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hǎi nàn
  • shipwreck;perils of the sea;marine perils
海难 [hǎi nàn]
  • (1) [marine perils]∶航海时发生的各种灾难。如:船搁浅、碰撞、沉没等事故

  • (2) [perils of the sea]∶海损,货物在海运中受到的损失

海难[hǎi nàn]
  1. 详细介绍了萨拉姆98轮海难的经过及失事原因。

    Introduced " Sa Ram in detail 98 " the turn perils of the sea process and the accident reason .

  2. 试述萨拉姆98轮海难给航运(海事)带来的种种警示

    Tries to state " Sa Ram 98 " a turn perils of the sea all sorts of police who ( maritime affair ) brings for the shipping to show

  3. 他在西班牙海岸附近的一次海难中溺水身亡。

    He was drowned in a shipwreck off the coast of Spain .

  4. 遭遇海难的那对夫妻被两名渔夫救起。

    The shipwrecked couple were rescued by two fishermen .

  5. 他在到那个岛上观光后就遭遇了海难。

    He was shipwrecked after visiting the island

  6. 六岁的古巴海难幸存儿童埃利安非常幸运,美国移民局官员已将原本要遣返他的时间再次拖延

    US immigration officials have again delayed moves start repatriating six-year-old Cuban shipwreck survivor Elian Gonzalez .

  7. 英国探险家约翰爵士(StJohn)讲述了迈克唐纳离开长崎二十年后北海道附近一位外国海难幸存者的经历。

    Yet St John , the British explorer , relates a foreign shipwreck on Hokkaido justtwo decades after MacDonald left Nagasaki .

  8. 但是他们遭遇了海难,最终只留下了Pi和一只孟加拉虎在一条小船上。

    But there is a disaster at sea . Pi ends up on a small boat with a Bengal tiger .

  9. 烟台海难援救军人PTSD发生的影响因素分析

    Influencing Factors of PTSD in the Shipwreck related Military Rescuer in Yantai

  10. 《南华早报》(SouthChinaMorningPost)说,此次撞船事故是香港自1971年以来发生的最严重海难事故。当时,一艘往来香港与澳门之间的渡轮在台风中沉没。

    The South China Morning Post said the crash was the worst maritime disaster in Hong Kong since 1971 , when a ferry traveling between Hong Kong and Macau sank in a typhoon .

  11. 船载航行数据记录仪(VDR)对海难事故的分析起着决定性的意义。

    Voyage data recorder ( VDR ) has a final significant in marine accident investigating .

  12. 一些人对遭遇海难的贵妇薇奥拉(Viola),以及她为什么把自己伪装成仆人而感到困惑。

    Some were confused by the shipwrecked noblewoman Viola and her motives in disguising herself as a servant .

  13. 随着船舶海难事故的增多,1960年SOLAS公约第一次提出剩余稳性的具体准则。

    With the increasing of shipwreck , the 1960 SOLAS convention first presents residual stability of specific criteria .

  14. 据IMO统计,全球发生的海难事故绝大多数是由于安全意识不强,安全知识和技能薄弱造成的。文章就如何加强海上安全意识和技能教育进行了探讨。

    On the basis of IMO statistics , most of the global marine disasters are resulted from lack of safety consciousness , related knowledge and practical skills .

  15. 本书讲述的是一个名叫Pi的印度男孩和一只孟加拉虎经历海难之后一起在太平洋上漂流了200多天的故事。

    It tells the adventure of an Indian boy Pi , the story 's protagonist , who spends over 200 days with a Bengal tiger on a lifeboat , drifting in the Pacific Ocean , after experiencing a shipwreck .

  16. 又传来了海难的消息,就像古时一样。

    A wreck is announced - as in the old time .

  17. 灰色关联分析在海难事故中的应用研究

    Practical research on the grey incidence analysis of world maritime accidents

  18. 海难救助法律制度,古老而复杂。

    Salvage at sea is an ancient and complex legal system .

  19. 论船长订立海难救助合同的权利

    On the legal rights of the captain in making salvage contract

  20. 我在海难之前就认识她了

    She knew me before the island , before I was ...

  21. 海难救助是海商法的一项独特法律制度。

    Salvage at sea is a particular system of maritime law .

  22. 下面由杰西卡为你带来更多细节内容以及完整的海难事故。

    Jessica now has more details and the complete castaway story .

  23. 她正经受头痛之苦。遭受海难的痛苦经历

    She was suffering from a headache . the ordeal of Being shipwrecked

  24. 他遭海难困在艾奥纳孤岛上。

    He was shipwrecked off the lonely island of lona .

  25. 我们将靠上她的船,让海难救援人员上去。

    We 'll pull alongside her and put a salvage crew aboard .

  26. 我感觉自己是个遭遇海难漂流到孤岛的家伙。

    I feel like a shipwrecked fella on an island .

  27. 国家主管机关从事和控制的海难救助相关法律问题研究

    A Study on the Salvage Performed or Controlled by the Competent Authorities

  28. 行政救助使海难救助的法律关系复杂化。

    The administrative salvage makes the law relationship of salvage more complicated .

  29. 11.24海难援救军人的心理健康状况分析

    Analysis of mental health of military rescue personnel after wreck in Yantai

  30. 在城市的海难有许多旅馆。

    There are many hotels on the city 's beaches .