
zì lì
  • stand on one's own feet;support oneself;earn one's own living;depend on oneself;self-reliance;self-sufficiency;self-help;independence
自立 [zì lì]
  • [depend on oneself;stand on ones own feet;support oneself] 不须他人扶助,自己独立

  • 躬耕垄亩,勤苦自立。--《宋史》

  • 足以自立。--[英]赫胥黎著、 严复译《天演论》

自立[zì lì]
  1. 我是一个诚实的人也喜欢结交诚实的朋友,我喜欢自强自立!

    I am an honest person also like becoming friends with the honestfriend , I like striving to improve support oneself !

  2. 与此同时,对高校贫困家庭学生进行有效的心理、思想教育才能使他们真正自立、自强、自信。

    - Meanwhile , it was very important to carry on the effective psychology , ideological education to make them support oneself , improve oneself .

  3. 他的父母去世后他不得不学会自立。

    When his parents died he had to learn to stand on his own two feet .

  4. 做一个单身、自立的女性好处多多。

    There were benefits to being a single independent woman .

  5. 这对父母下定决心要让两个女儿彻底自立。

    The parents were determined that the two girls should be fully self-supporting .

  6. 尽管有过各种各样的男朋友,马德琳过去和现在一直都非常自立。

    Although she had various boyfriends , Madeleine was , and remains , fiercely self-sufficient

  7. 她聪慧自立,大胆直言,对蠢人没有耐心。

    She is intelligent and self-reliant , speaking her mind and not suffering fools gladly .

  8. 她希望在经济上能够自立。

    She would like to be financially independent

  9. 驱动他们的一方面是对民主的期待,另一方面是对民族自立的渴望。

    They are driven on partly by a wish for democracy , but also by a desire for national self-assertion .

  10. 我永世难忘你为我所做的一切,但现在到了我自立的时候了。

    I will never forget all you 've done for me , but it 's time to cut the umbilical cord .

  11. 卓然自立。

    One is firmly established by oneself .

  12. 孩子们现在自立了。

    The children are now self-supporting .

  13. ONWOMEN关于女性我的许多电影中都有坚强的女主人公,她们都是勇敢自立的女性,为了自己全心全意相信的梦想义无反顾地奋斗。

    Many of my movies have strong female leads — brave , self-sufficient girls that don 't think twice about fighting for what they believe with all their heart .

  14. 他们继续倡导自立的信条。

    They continue to preach their gospel of self-reliance .

  15. 泡沫聚苯乙烯(英文简称EPS)具有超轻,耐水,不易老化,耐腐蚀,自立性强等特性;

    Expanded Polystyrene ( brief as EPS ) is a kind of materials with such properties as lightness , anti-water , anti-ageing , anti-corrosion and high self-eruption .

  16. 木文以沿山头大跨越自立式输电塔为工程背景,对不同高度多个TMD(调频质量阻尼器)对大跨越输电塔结构脉动风反应的振动控制进行了研究。

    The control for wind fluctuation 's inducing vibration of electrical transmision tower structures with long span attached with multi-round TMDs in different height is presented in this paper .

  17. 总部位于佛罗里达州的NextEra能源公司(NextEraEnergy)正在等待收购该公司的计划获得通过,而其他接收该公司电力服务的岛屿正在寻求自立,创设自己的电力合作公司。

    NextEra Energy , based in Florida , is awaiting approval to buy it , while other islands it serves are exploring defecting to form their own cooperative power companies .

  18. 以500kV同塔双回路直线自立塔为例,研究了设置不同横隔面时结构的模态以及抗风内力与变形。

    Based on the design of a 500 kV double circuit tangent suspension tower , this paper analyzes the modal shapes and internal stresses and deformations of towers with different diaphragm arrangement subjected to wind loads .

  19. 某一天,我带她们回storvassdal时,希望她们能够领会到小船的真谛自立。

    On the day I took them to storvassdal , I hoped they would somehow understand the importance of the little boat and its simple message of self-reliance .

  20. 通过与自立式楼顶钢塔比较,分析其地震作用下的动力性能。

    And analyze its dynamic behavior compared to the self-supporting method .

  21. 这表达了他们自立更生的决心。

    This expressed their determination to stand on their own feet .

  22. 自立式微波通讯塔在复合地震动作用下的随机反应分析

    Random Response Analysis for Microwave Communication Tower to Multiple Seismic Excitations

  23. 自立是冠军性格特征的重要组成部分。

    Self-reliance is a vital part of the champion 's character .

  24. 通过作家教,我锻炼了自立的能力。

    I practice self-reliance by offering instruction as a family tutor .

  25. 我们将帮助灾民自立,他说。

    We will help disaster victims become self-sustaining , he said .

  26. 伤残人士在治疗中,自助自立是个重要因素。

    Self-help is an important element in therapy for the handicapped .

  27. 你还要自立为王辖管我们吗?

    And now you also want to lord it over us ?

  28. 自立式复合重力坝体围护结构的设计与施工

    Design And Construction of Enclosure Structure For Self-Support Composite Gravity Dam

  29. 杨嘉说:我发现自己变得更加自信自立了。

    I found myself more confident and self-sufficient , said Yang .

  30. 当代大学生心理自立问卷的初步编制

    A Primary Design of Mental Self-Supporting Questionnaire of University Students