
  • 网络Job Evaluation;position evaluation
  1. XX市国家税务局岗位评估价值要素内在结构的研究

    Studies of the Internal Structure of Compensable Factors of XX National Revenue 's Job Evaluation System

  2. 价值要素的设计是岗位评估的基础,要素选择是否得当,直接决定了岗位评估的效果。

    Selecting correct compensable factors is the foundation of job evaluation tool .

  3. 阐述了环境监测系统岗位评估体系的制定原则和设置思路。

    The principles of environmental monitoring post evaluation system was discussed .

  4. 岗位评估在勘察设计企业人力资源管理中的运用

    Operation of Post Valuation in Human Resource of Survey and Design Enterprises

  5. 岗位评估常用的方法有哪些?

    How many method has the position-evaluation in common use ?

  6. 岗位评估是企业或组织制订薪酬制度的基础。

    The pivotal pont in the establishment of compensation system is job evaluation .

  7. 基于海氏系统法的物流企业岗位评估系统构建研究

    The Research on Form Job Evaluation of Logistics Enterprises Based on Hays Systematic Law

  8. 岗位评估技术在现代企业的运用

    The Application of Position-evaluation in Modern Enterprise

  9. 图书馆岗位评估模型初探

    A Basic Exploration of Library Job-evaluation Models

  10. 环境监测系统岗位评估体系研究

    Environmental Monitoring Post Evaluation System Study

  11. 同时,由于这些价值要素是由员工所选的,从而增加员工对岗位评估体系的接受程度。

    In this method , it increases the degree of acceptance of the job evaluation tool .

  12. 在此基础上,构建了一个较为科学的、适应物流企业特点的基于海氏系统法基础上的物流岗位评估系统。

    On this foundation , it built a scientific and suitable Job Evaluation with Hay-MST analysis to enterprise system .

  13. 此外,直线经理在沟通过程中和工作分析过程中参与的越多,岗位评估结果的可信度和准确度就越高。

    Furthermore , the more involvement in communication and work analysis of line managers the more credible and accurate job evaluation result is .

  14. 然后在工作分析的基础上,采用统计分析法对岗位评估要素进行定量分析,建立岗位评估要素体系。

    Then experts adopt statistics and analyzing methods to takes the gauge of the post , establishing the main factor system of post .

  15. 岗位评估是现代企业薪酬体系设计的重要步骤之一,那么到底什么是岗位评估呢?

    Position-evaluation is one of the important step for designing compensation system of modern business enterprise , so go down to bedrock what is position-evaluation ?

  16. 第二部分综述了相关理论与方法,主要包含岗位评估相关理论,薪酬理论,知识型员工理论等。

    Part II reviews the theories and methods , mainly including the theory of job evaluation , pay theory , theory and other knowledge workers .

  17. 通过岗位评估,可以构建起组织内部的职级体系,为公务员的职业发展通道的设计提供基础依据。

    Through position evaluation , we can build up a position system within an organization , which provides a ground for the government officials ' career advancement channels .

  18. 组织采用岗位评估方案时需要决定价值要素,即决定组织根据什么因素付酬。

    An organization use a job evaluation tool to make decision of compensable factors , that is , what kind of factors should be considered as payment factors .

  19. 将薪酬与人才市场价格接轨;建立岗位评估体系;加大与业绩挂钩的浮动工资比例,同时建立有效的业绩管理体系。

    The salary system should be in line with the market level . Company should establish a job evaluation system , and increase the portion of variable merit pay .

  20. 岗位评估的基础方法建立起来后,企业如何选择和建立一个适合本企业的岗位评估方法以及系统化的运用方案便成了问题的关键。

    After establishing the basis method of position-evaluation , it is key problem how to select and establish a position-evaluation method suiting this business enterprise and systematical application project in business enterprise .

  21. 第四部分是基于改进海氏评价法的薪酬体系设计,重点介绍了以改进海氏评价法为岗位评估下的整个知识型员工的薪酬设计。

    Part V describes the Hay evaluation based on improved pay system design , highlighted the Hay evaluation method to improve the assessment of the status of the knowledge-based pay structure of employees .

  22. 了解目标人群认可程度较高的价值要素,可结合组织实际情况,制订岗位评估工具,指导岗位评估工作的开展。

    It is helpful that fully understanding of compensable factors with high degrees of approval can formulate a job evaluation tool as a guide in accordance with the whole situation of an organization .

  23. 本文对岗位评估、直线经理参与人力资源管理活动等主要概念进行了文献回顾,在此基础上提出了本文的理论模型。

    In this thesis , the theoretical model is proposed based on the literature review towards job evaluation , business line managers ' participation in human resource management activities and other major concepts .

  24. 岗位评估是在岗位分析的基础上,对岗位的责任大小、工作强度、所需资格条件等特性进行评价,以确定岗位相对价值的过程。

    Job Evaluation is a course of making sure the relative value of position . It analyzed the responsibility , labor intension and qualification of the position on the basis of position analysis .

  25. 采用此方法,需要做好岗位评估体系的设计工作,做好评估指标的选取、指标权重的设置和因素分级。

    In order to achieve the design work , the selection of evaluation indexes , the setting of weights of these indexes , and the division of grades of factors should be well done .

  26. 在进行岗位评估时,选择了因素计点法作为评估方法。选择评估因素时,采用的德尔菲法,然后,使用层次分析法解决了因素权重确定的难题。

    For this program , we take point-method to conduct the job-evaluation work , use Delphi-mehtod to select evaluation factors , and adopt Analytical Hierarchy Process method to allocate the weights the weights to very factor .

  27. 另外从岗位评估的运用步骤、组织方式、与工资等级的接口转换以及方案的日常维护更新四个方面来介绍了岗位评估的设计运用问题。

    Another from the application step and organizing the way of position-evaluation , renewed four aspects with usual maintenance for converting and project of connecting of wages grade to introduce the design and application problem of position-evaluation .

  28. 本文结尾通过对该评估方案进行实例应用验证,显示了基于海氏指导法基础上的物流岗位评估系统是一套符合物流企业评估需求的,科学、有效的评估系统。

    At the end of this paper , it validated the actual examples of evaluation precept . This showed the logistics job evaluation with Hays Systematic Law was a scientific and effective evaluation system that is right for the needs of logistics enterprise evaluation .

  29. 六是采取了岗位要素评估中的R值修正,可以与结合客观情况修正R值,具有准确性的特点。

    Sixth , to adopt the R-value correction in the assessment of job elements can be combined with the objective to amend the R value , the accuracy characteristics .

  30. 最后,提出了薪酬体系改善的设计目标、原则和具体措施,并根据3P薪酬理论,经过岗位价值评估、业绩评价和能力等级鉴定等环节,设计改善了A公司的薪酬体系。

    At last , the dissertation gives the goals , guiding principle and detail measures through , job evaluation , performance evaluation and the determination of ability . And designs the better compensation system based on the 3P compensation theory .