  • the people;a member of a nationality;a person of a certain occupation;civilians
  • folk;civilian;civil
  • 以劳动群众为主体的社会基本成员:人~。~主。~国。~法。公~(在一国内有国籍,享受法律上规定的公民权利并履行公民义务的人)。国~(具有国籍的人)。

  • 指人或人群:居~。~族。

  • 劳动大众的,非官方的:~间。~歌。~谚。~风。~情。

  • 某族的人:汉~。回~。

  • 从事不同职业的人:农~。渔~。

  • 非军事的:~品。~航。

  • 同“苠”。


(人民) the people:

  • 为民服务

    serve the people


(某族的人) a member of a nationality:

  • 藏民

    a Zang;

  • 回民

    a Hui


(从事某种职业的人) a person of a certain occupation:

  • 农民

    peasant; farmer;

  • 牧民


  • 渔民

    fisherman; fisherfolk


(非军人) civilians:

  • 公民


  • 平民



(姓氏) a surname:

  • 民贵

    Min Gui


(民间的) folk:

  • 民歌演唱家



(非军事的) civilian; civil:

  • 民法典

    a civil code

  1. 民无聊赖,何以为生?

    How can the people survive without anything to live on ?

  2. 我高举那从民中所拣选的。

    I have exalted a young man from among the people .

  3. 食物供应还不足以应付饿民的需求。

    The food supplies are inadequate to meet the needs of the hungry .

  4. 一些当地人为难民们提供食品和衣服。

    Some locals offered food and clothing to the refugees

  5. 他说,公务员应该运用政府权力为民服务,而不是从中捞取好处。

    He said that public servants should use government to serve and not to cash in .

  6. 军爱民,民拥军。

    The army cherishes the people and the people support the army .

  7. 民乃国本。

    People are what a nation relies on .

  8. 决定国家政策的不是贵族,而是自由民。

    It was not the aristocrat but the yeoman who determined the nation 's policies .

  9. 玉石俱焚,民无噍类。

    The place was razed to the ground with not a single human being left alive .

  10. 民之所望是我们施政所向。

    It must follow people 's wishes in exercising governance .

  11. 这位神、就是那为我伸冤、使众民服在我以下的

    He is the God who avenges me , who subdues nations under me .

  12. 光民熟练地挥舞钉头锤加入战团。

    A lumi wields a golden morningstar with trained ease as it wades into melee .

  13. 民10:7但招聚会众的时候、们要吹号、不要吹出大声。

    When convening the assembly , however , you shall blow without sounding an alarm .

  14. 以红旗Linux4.0为操作系统平台,以维文为例,讲解民文Linux的实现方案。

    An implementation of minority language linux is explained based on red flag 4.0 operation system and in Uighur .

  15. 对中国外资领域中国民待遇问题的再思考&《TRIMS协议》下中国外资立法面临的挑战

    Reflection on National Treatment in the Area of Foreign Investment & The TRIMS ' Challenge to Chinese Legislation in Foreign Investment

  16. 民的n&}Klik91由4个部分组成:开光反应、正相电位、持续负电位和闭光反应,光强、波长及刺激时程对其各成分都有一定影响。

    ERG consist of 4 parts in the compound eyes of green lacewing - on light reaction , positive pontential , long negative pontential and off light reaction , their size and shape can be influenced by wavelength , light-intensity and stimulation time .

  17. GB18030-2000系统编码及民文处理

    The Coding of GB 18030 - 2000 System and the Word Process of Minority Characters

  18. 他不是我朋友,他是线民。

    He wasn 't my buddy , he was an informant .

  19. 马来西亚民商事管辖权制度初探

    On the System of Civil and Commercial Jurisdictional Rights of Malaysia

  20. 列宁社会主义改革思想的民本特质

    On Lenin 's Socialist Reforming Thought & " People First "

  21. 丁村聚落及其民剧形态分析

    Morphology Analysis of the Traditional Settlement and Dwelling in Ding Village

  22. 民和水氡正常动态与异常变化特征分析

    Analysis on the normal and abnormal characteristics of radon in Minhe

  23. 台湾早期移住民的史前文化述论

    On the Pre - historical Culture of Early Settlers in Taiwan

  24. 论《法国民法典》与法国大革命精神的契合与背离

    Agreement and Deviation : French Revolution Spirit and French Civil Statute

  25. 论司法为民与现代司法理念

    On Administration of Justice for People and Modern Judicial Ideas

  26. 由证明标准析附带民诉制度

    Analysis the Supplementary Civil Lawsuit Form the Angle of the Prove Standard

  27. 国以民为本,党以民为基。

    China bases on people and so does the Party .

  28. 国外民行检察公诉范围比较研究

    Comparative Study of Foreign Civil and Administrative Procuratorial Prosecution Scope

  29. 信托财产权、信托法与民法典

    Property Rights in Trust , Trust Law and Civil Code

  30. 人格权法与中国民法典的制定

    Law concerning Personal Rights and the Making of China 's Civil Code