
  • 网络contraction strategy;Retrenchment strategy
  1. 麦克尤恩觉得自己的收缩战略与时代合拍。

    Mr McEwan feels his retrenchment strategy is in tune with the times .

  2. 终止经营是企业实施收缩战略的资产重组方式,企业进行收缩并非是公司经营失败的标志,而是公司发展的一项合理的战略选择。

    ( JiaShu Ge2002 ) Discontinuing operations is the assets reorganization way of the enterprise implementing the contraction strategy , the enterprise contraction is not the symbol of company bankruptcy , but is a reasonable strategic choice of corporate growth .

  3. 90年代西方企业的收缩战略及其实现手段

    Contracting strategy and realizing method of western enterprise in 90 's

  4. 他认为其它公司同样将会采取收缩战略。

    He thinks others will also have to narrow their ambitions .

  5. 企业运用资本运营可以实现低成本扩张或收缩战略,而通过多元化经营可以为企业寻求新的发展方向和实现规模经济。

    The capital transaction is a short cut to expanding or shrinking business at low cost , and the diversification can orientate new businesses and realize scale economy .

  6. 在经济恶化的情况下,英国一方面实施海外收缩战略,另一方面进一步争取美援。

    To dissolve the economic difficulty , on the one hand , Britain draws its military overseas , on the other hand , it asks America for more financial help .

  7. 随着新经济的兴起,企业界正在展开新一轮的战略调整,放弃了80年代以来的收缩战略,转而实施依靠企业的核心能力进行市场扩张的新战略。

    With the rising of the new economy , enterprises are carrying out a new round of strategic adjustment , abandoning the contracting strategy adopted from the 1980s and turning to the new expanding strategy .

  8. 在地区冲突上,苏联开始注意改善同邻国的关系,例如在第三世界实行收缩战略,缓和同美国在热点地区的冲突。

    On the regional conflict , Soviet Union starts to pay attention to the improvement with the neighboring country relations . For example , Soviet Union implements the contraction strategy in the third world and relaxes conflict with US in the hot spot area .

  9. 文章首先回顾了90年代西方企业界的主流战略思想,对收缩战略的具体实现方式进行了系统分析,剖析了90年代各种热门管理思想在整个战略体系中的基本功能。

    This paper first reviews the main strategic thinking existing in the western enterprises during the 1990s . Then it analyses the concrete means to realize the contracting strategy in systematic way . Also , it dissects the basic function of various popular management thoughts during the 1990s .

  10. 在全球经济扩张通过国际兼并重组成为主流之时,并购重组无疑是企业快速扩张、收缩的战略选择和手段,资产能有效地整合和利用决定了企业的快速兴衰与存亡。

    At the international wave of mergers sweeping times , merger is undoubtedly the enterprises strategic choices and means of rapid expansion , shrinkage . Assets effectively integrating and utilizing determines the rise and fall of the enterprise .

  11. 资产剥离作为企业资本运营的重要方式之一,体现了企业的收缩型战略,在提高存量资产效率、调整产业结构以及实现企业价值最大化等方面发挥着重要作用。

    Corporate divestiture is one of the major forms of capital-operations and reflects the corporate contracting strategy . Corporate divestiture plays an important role in advancing the efficiency of inventory assets , adjusting industrial structure and achieving the enterprise value maximize .

  12. 新孤立主义的核心是重建美国国内的政治、经济和社会秩序,减少海外政治和军事义务,停止对外经济援助,采取全球性收缩的对外战略。

    The core of neo-isolationism includes reconstructing the domestic political , economic and social order , reducing oversea political and military obligations , taking global shrinking strategy .

  13. 具体分析了:以筹资战略、投资战略、股利分配战略和快速扩张型财务战略、稳健发展型财务战略、防御收缩型财务战略为主线的财务战略管理基本内容;

    It specially analysis the basic elements of financial strategy management : funding strategy , investment strategy , dividend distribution strategy and rapid expansion , steady development , defense shrinking financial strategy which are the two main line ;

  14. 爱尔兰已采取了通过收缩实现增长的战略。

    Ireland has adopted a strategy of shrinking to grow .

  15. 并购重组是企业实施扩张或收缩的一种战略选择和手段,在当今,国际兼并资产能否有效整合和利用往往决定了一个企业的兴衰与存亡。

    Merges and acquisition is a kind of strategic choice and means for that enterprises to expand or shrink , and whether could combine and utilize the assets often determines an enterprise to rise and fall in nowadays world .