- 名free zone;clear space

The UK banks are understood to have much of their lending focused on the still-performing parts of Dubai World , however , including DP World and Jebel Ali Free Zone .
In fact , their creation of a kind of international free zone creates a place that could be just about anywhere .
The Knudsen number varies from 0.05 to 1.00 and covers the slip , transition , and free molecule regions .
Brief introduction of the Free Zones and Free Ports in Uruguay
From the liberties , out for the day .
Transitional Economies and Free Zones Section
The development phase is the exportation manufacture base , industry function area and regional free trading area .
The Libyans have been denied entry into the visa-free zone , set up by the Schengen agreement which includes Switzerland .
Take the free zone at Jebel Ali , a deep port in Dubai established in1985 and widely considered to be among the most successful .
This study details the qualitative results from a comparative evaluation of the separation of human serum proteins by cellulose acetate electrophoresis and free zone capillary electrophoresis .
The new treaty establishes a free trade zone .
Setting up the free-trade zone brings new possibilities to Fuzhou .
The 21 APEC economies make up 40 percent of global population , 57 percent of the world 's GDP , and 46 percent of the global trade .
Oh , by the way , the United States is abrogating the NAFTA treaty-starting now .
Chinese and Mongolian officials announced in Ulan Bator on Thursday that the two countries have agreed to officially launch a joint feasibility study on a free trade area ( FTA ) next month .
A Study on the Coopetition between WTO Rules and FTA Institutions
We are taking concrete steps to promote regional integration and put ourselves on a path over time to bring about a genuine Free Trade Area of the Asia Pacific .
We test the determinants of China and Asean FDI inflow , and conclude that China - Asean FTA FDI will have investment effect .
The proposal to turn APEC into a free trade area runs into insuperable political and technical difficulties .
The leverage of an FTAAP in 2006-07 would be much greater than that of the APEC declaration in 1993 .
However , the rules of origins for the China & ASEAN FTA still have many problems .
Different from other free trade regions , the internal compensation mechanism of CEPA should select producer compensation .
Because the favorable factor of substantive progress in the Japanese-South Korea FTA , the negotiation must reopen sooner or later without any doubt .
North America free trade area was set up with NAFTA and two side agreements as legal foundation .
With China entered the WTO and China-ASEAN free trade area being set up , the frontier trade between China and Vietnam will play an even more important role in the foreign trade between China and Vietnam .
When r 1 , and the radius of the free deformation zone is larger than that of fillet die ;
Korea-US FTA would have a negative impact on China foreign trade while the FTA improves bilateral trade cooperation and economic integration between South Korea and USA.
One member of ASEAN-Singapore 's bilateral free trade agreement gives China a good choice for the carrying out of CAFTA .
WTO holds a positive attitude towards regional integration including free trade area , and is framework consists of relatively perfect rules of trade in goods or services and preferential treatment on the members that belong to developing nations .
A Thought of the Economic Cooperation with the E.E.C.after Joining the WTO ; The process of setting up the ASEAN-China free trade zone was initiated , and our cooperation with the ASEAN countries in many fields has grown closer .