
  • 网络Addiction
  1. 背景:酒依赖是指长期较大量的饮酒,使机体对酒精产生心理上的嗜好与生理性瘾癖。

    Background : Alcohol dependence is a state of psychological hobby and physiogenic drug addiction after a long time intake of larger alcohol .

  2. 《瘾癖》杂志发表了一项耗时两年的研究,该研究表明减少香烟中尼古丁含量并不能帮助烟民戒烟。

    In a separate two-year study , published in the journal Addiction , reducing the level of nicotine in cigarettes was not shown to help people quit the habit .

  3. 一些孩子无法节制这种瘾癖。

    Some kids can'tcontrol the cravings .

  4. 网络瘾癖带来的源源不断的经济压力容易导致贪财、侵财型犯罪动机的产生。

    Network addictions have easily led to the continuing economic pressures by greed , motivated mainly by type of crime .

  5. 网络瘾癖对青少年的早期社会化产生消极影响,造成部分青少年社会化失控;

    Early network addictions have a negative impact to socialization of young people , causing some youngsters out of socialized control ;

  6. 网络瘾癖可引起程度不同的交往障碍,促成青少年心理和道德问题,从而引发犯罪心理;

    Internet addictions can lead to various exchanges obstacles at different degrees to adolescents psychological and ethical issues , thereby triggering criminal psychology .

  7. 若不是他平日生活严谨而有节制,我真要疑心他有服麻醉剂的瘾癖了。

    that I might have suspected him of being addicted to the use of some narcotic , had not the temperance and cleanliness of his whole life forbidden such a notion .

  8. 坚持预防为主,加强心理健康教育、重视心理治疗,对已经患上网络瘾癖症的青少年应进行综合治疗。

    We must persist in focusing on prevention and strengthen mental health education , pay attention to psychological treatment ; we should give integrated treatment to young people suffering from network addictions .
