
  • 网络Premium Service;Advanced Service;senior service
  1. 美国运通对这个问题给出的答案就是GoTime。它是基于Badgeville公司的游戏化技术开发的一项针对企业用户的高级服务。

    For Amex , the answer is GoTime , which it is developing on Badgeville as a premium service for corporate accounts .

  2. 用户可以选择付费高级服务,不间断收听流媒体音乐,也可以选择免费收听,但曲目之间会插播广告。

    They either pay for the premium service to stream music without interruption or they listen for free but with adverts between songs .

  3. 此外,高级服务合同包含依据在已扩展的生态系统中建立的协议来指导和控制交互的策略和SLA。

    Furthermore , advanced service contracts will include policies and SLAs that guide and govern the interaction according to established agreements across the extended ecosystem .

  4. 此外,在ASON网络中引入FLC,使得网络更方便地实现了Diffserv服务、QoS等ASON的高级服务功能。

    In addition , the proposed FLC algorithm can achieve the advanced service function in the ASON conveniently , such as Diffserv service , QoS .

  5. 在现有的逻辑资源(如计算、存储、数据库系统等)之上构建核心服务层、高级服务层、API层和应用层。

    It builds core service layer , advanced service layer , API layer and application layers on the top of existed logical resources , such as computing resource , storage resource and database management system .

  6. 发展高级服务业不仅在于应对WTO带来的挑战,而且可以利用它在GDP的高增长与第三产业发展之间建立一种互促共进的关系。

    The development of advanced industry can not only enable China to meet the challenges of WTO , but also establish a mutual-beneficial relationship between its rapid growth in GDP and the development of the third industry .

  7. 在ASP中,Session对象常用于页面间跳转时,传递用户保存的私有数据,但是Session对象为我们提供高级服务的同时,也在大量地消耗系统资源。

    In ASP , session object usually transmits the private data that users keep it , while jumping among the pages , but session object are consuming systematic resources in a large amount , while it offers the advanced service to us .

  8. OGSA模型是一种完全面向服务的模型,是Web服务与网格技术相融合的产物,是未来计算模式的一种发展趋势,一般由基本服务和高级服务组成。

    The OGSA model is a model of service Oriented and the combining result of the Web Service and Grid technology , which is a kind of development direction about future computing mode and built by elementary and advanced services .

  9. 开放网格服务架构OGSA是Globus工作组基于Globus工具包和Web服务技术所提出的一种网格体系结构,基于OGSA架构,利用已经比较成熟的网格技术如Globus来构建高级服务是可行的。

    Based on previous research , the major research works in this article are : ( 1 ) OGSA , Open Grid Service Architecture , is an architecture advanced by Globus workgroup , whose foundation is Globus Toolkit and Web Services .

  10. 但Eros正在试验高级服务选项——从1月开始播放原创的、专为在线播放制作的电视剧——他们希望吸引来自印度和海外的付费观众。

    But Eros has been tinkering with premium options - including original , made-for-streaming dramas that will begin streaming in January - that it hopes will attract a paying audience in India and abroad .

  11. 与wink以及大多数基本级搜索服务一样(有些也提供收费的高级服务,如zoominfo),spock也是一家免费网站,鼓励用户注册并创建自己的个人资料。

    Like wink and most other base-level services ( some such as zoominfo also offer paid-for premium services ) , Spock is a free site that encourages users to sign up and create their own profile .

  12. 上海高级服务性公寓经营管理初探

    A Preliminary Probe into Operating and Managing Service Apartments in Shanghai

  13. 高级服务业促进经济高增长的战略思考

    A Strategic Thinking on the Acceleration of Economic Growth by Advanced Service Industry

  14. 利德华福还将提高施耐德电气集团为客户提供高级服务的能力。

    Leader & Harvest also improves the Group 's advanced service capability for its customers .

  15. 我们将前两层称为高级服务层和低级服务层。

    We 'll refer to the first two layers as high-level and low-level service layers .

