
  1. 中国收入初次分配结构及其国际比较

    Comparative Research on the Structure of Primary Distribution of Income Among China and Foreign Countries

  2. 劳动收入初次分配是国民收入初次分配的基本组成部分。

    The primary distribution of labor income is the basic component of the redistribution of national income .

  3. 信息要素具有和其他生产要素相同的参与国民收入初次分配和再分配的一般方式。

    Information element is a general way of initial and second distribution of national income like other elements .

  4. 加大财政、税收在收入初次分配和再分配中的调节作用。

    We will strengthen the role of fiscal and taxation policies in adjusting the primary and secondary distribution of income .

  5. 排除新经济自由主义思潮干扰,国民收入初次分配不能完全由市场调节;

    People must clear the confuse of new economy liberalism , national income can not be adjusted entirely by the market ;

  6. 提高劳动者在国民收入初次分配中的比重,关系到我国经济能否健康稳定发展。

    Raising workers ' income proportion in the primary distribution of the national income relates the healthy and stable development of Chinese economy .

  7. 论初次分配中效率与公平关系的统一中国收入初次分配结构及其国际比较

    Unity of Efficiency and Equity in Primary Distribution ; Comparative Research on the Structure of Primary Distribution of Income Among China and Foreign Countries

  8. 在我国国民收入初次分配中,实行了劳动力低成本政策,劳动分配率偏低。

    We practise low cost of labour force principle in the first distribution of our national income , and probability of labour distribution is low .

  9. 本文比照经济学中原有的国民收入初次分配和再次分配的理论,对信息产品导致的社会财富分配问题进行了论述。

    This thesis consults the economic theory relevant to national income 's elementary distribution and redistribution to research the distribution of wealth of society resulting from information products .

  10. 近年来,我国国民总收入初次分配增速最高者是企业,政府的增速次之,而居民收入增长较慢。

    In recent years , the highest growth rate in the initial distribution of gross national income is enterprises ' , followed by the Government 's , the residents'relatively slower .

  11. 指一个国家(或地区)所有常住单位在一定时期内收入初次分配的最终结果。

    Refers to the final result of the primary distribution of the income created by all the resident units of a country ( or a region ) during a certain period of time .

  12. 旅游业资本利润率高于为其提供中间产品行业的资本利润率。政府、企业和从业者在旅游国民收入初次分配格局中所占比例分别为16%∶68%∶16%。

    Among the first distribution structure of tourism national income , the government , enterprises and employees accounted for 16 % : 68 % : 16 % respectively . Compared with the overseas level , there appears serious disequilibrium in TNI in Hunan .

  13. 罗尔斯的平等原则对于我们理解市场交易权利的平等、机会均等原则下公平与效率的统一、以按劳分配为原则的国民收入的初次分配都有很大帮助;

    Rawls ' equal rule is helpful for us to understand the unification between the equity and the efficiency , the first distribution of national income .

  14. 鉴于此,本文从国民收入的初次分配和再分配制度出发,阐述其影响居民消费进而影响经济发展的传导路径,构建收入分配制度居民消费经济发展的理论分析框架,并进行实证检验。

    So starting from the national income distribution system , this paper constructs a frame of 〝 Distribution system - Consumer demand - Economic development 〞 in order to explain its impact on consumer demand and economic development .

  15. 非税收入参与国民收入初次分配和再分配的,属于财政资金范围。

    Non-tax revenue involved in the initial distribution and redistribution of national income , belong to the scope of financial resources .

  16. 按照国民经济生产和收入核算法,初次分配中的收入总量来源于生产,是各产业增加值的总和。

    According to production and income approach of national accounts , the total income from primary distribution comes from production , which is the sum of value-added production from the three strata of industry .

  17. 尽管我国的收入差距主要来自初次分配,但是作为调节收入分配的重要手段,社会保障由于再分配目标错位,手段单一,并没有在再分配领域发挥应有的作用。

    Although the income gap of our country mainly from the initial distribution , but as the important means to regulate the distribution of income , social security due to the redistribution of goal , means a single , and did not play its due role in repartition domain .

  18. 为缩小居民收入差距,一方面应调整国民收入初次分配结构,提高劳动报酬所占比重,另一方面要调整国民收入再次分配结构,增加居民可支配收入。

    To narrow the income gap , one should adjust the structure of the initial distribution of national income , Increase the share of labor compensation . On the other hand , adjust the structure of re-distribution and increase disposable income .

  19. 养老保险是社会保障的核心要素,养老保险制度是实施国民收入再分配的一种手段和方式,国民收入的初次分配强调效率,国民收入的再次分配则强调公平。

    Social Security old-age insurance is the core element of old-age insurance system is to implement a redistribution of national income , ways and means of national income that the initial distribution efficiency , the re-distribution of national income that is fair .

  20. 收入分配是经济学研究中的重要问题之一:国民收入中的初次分配决定了劳动收入的基本格局。

    Economics of income distribution is a core research question : the initial distribution determined the basic pattern of labor income .