
  • Cashier;checker;F&B Cashier
  1. 收银员弄错了,少找了他钱。

    The cashier made a mistake and short-changed him .

  2. 如果收银员给你多找钱了,最好还回去。shortchange=少找钱

    If a cashier gives you too much change , you 'd better give it back .

  3. 伦敦的收银员每小时工资将从原先的6.54英镑涨为7.17英镑。

    Check-out workers in London will receive £ 7.17 an hour instead of £ 6.54

  4. 商店“概不退货”的规定使得一些不老实的收银员和顾客更难以串通。

    The store 's ' no refunds ' policy makes it harder for dishonest cashiers and customers to collude .

  5. 对食品杂货零售商来说,给货物贴价签也是劳动力成本中最为昂贵的一个部分,仅次于雇佣收银员的费用。

    Next to the expense of cashiers , pricing items is one of the costliest labor costs of grocery retailers .

  6. ↓收银员给我找错钱了。

    The cashier1 gave me the wrong change .

  7. 不太需要用脑的志愿者工作包括超市收银员、司机和机器操作员。

    Jobs with low brain stimulation included supermarket cashiers , vehicle drivers and machine operators .

  8. 上菜时的服务员、付款时的收银员、送外卖的送餐员,向他们说声谢谢。-4-

    Always say “ thank you ” to waiters , cashiers and food delivery staff .

  9. 他们发现,与收银员等被动型职业相比,律师、医生等要求高、自主性也更强的从业者患痴呆症的比例少三分之一。

    They spotted3 a third fewer cases of dementia among people who had engaging jobs which involved demanding tasks and more control — such as solicitors4 and doctors , compared to adults in ' passive ' roles — such as cashiers .

  10. C收银员:一定是因为你用了这些折价券。

    Cashier : > It must have been all those coupons you were using .

  11. C收银员:是啊!一个人一星期能买的东西真是多得惊人,是吗?

    Cashier : > Yep ! It 's amazing how much someone can buy in a week , isn 't it ?

  12. 接下来收银员会询问消费者的姓名首字母,并进行复查核对,确认上传至HandsFree应用中的图片的确是消费者本人。

    Cashiers then ask for your initials and double-check that the picture uploaded to the Hands Free app actually looks like you .

  13. 但是怎样阻止Bob以经理身份登录或者Mary以收银员身份登录?

    But what prevents Bob from logging in as a manager , or Mary from logging in as a cashier ?

  14. 那是”理想“的时间因为我除了会在Target问收银员之外不再问任何人是否会觉得我能写作,而却实际磨练技艺。

    It was the " perfect time " because I had stopped asking everyone but the cashier at Target whether or not she thought I could actually write and decided to actually hone my craft .

  15. 我刚刚用ApplePay进行了人生中的“处女付”,结果一切发生太快,我都没来得及对收银员说出我排练了很久的台词。

    I had just made my first payment with Apple Pay and it happened so fast I didn 't even have time to have one of my rehearsed conversations with the clerk .

  16. HilaryWaldare在这儿当收银员!

    Hilary Waldare works here , as a cashier !

  17. 胸卡上写着戴夫(Dave)的这名收银员告诉我们,申请的第一步是口头面试。

    The cashier , whose name tag said Dave , informed us that the first part of the application was a verbal interview .

  18. 下一个意见。“为什么收银员戴着耳机啊,害我以为他是DJ”

    Shout out ! Next comment . " Why does cashier wear earphones ? I thought he was a DJ . "

  19. 这是因为员工从仓储式会员制连锁零售店好市多(CostcoWholesale)的前台收银员到服装连锁零售店盖璞(GAP)的销售助理往往就是消费者与品牌之间首要也是唯一的互动对象。

    That 's because employees from a front-end cashier at Costco Wholesale to a GAP sales associate are often a consumer 's first and only interaction with a brand .

  20. “很多收银员都有多年工作经验,并且非常热爱自己的工作,这让我亲眼目睹了敬业的重要性,”去年梅耶尔曾这样告诉《财富》(Fortune)杂志。

    " Many of the cashiers had years of experience and were very committed to their jobs , so I saw firsthand the importance of a great work ethic , " Mayer told fortune last year .

  21. 2.Atcheckout旅馆结账时一位年轻的男士申请一份超级市场收银员工作,但被告知此工作仅适合女性。

    A young man applied for a job as a supermarket checkout operator and was told it was a job for a woman .

  22. Starbucks最近开始使用一款应用程序来让客户支付货款,该应用程序访问客户帐户并生成一个屏幕条形码,收银员扫描该条形码完成付款。

    Starbucks recently began allowing customers to pay for purchases with an application that accesses the customer 's account and generates an on-screen bar code that the cashier scans to complete the payment .

  23. 格林哈尔说,图上的女人不是什么意大利贵妇,而是英格兰西北部曼彻斯特市郊外博尔顿某超市内一个名叫艾莉森(Alison)的女收银员。

    Mr. Greenhalgh says the subject was not an Italian noblewoman , but a check-out girl named Alison who worked at a supermarket in Bolton outside Manchester in northwest England .

  24. 如果他选择cashierr,他将能够以收银员的身份存储值,但是根据已经定义的策略,他不能够读取Charlie主目录中的任何文件。

    If he does so , he will be able to store values for himself as cashier , but as a result of the policy we have defined , will not be able to read any files in his home directory .

  25. 组装线上的工人重复执行一些被明确定义的任务,麦当劳的厨师、收银员和得来速(drive-thru)订餐员也同样如此。

    The assembly line worker repeatedly performs a few tasks that are specifically defined . So does the McDonald 's cook , cashier and drive-thru order taker .

  26. 虽然在一家快餐店当收银员也能获得这些技能,但如果年轻人希望成为一名时装设计师,一家优秀时装设计公司的工作经验和推荐比在麦当劳(McDonalds)的工作会更有意义。

    True , some of those skills can also be acquired as a cashier at a fast-food restaurant but if a young person wants to become a fashion designer , for instance , work experience and a reference from a good fashion design house is a lot more relevant than one from McDonalds ( MCD ) .

  27. 收银员发现后将此情况报告给了老板李某。

    After the cashier found this report to a boss Lee .

  28. 我是西南地区最快的收银员。

    I have the fastest check stand in the southwest region .

  29. 收银员笑了,把包好的游戏盘放到柜台里。

    The cashier smiled and put the package under the counter .

  30. 首先定义两个角色,收银员和经理。

    We first define two roles , cashier and manager .