on handset

  25. 公网移动接入访问控制系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implement of Access Control System of Public Network Mobile Connection

  26. 移动设备访问控制系统的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Remove Device Access Control System

  27. 其中大约14.4亿人使用移动设备访问这一网站;

    Some 1.44 billion of those people visit the site from a mobile device ;

  28. 这个应用程序应该提供一个员工通讯录,它应该被设计为从移动设备访问。

    This application will provide a directory of employee contact information designed to be accessed from mobile devices .

  29. 其中逾15亿月度访客完全使用移动设备访问其服务,而去年同期这个数字是12.5亿。

    More than 1.5 billion people are monthly mobile-only users , up from 1.25 billion a year ago .

  30. 但在较长一段时间内,通过移动设备访问因特网还只是人们的一个梦想。

    However , it is only a dream to access to internet through mobile devices in a long period of time .