
shōu suō huán
  • Contraction ring;contractile ring
  1. 四逆汤对高钾和去氧肾上腺素收缩主动脉环效应的影响

    Effect of SINI TANG on contraction of aortic rings induced by high K ~ + and phenylephrine

  2. 针对用普通硅酸盐水泥固井时早期强度低、水泥石收缩导致水泥环胶结不良及用氯化钙作为早强剂存在的一些缺点,研制了一种新型油井水泥早强剂SS&91。

    Based on the disadvantage of normal cement hardener , SS - 91 oil well cement hardener was studied .

  3. 结果:H2O2和CPA均收缩去内皮主动脉环,但H2O2触发快速短暂相位相收缩,而CPA诱导缓慢持续的张力相收缩。

    RESULTS : Both H2O2 , and CPA contracted rat aortic rings , but with different contractile patterns . H2O2 triggered a fast and phasic contraction , whereas CPA elicited a slow and sustained contraction .

  4. 在1951&1980年的30年中,五十年代环极气流收缩,六十年代环极气流扩张,七十年代以来则一直在平均值附近振动。

    During the period of 30 years from 1951 to 1980 , the circumpolar circula-tion was contracted in the 1950 's and expanded in the 1960 's.

  5. 左室射血分数代表左室整体收缩功能,二尖瓣环舒张早、晚期峰速度及两者比值代表左心室整体舒张功能。

    Left ventricular ejection fraction represented global left ventricular systolic function . Ea , Aa and Ea / Aa of mitral annulus indicated global left ventricular diastolic function .

  6. 设计了干燥收缩、自生收缩、椭圆环约束等试验手段,研究了矿物质微膨胀剂、硅灰和减缩剂对水泥基材料体积稳定性的影响及其作用机理。

    We deal with the data deleted model and the mean shift model under ellipsoidal restriction and obtain the equivalence of the diagonal statistic between the two models .