
zì shā xínɡ wéi
  • Suicide behavior;act of suicide
  1. 自杀行为患者血小板5-HT浓度

    A study of blood platelet 5-HT concentration in schizophrenics with suicide behavior

  2. 目的通过测定伴自杀行为的精神病患者血小板5-HT浓度,以探讨其5-HT功能与自杀行为的关系。

    Objectives : To study the relationship between suicidal behavior and platelet 5-HT concentration .

  3. 对自杀行为的性质持肯定态度者各项负性生活事件因子分较高(P0.05),消极应对分高(P0.01);

    Scores of life events and negative coping were high in those with affirmative attitudes towards character of suicide ( P0.05 ) .

  4. 组间率的比较采用x~2检验,组间均数的比较则采用Z检验,等级资料采用秩和检验,儿童期不良经历与其自杀行为的相关性分析则采用单因素及多因素logistic回归分析。

    Chi-square test , Z test , nonparametric test and logistic regression analysis were applied to analyze the prevalence of adverse childhood experience and suicidal behavior and its correlation .

  5. FDA表治疗示,他们将再次审核少数报告,内容包括一些服用过现今流行的治疗过敏和哮喘药物的病人的情绪变化,自杀行为和自杀案例。

    FDA said it is reviewing a handful of reports involving mood changes , suicidal behavior and suicide in patients who have taken the popular allergy and asthma drug .

  6. 脸书还宣布了在其FacebookLive直播功能中应对自杀行为的新方法;脸书已与美国多个精神健康组织合作,有自杀倾向的用户可通过脸书Messenger平台与这些组织联系。

    Facebook also announced new ways to tackle suicidal behavior on its Facebook Live broadcast tool and has partnered with several US mental health organizations to let vulnerable users contact them via its Messenger platform .

  7. 用汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD,24项)、生活事件量表(LES)及自行编制的自杀行为调查表对入组患者进行调查;

    Hamilton depression scales ( HAMD , 24 items ), life event scale ( LES ) and a self-designed register form were used in two groups .

  8. “病人不应该在未与医生商量的情况下自行停用”欣流“”,FDA在此次陈述中指出,医生应密切观察病人以防他们情绪波动和自杀行为的出现。

    Patients should not stop taking Singulair before talking to their doctor , ''FDA said in its statement , adding that doctors should monitor patients for suicidal behavior and mood changes .

  9. 精神分裂症和抑郁症伴有自杀行为的追踪病例中病程在6年内自杀死亡的比率分别为2.9%和5.6%。目的探讨精神分裂症和抑郁症患者事件相关电位(ERPs)P300的P3波异常的意义。

    The death rate of suicide in schizophrenic and depressive patients was 2.9 % and 5.6 % . Objective To explored the meanings of P 3 abnormality in schizophrenia and depression .

  10. 出售的Accutane,也叫做异维甲酸,与报道的使用者抑郁和自杀行为有关。

    Accutane , also sold generically as isotretinoin , has been linked to reports of depression and suicidal behavior among users .

  11. 在此基础上,本文对Z县的农村自杀行为进行预测,认为虽然某些传统类型的自杀行为有所减少,但新增的自杀行为数量更多,所以在近期内自杀率不会出现明显下降。

    Therefore this paper forecasts that although some traditional types of suicides have being decreased , other types of suicides are increasing . The suicide rate will not be significantly lower in the near future , and rebuilding the rural culture is the necessary measure of reducing suicides .

  12. 自杀行为的定义与问卷设计与美国疾病控制中心(CDC)青年危险行为监测系统(YRBSS)相同。

    The suicide behavior were defined and the questionnaires were designed according to youth risk behavior surveillance systems ( YRBSS ) of the Center for Disease Prevention and Control ( CDC ) .

  13. 对所得资料行单因素分析,用多基因阈值理论Falconer模式估算自杀行为的遗传率和标准误,用医学遗传数学方法中分离分析法和多基因阈值理论进行遗传方式的探讨。

    Single factor analysis was used for all the data and Falconer pattern of polygenetic threshold-value theory was used to estimate hereditary rate and standard error in suicidal behavior . Separation analysis in medical hereditary mathematic method and polygenetic threshold-value theory were applied to discuss the hereditary patterns .

  14. 最近发现了色氨酸羟化酶2(TPH2),与TPH1不同,TPH2主要存在大脑中枢系统,TPH2基因就成了许多精神障碍尤其是抑郁症、精神分裂症、自杀行为的重要的侯选基因。

    Tryptophan hydroxylase 2 ( TPH2 ), the rate-limiting enzyme in the synthesis of the neurotransmitter serotonin ( 5-HT ) is being widely discussed as a major candidate gene in many psychiatric disorders such as depression , schizophrenia , and suicidal behavior .

  15. 青少年自杀行为的家庭危险因素及其预防

    Family Risky Factors for Hobbledehoy 's Suicidal Behavior and Its Prevention

  16. 抑郁症自杀行为遗传流行病学对照研究

    A study on genetic epidemiology of suicidal behaviors in major depression

  17. 双相抑郁症患者自杀行为的遗传方式

    Genetic mode of suicidal behavior in patients with bipolar depressive disorder

  18. 西部青少年自杀行为的心理干预模式与策略

    Mental Intervention Modes and Strategies for Juvenile Suicide in West China

  19. 《史记》所记载的自杀行为和自杀事件引人注目。

    The suicides in Records of Historians have drawn wide attention .

  20. 大学生自杀行为与防治策略分析

    The Prevention Strategy Analysis and the Suicide among University Students

  21. 论大学生抑郁自杀行为与危机干预

    On students ' depression and suicide and the interference of the crises

  22. 这是西方的内战,纯粹是愚蠢的自杀行为。

    It is civil war in the West , plain suicidal foolishness .

  23. 酒精中毒和精神分裂症患者自杀行为的比较分析

    A comparison of suicidal behavior in alcoholic and schizophrenic patients

  24. 你没看到正是这种自杀行为毁了我们?

    Don 't you see that this type of action destroys us ?

  25. 抑郁症自杀行为与个性特征的关系

    Personality characteristics and suicidal behaviors in patients with major depression

  26. 大学生自杀行为分析及危机干预探究

    Analysis on the undergraduate suicide behaviors and their crisis psytocracy

  27. 转型期自杀行为的非理性因素探析

    Analyses of Irrational Factors of Suicide during Chinese Transferring Period

  28. 综合医院住院病人自杀行为的护理防范

    Nursing precaution of suicidal behavior of inpatients of general hospitals

  29. 社区精神疾病患者暴力及自杀行为的干预

    Intervention of violent and suicidal behaviour of mental patients in the community

  30. 了解自杀行为发生过程。了解自杀的有关危险因素。

    Understanding the process of suicide and its risk factors .