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  • 网络Gaozong;Gojong
  1. 你是高宗最亲信之人的后代。

    You 're the descendant of the closest subordinate of the emperor .

  2. 高宗把国玺赝品交给了太子。

    Handed over the inauthentic seal to the crown prince .

  3. 高宗死后,武则天独揽大权,成为一国之君。

    After Emperor Gaozong 's stroke , Wu ruled the country in her own right .

  4. 一年后,赵匡胤夺取政权,逼迫高宗退位。

    In the next year , Zhao Kuangyin seized power and forced Emperor Gong to abdicate in his favor .

  5. 第二章探讨徽、高宗朝的院画家情况。

    The second chapter studies the academic painters in periods of emperor Hui-Zong and emperor Gao-Zong of Song Dynasty .

  6. 《清高宗(乾隆)御制诗文全集》第二册,中国人民大学出版社,1993年,第429页。

    Literature Collection of Poems by Emperor Qianlong , Vol.2 , People 's University Publication House , 1993 , p.429 .

  7. 本部分两节,第一节探讨唐太宗、高宗、玄宗、玄宗以后诸皇帝对祥瑞之态度。

    In the first section , we try to explore the attitude of the Tang Dynasty emperor for auspicious sign .

  8. 为了维护这一体制,在高宗默许下建立起了以秦桧为主导的专制体制。

    In order to maintain this system , the acquiescence of the Emperor Qin Hui set up a dictatorial regime led .

  9. 本文想要探讨的是在南宋初期(南宋高宗及孝宗朝),文武关系起了何种变化?

    The study is to investigate the rise and fall of Civil-Military relation during the early period of the South Song Dynasty .

  10. 第1章简要论述了南宋高宗时期财政制度与政治、经济的关系,指出这是财政制度的基础与条件。

    Chapter 1 expounds the politic system and economic situation for the foundation of the financial institutions in the early Southern Song .

  11. 高宗绍兴二十年,今舟曲为福津县故城镇,辖平武、沙滩、峰贴峡寨。

    Shaoxing Gaozong two decades , this Zhouqu it for Fujin County towns , Pingwu jurisdiction , beach , Feng Chai Gap paste .

  12. 人们不敢公开问责最高责任人高宗,就拿秦桧开刀,说小秦是坏人。

    People dared not responsible for the highest public accountability Emperor , Qin Hui Take an operation that is a bad guy small Qin .

  13. 通过阻挠有才能的宰相李纲,高宗将主要的军事策略从主动防御转变成了被动防守。

    By blocking the efforts of his talented Prime Minister Ligang he reversed the dominant military strategy from one of active resistance to passive defence .

  14. 启示一:我们可以把岳飞看成一个大客户经理,他的老板是高宗,北伐是市场攻击。

    Inspiration I : Yue as we can to a large client manager , his boss is the Emperor , the Northern Expedition to attack the market .

  15. 959年,英明的宋世宗驾崩后,7岁的高宗继承了帝位。

    In 959 , following the death of Emperor Shizong who had been a wise monarch , a seven year old child succeeded to the throne as Emperor Gong .

  16. 《全韵诗》实际上是一部韵文的史籍,在清高宗进行的文化总结、思想建设中居于重要地位,值得予以重视和研究。

    As a historical work of rhyme occupying an important position in the cultural and ideological construction of the Qing emperor , the All-rhyme Poem is worthy of recognition and research .

  17. 金国不得不按时小秦同志说,如果高宗赵构同志没有能力整顿内部,他们就把两个皇帝放回来整顿。

    Qin Jin small time comrades have said that if the Emperor can not afford to rectify Zhaogou internal comrades , they had put back to straighten out the two emperors .

  18. 第一步,武则天联合王皇后打击萧淑妃,等高宗把萧淑妃废成庶人后,武则天便开始对皇后下了手。

    For the first step , Wu joined Empress Wang 's fight against Xiao Shufei , and when Xiao was deposed , Wu started her second step , which was aiming at Empress Wang .

  19. 其次对高宗朝各绘画品种反映出的创作新倾向进行了总结,分为山水画、花鸟画、风俗画、历史画、人物画等方面。

    Second , new tendencies of the painting species have been summarized in emperor Gao-Zong dynasty , which consist of landscape painting , flower and bird painting , history painting , portrait and so on .

  20. 在跟随高宗南撤的过程中,岳飞执掌着宋军的指挥权,利用女真人不善在南方多山地区作战这一特点,阻止其继续南攻。

    Retreating southward with Kao-tsung , Yue Fei assumed command of the Sung forces . He prevented the advance of the Juchen by taking advantage of their difficulty in using their cavalry in hilly South China .

  21. 近年来我国物价上涨已成为一个不争的事实,豆你玩、蒜你狠、姜你军、糖高宗等网络新词的不断涌现表明物价的持续快速上涨对居民的日常消费生活造成了重大影响。

    The inflation of prices is an indisputable fact in recent years . And the rapid rise on price of beans , garlic , ginger and sugar indicates that it has a big impact on our daily consumption .

  22. 徽宗的另一个儿子在南方重建宋廷(所以叫南宋),称高宗(1127年至1279年在位)。

    Another son of Hui-tsung , later known as Kao-tsung ( reigned 1127 ~ 62 / 63 ) , reestablished the Dynasty in the south , hence its designation as the Nan , or Southern , Song ( 1127 ~ 1279 ) .

  23. 金军穷追宋高宗不获,由江南北撤,被南宋韩世忠部拦截在黄天荡,北撤金军险遭灭顶之灾。

    As the Jin troops had failed to capture the Song emperor despite their hot pursuit , they started withdrawing to the north . But at Huangtiandang ( s < present-day Nanjing ) the withdrawing Jin troops were held up and almost crushed by the Southern Song army led by General Han Shizhong .