
  • 网络engadget;Engadget.com
  1. 瘾科技网站随后发布了脸书CEO推特账号被所谓黑客攻击后的截屏。

    Engadget posted a screengrab of the alleged hack of the Facebook chief executive 's Twitter account .

  2. 据瘾科技指出,骚尼想要通过以‘S1’命名的游戏以及多媒体设备打入平板市场,已经有两个独立的高可信度消息来源证实了这一点。

    According to Engadget , Sony is planning to enter tablet market with a media and gaming device known internally as the'S1 ' , two highly trusted and independent sources confirmed .

  3. 最近,一位所谓的苹果线人向科技博客瘾科技(Engadget)透露,iPad2受到“工程问题”的困扰,结果导致iPad2取消了高分辨率显示器和SD卡读卡器等一些原先计划的部件。

    Most recently , an alleged Apple source told Engadget that " engineering issues " plagued the iPad 2 , resulting in the loss of planned components like a sharper display and SD card reader .

  4. 《瘾科技》称,Hushme预计售价在200美元(1378元人民币)左右。

    Engadget reports that it will cost around $ 200 .

  5. 瘾科技拿到了很多此款机器的渲染图,从我们的消息源处得到了消息,这款设备将会在下个月发布,但是,价格,供货时间以及规格都不确定。

    and we have learned from our sources that it will be coming out sometime next month -- pricing and availability ( as well as hard specs ) are as of yet unknown , however .
