
  • 网络personalization strategy
  1. 论文在个性化策略及实现技术、系统结构方面的研究对开发新的基于Web的教学系统具有重要的实际意义。

    The research on individual strategy , realizing technology and system 's structure has significant practice meaning for developing new Web-based instruction systems .

  2. 本文还提出了帮助学生发展元认知的三个个性化策略。

    It finally presents three individual strategies which help students develop metacognition .

  3. 事务型和集成型工作类型选择编码策略,协作型和专家型工作类型选择个性化策略。

    Affairs and integrative business choose the codified strategy ; cooperative and expertise business choose the personification strategy .

  4. 并以此为基点,研究了网络广告视觉设计中一些基本策略:互动性策略、个性化策略、牵引策略等。

    And thus the starting point of the visual design of online advertising some basic strategies : interactive strategy , individual strategy , traction strategies .

  5. 另外,更复杂的个性化定价策略可以利用你的智能手机的定位功能,追踪到你在商店中的位置。

    Other , more sophisticated personal pricing programs can keep track of where you are in the store , using your smart phone 's GPS feature .

  6. 基于CRM提升客户价值的个性化营销策略

    Individuation Marketing Strategy of Promoting Customer 's Value Based-on CRM

  7. 小学美术个性化教学策略研究

    Strategy Study on the Fine Arts Individualizing Teaching in the Elementary School

  8. 语文个性化教学策略初探

    A Preliminary Study of the Individualized Teaching Strategies for the Chinese Language

  9. 中国饭店业的现状与个性化服务策略初探

    The Actual States of Hotels in China and The Discussion On Personalizing Service

  10. 基于客户关系管理的网络出版中的个性化定制策略

    Individualization of Web Publishing Based on Customer Relationship Management

  11. 试论古诗文的个性化教学策略

    Individualizing Teaching Tactics of Ancient Style Poems and Articles

  12. 目的探讨泌乳素分泌型垂体腺瘤的诊断和规范化、个性化治疗策略。

    Objective To achieve the standardized and individual strategies to diagnose and therapy prolactinoma .

  13. 环绕智能环境下个性化服务策略与算法研究

    Personalized Service Strategy and Algorithm in Ambient Intelligence

  14. 数字图书馆的个性化推荐策略

    Personalized Recommendation Strategy of Digital Library

  15. 针对用户行为的刻画与兴趣获取、相似用户查找、个性化推荐策略、和社区自组织等问题,进行了分析和研究。

    It pays more attention to the portray of user behaviors , obtaining of interest , searching of similar users , individual recommender strategy , community self-organization .

  16. 当前电子商务营销中,推行提升客户价值的个性化营销策略。

    Top 50 CIO in China : Value of IT In electronic commerce marketing , pushing individuation marketing strategy to promote customer , s value is important .

  17. 指出网络环境下个性化协同策略能够在内容结构和主体参与上提供较好的行为指导。

    The thesis summarizes and points out that the personalized collaborative strategy will be able to provide a better action guidance on the main structure and subjective participation .

  18. 但是其译本在中国却饱受批评,她的个性化翻译策略成为众矢之的。

    However , All Men Are Brothers has been widely criticized by translation critics in China . Her individualistic translation strategies have become the target of public criticism .

  19. 以体验为主题的产品策略有多种类型,包括情感体验策略、个性化体验策略、绿色体验策略、可靠性体验策略等。

    The product strategies based on the theme of experience include many types : sensibility experience strategy , individuation experience strategy , green experience strategy , and reliability experience strategy .

  20. 面向推荐产品的个性化价格策略建模与优化:提出了消费者实时性和多阶段性在线购买决策的建模方法,构建了在线动态捆绑定价模型,设计了基于启发式算法的模型求解方法。

    We propose a modeling method for the real-time and multi-stage online purchase decisions , construct an online dynamic bundle pricing ( ODBP ) model , and design a solution methodology employing a heuristic method .

  21. 本论文把用户兴趣模型和STC聚类算法相结合,提出了改进的STC算法,并提出个性化推荐的策略和兴趣描述更新的方法,实现了一个基于搜索结果的个性化推荐系统(SRPRS)。

    An improved STC algorithm is put forward in this paper by combining user-interest model with STC clustering algorithm . In addition , a policy of personalization recommendation and a method of updating user-interest profile are also proposed at the same time .

  22. 信息时代开展个性化信息服务策略

    The Strategy of Undertaking Individual Information Service in the Information Age

  23. 高校图书馆网上个性化信息服务策略

    Recommended Tactics for Individualized Online Information Service by University Libraries

  24. 医学研究生信息需求分析及个性化信息服务策略探析

    Analysis on the Information Demands of Medicinal Graduates and the Individualized Information Service

  25. 浅谈饭店个性化经营管理策略

    Individualized Operation Strategy for Hotel

  26. 网络环境下医学生信息需求分析及个性化信息服务策略研究

    The Analysis on the Information Demand of Medical Students and the Research on the Individualized Information Service Tactics under the Network Environment

  27. 系统能够通过机器学习动态了解学生的学习水平与学习偏好,从而生成个性化的教学策略。

    The system can use machine learning to know learner 's knowledge level and preferences , thus can give individualize instructional strategy .

  28. 当代饭店的个性化经营管理策略应当全面规划,长期坚持,使饭店长期受益,在竞争中保持优势。

    Individualized management should be overall planning and long-term persisting to make hotels benefit for a long time and hold on a dominant position in competition .

  29. 因此,在信息技术课程中,教师应尊重并利用学生的个别差异,采用适合学生的多样化、个性化的教学策略及评价方法,激发学生的学习动机,实现教学最优化。

    So the teachers should use individual teaching strategies to inspire students ' incentive motivation and achieve the best teaching effect according to the students ' differences .

  30. 此外,选择、组合、改进恰当的教学策略或结合多元智能理论开发个性化的教学策略,并进行深入的个案研究也是今后应当努力的方向。

    In addition , choosing 、 combing and improving appropriate instructional strategy or integrating multiple intelligences to develop individual instructional strategy and carrying on in-depth case study is also the way of further studying .