  16. 服务实现:从整体组件设计的角度确定属性并扩展高级服务模型。

    Service Realization : Attributes and extends the high-level service model in terms of overall component design .

  17. 服务规范工作:建立并验证服务公开决策和高级服务模型的派生物。

    Service Specification : Establishes and validates service exposure decisions and derivation of the high-level service model .

  18. 协作型专业服务是思科面向商业市场新推出的高级服务。

    CPS ( Collaborative Professional Services ) is a newly launched advanced service program for the commercial segment .

  19. 高级服务属性包括指定是否启用客户反馈报告、指定转储目录位置和错误报告。

    Advanced service properties include specifying whether customer feedback reporting is enabled , the dump directory location , and error reporting .

  20. 高职院校旅游英语专业旨在培养具有一定理论功底和熟练讲解技能的旅游高级服务类人才。

    Tourism English major in higher vocational colleges aims at cultivating working talents with certain theoretic basis and proficient introduction skill .

  21. 它将支持访问高级服务,让开发人员可以轻松地使用移动设备信息、社交渠道和公开的信息。

    It will enable access to high-level services so that developers can easily consume mobile-device information , social channels , and publicly available data .

  22. 通过组合低级服务,各种数据库的代理服务和生成实体的工厂服务,获得高级服务,即数据库代理。

    By combining lower services and database service and factory service which create new entities , we build up higher service , DataBase Broker Service .

  23. 过去六年里,美国厨艺学院已经增加了以服务顾客为主的课程,包括一门酿制饮料的课程和一门高级服务的课程。

    In the past six years , the Culinary Institute has added customer-focused courses , including one on brewed beverages and one on advanced serving .

  24. 缴纳30美元(约合人民币187元)的年费就可以让Dashlane应用软件自动同步你在各个设备上的数据,你可以免费试用这项高级服务30天。

    a $ 30 annual subscription lets the Dashlane apps automatically sync your data across devices . You can try this premium service free for 30 days .

  25. 更迫在眉睫的问题是房价高企,信贷困难,和工作稀缺&制造业如此,债务越来越多的毕业生们所向往的高级服务业同样如此。

    More immediately , houses are expensive , credit hard to get and jobs scarce & not just in old manufacturing industries but in the ritzier services that attract increasingly debt-laden graduates .

  26. 此协议扩展了媒体网关控制,使其包含了一个独立于传输的连接模型,支持诸如多媒体会议等的高级服务,并支持各个国家的操作。

    This protocol extends media gateway control to include a transport-independent connection model , support for more advanced services such as multimedia conferencing , and support for operation in countries around the world .

  27. 通过比较分析认为,我国在高级服务要素上处于不利地位,企业、竞争和相关行业上也未形成良好的互动,导致服务业发展水平发展滞后。

    The conclusion is as follows : Under adverse circumstances in advanced productive factors and the interaction of the enterprises , competition and the interrelated industry , China ' service industry is lagging behind .

  28. 发展高级服务业的必要条件有两个:一是需要雄厚的人才基础作支持,二是需要一定的乘数效应来扩展它的辐射效应。

    There are two necessary conditions to develop advanced service industry : first , it needs the support of human resources with high quality ; second , it needs certain multiplier effect to expand its radiation effect .

  29. 中国入世后,国外高级服务业大举进入我国市场,同时带来一些与发展相关的变数,这将冲击我们基础薄弱的高级服务业和传统的第三产业。

    Following China 's entry into WTO , foreign advanced service industry hsa rushed into China with some variables relevant to development , thus affecting the advanced industry with weak foundation and the traditional third industry in China .

  30. 他提供的最昂贵单项服务是价值3800英镑的“高级服务”,包括带领客户参观其中一所学校,提供包含住宿的周末学习,以及聘请一位曾担任过牛津剑桥录取老师的教师提供私人咨询。

    His single most expensive deal is the 3800 " premier service " , which includes a guided tour of one of the universities , a residential reading weekend and private consultation with a former Oxbridge Admissions Tutor .