
  • 网络balance;equilibrium;balance point;equilibrium point;break-even point
  1. 争取在eager和lazy装载策略之间找到恰当的平衡点

    Strive for the right balance between eager and lazy loading strategies

  2. 模型辨识在飞行模拟逼真度方面的应用这样构建的等级式多Agent系统可以在计算开销、建模难度与模拟逼真度之间取得平衡点,得到较为理想的仿真结果。

    The ranked multi-agent-based simulation framework can balance the overhead of computation , the difficulty of modeling and the fidelity of simulation , and achieves the ideal result of simulation .

  3. 固体和液体的平衡点叫做冰点。

    The point at which the solid and the liquid are in equilibrium is called the freezing point .

  4. 股票在震荡中进一步下跌,直到股价达到某个新的平衡点。

    Stocks seesawed ever lower until prices found some new level of equilibrium

  5. “这是分享和获得好评之间的平衡点,同时也能打击剽窃行为,”丹麦夏洛腾隆国家水产资源研究秘书处的项目协调人伊福·格里戈罗夫说道。

    This is the sweet spot between sharing and getting credit for it , " This is the sweet spot between sharing and getting credit for it , while discouraging plagiarism . " says Ivo Grigorov , a project coordinator at the National Institute of Aquatic Resources Research Secretariat in Charlottenlund , Denmark .

  6. 当R(ψ)>1时,无病平衡点不稳定,同时得到了地方病平衡点稳定性的充分条件。

    An explicit sufficient condition for the stability of endemic equilibrium is obtained .

  7. Nash平衡点的存在性和通有稳定性

    The Existence and Generic Stability of Nash Equilibria

  8. ANN网络的动力模型基本问题是:1.平衡点存在性;

    The fundamental problems of the ANN dynamic models are the following : 1 . the existence of equilibrium ;

  9. 应用Lyapunov泛函法,给出了平衡点渐近稳定的充分条件。

    The sufficient condition of the asymptotic stability of equilibrium point is obtained by use of Lyapunov functional .

  10. 本文给出了一个新的Nash平衡点的存在定理。

    In this paper , a new existence theorem of Nash equilibrium points is given .

  11. 本文主要讨论了较弱条件下的n人非合作对策的Nash平衡点的存在性和通有稳定性。

    In this thesis , we mainly discuss the existence and generic stability of Nash equilibria for n-person non-cooperative games under weaker conditions .

  12. 首先,给出了H-空间下的Nash平衡点的一个存在性定理;

    Firstly , we obtain an existence theorem of Nash equilibria for n-person non-cooperative games in H-spaces .

  13. 运用Jury稳定判定标准给出了保证被控ATM网络在平衡点附近稳定的条件。

    Using the Jury stability standard gives the conditions for stability of the controlled ATM system around its desired operating point .

  14. 一类多目标非线性Hopfield网络稳定平衡点的最优性证明

    Proof of optimality of a kind of multiobjective nonlinear Hopfield neural network ′ s stable equilibrium point

  15. 控制Lorenz混沌系统到平衡点

    Controlling Lorenz Chaotic System to Equilibrium Points

  16. Schauder不动点定理与Nash平衡点的存在性

    Schauder fixed point theorem and the existence of Nash equilibrium

  17. 在JIT调试过程中,在某一个特定的平衡点上可以找到一个性能可接受的解决方案。

    At certain point during a JIT debugging procedure a workaround can be reached that gives acceptable performance .

  18. 对于Farmer网络模型,用Lyapunov稳定性理论研究其稳定性,得出其正平衡点稳定及吸引的充分条件。

    As to the farmer network model , its stability and attractability of equilibriums are studied using Lyapunov function and the sufficiency condition is deduced .

  19. 利用Lyapunov函数方法讨论了该模型平衡点的全局稳定性.并从这些讨论中获得了4个阈值。

    The global asymptotical stability of the model is discussed by means of Lyapunov function , and four thresholds are obtained from these discussions .

  20. 对于单态的内部表现型平衡点,ESS不再是其稳定的充分必要条件。

    ESS isn 't the necessary and sufficient conditions of the stability of monomorphic interior phenotypic equilibria .

  21. 在仿真计算中,首次将压缩映射遗传算法应用到了搜索TH神经网络的平衡点(二次型的最优值)上。

    Finally the paper applies the contractive mapping genetic algorithm to search the equilibrium point of TH neural network in a quadratic programming computing for the first time .

  22. 对于多态的表现型平衡点,我们更明确地证明了在一定条件下稳定的平衡点并非ESS。

    On Equilibrium Management Furthermore , a stable polymorphic phenotypic equilibrium isn 't an ESS under some conditions .

  23. 研究一类Hopfield型神经网络的平衡点的存在性、唯一性和全局稳定性。

    An analysis is made of the existence , uniqueness and globally asymptotical stability of the equilibrium point of Hopfield neural networks .

  24. 通过参数的调整与优化,该算法可以保证实时业务的QoS要求,并且可以在减少实时业务分组时延和增大非实时业务吞吐量之间寻找最佳的平衡点。即尽可能的优化系统吞吐量。

    Through the adjustment and optimization of the parameter , the proposed algorithm can guarantee the QoS of the real-time service and maximize the system capacity at the same time .

  25. 通过求Floquet指数讨论了零平衡点邻域的稳定性问题。

    Stability close to the null equilibrium point is discussed by the Floquet exponent .

  26. 对一类非线性系统进行简化处理,将系统在平衡点处进行线性处理,在此基础上提出了一种基于模糊控制与改进型PID控制的混合控制算法。

    This paper is devoted to discussion of a new control method based on the combination of fuzzy control and improved PID control , after simplifying the non-linear systems at its equilibrium point .

  27. 此外,若R0>1,则会产生唯一的地方病平衡点和引起振荡现象的Hopf分支。

    On the other hand , if R_0 > 1 it is shown that a unique endemic equilibrium appears and a Hopf bifurcation can occur which causes oscillatory phenomena .

  28. 并将已有模型一般化,讨论了具有线性收获率的一般功能性反应模型,通过构造Lyapunov函数,得到了模型的唯一正平衡点全局稳定的结论。

    Then this paper studies the general functional response model with linear harvesting , by constructing Lyapunov function and concludes that the unique positive equilibrium is globally stable .

  29. 如果仅依赖于参数的再生数R0<1,系统的稳定性分析表明非零疾病消除平衡点是全局渐近稳定的。

    Stability analysis of the model shows that the non-zero disease-free equilibrium is globally-asymptotically stable if a certain threshold quantity , reproduction number ( Mo ), which depends solely on parameters , is less than unity .

  30. 分析发现系统平衡点通过Hopf分岔产生周期振荡现象,并进一步由倍周期分岔导致混沌。

    Analysis showed that the equilibrium point would change to periodical solution by Hopf bifurcation , and further to chaotic solution from period-doubling bifurcation .