
  • 网络Parallel Study;Parallelism
  1. 下篇:昆德拉在中国的平行研究。

    Part 2 : The parallel study of Kundera in china .

  2. 比较文学平行研究功能模式新论

    New Outlook on Modes of Parallel Study in Comparative Literature

  3. 方法:用随机、双盲、平行研究,共入选88例患者,试验组和对照组各44例。

    METHODS : A randomized , double-blind , parallel study was conducted .

  4. 郝思佳与王熙凤的平行研究

    Parallel Study of Scarlett O ' Hara and Wang Xifeng

  5. 第一章主要介绍了本文所用的理论和研究方法,包括萨特的存在主义理论和平行研究方法。

    Chapter one is a theoretical introduction , including existentialism and parallel studies .

  6. 韩国新电影与中国电影新生代的平行研究

    Horizontal Comparison between " New Korean Films " and " Neo-generation " of Chinese Films

  7. 这为我们提供了对两者进行平行研究的必要前提。

    It can be the indispensable precondition which we can make comparative research towards them .

  8. 平行研究和影响研究都不应偏废,中古佛经翻译文学给予武侠文学以实质性的多重影响。

    The translated literature of the middle-ancient Buddhist sutra affects deeply the dramatic romances literature .

  9. 关于平行研究平行进口问题探析

    On Parallel Import On Parallel Study

  10. 随机双盲平行研究;

    Randomized double-blind parallel study ;

  11. 通过比较文学主题学的平行研究,可以拓宽对二位作家作品的认识。

    Through parallel comparative literature theme study , its readers may broaden the understanding of the two works .

  12. 本文拟从小说文体入手,对19世纪以前的中西游历小说展开文类学的平行研究。

    Starting with this , My thesis intend to do some analogy studies of china-west traveling novels before19th century .

  13. 本文使用比较文学的两个主要方法影响研究和平行研究对这两部作品进行影响比较。

    Two methods of literary comparison-influence study and parallel study-are employed to make a comparative research on the two works .

  14. 最后采用水文模拟法作平行研究,即以新安江模型理论为基础,从流域水资源合理配置的角度出发,按照不同的下垫面分别采用不同的产流计算方法,建立流域降雨径流模型。

    In final , the Xin'an river precipitation-runoff model was used to simulate the stream flow according to different underlying surface .

  15. 本论文即以此为切入点,采用平行研究的方法,对中西古典悲剧不同的审美风貌作了分析比较。

    The thesis starts with this point , adopting a way of parallel study and comparing the aesthetic features of these two tragedies .

  16. 第二章与第三章运用了平行研究的方法,分别从理论与创作两个方面对中日无产阶级诗歌发展中所呈现出的异同点及其原因进了分析。

    From two aspects of theory and creation , the paper analyzes the similarities and differences shown in the development of Sino-Japanese proletarian poetry .

  17. 论述比较文学又一研究方法&平行研究的概念、方式、范围、内容、种类和研究的可比性及文学性原则。

    The essay discusses another research method of comparative literature & concept , pattern , content , kinds , comparability of research and literature rules .

  18. 探讨方平的语际书写尤其是比较文学平行研究上的实践和追求对中国比较文学的发展所做出的贡献。

    It aims to explore the contribution of Ping Fang 's interlingual writing especially his comparative studies to the development of comparative literature in China .

  19. 在比较过程中,兼顾了比较研究的影响研究和平行研究,力求准确、客观和公正。

    During the comparison , inter-influence study and parallel study of the comparative study are both executed in order to be correct , objective and just .

  20. 对《西游记》与莎士比亚的剧本《哈姆雷特》进行平行研究,有助于理解中西文化的某些差异。

    It 's helpful to comprehend the cultural difference between China and the West with parallel studies by comparing Pilgrimage to the West to Shakespeare 's Hamlet .

  21. 本文将从西方马克思主义的代表人物马尔库塞的异化理论出发对这两部作品进行平行研究,分析异化在这两部作品中的表现。

    This thesis conducts parallel study of these two novel mainly based on the alienation theory of Herbert Marcuse , one of the representatives of Western Marxists .

  22. 其它的平行研究尽管对食物配方进行了调整,但凡是高胆固醇水平的动物仍然出现相近的症状。

    Parallel studies of mice with existing elevated cholesterol levels revealed similar signs of memory loss and neuroinflammatory responses regardless of the type of diet they were on .

  23. 比较文学的四大研究领域:文学影响研究、文学变异研究、平行研究和总体文学研究。

    The basic principle is crossing , and the four parts are respectively the study of literary influence , the study of literary variation , parallel study , and general literary study .

  24. 本论文对胡适和金佑镇的社会问题剧采用影响研究和平行研究方法考察了中韩两国第一部社会问题剧的接受与创作。

    This paper studies the writers ' reception and creation of the social problem drama in the light of parallel approach and influential approach tries to find the innate relationship between their aims .

  25. 本文从接受理论与平行研究的角度,在关系这一概念范畴内,探讨了昆德拉与中国文学的关系。

    The article use the reception theory and the method of parallel study to go into the relation of Milan Kundera and Chinese literature in the scope of the " relation " concept .

  26. 通过对两类电磁场的平行研究,证明不同细胞对电磁场的敏感性不同,而同一种细胞对不同电磁场的反应不同。

    By conducting a parallel proteomics study on ELF MF and RF EMF , we conclude that different cells react differently to EMF , and the same cell type has different response to different frequency of EMF .

  27. 比较文学第一阶段以影响研究为主,第二阶段以平行研究为主,在全球化的今天,比较文学进入了第三阶段。

    The first stage of comparative literature focused on influence research . The second stage was mainly on parallel research , and now the comparative literature study is going into its third stage under the circumstance of globalization .

  28. 本文运用平行研究的方法就这两个孤独者形象进行对比,他们的对比体现了18世纪到20世纪西方资本主义文明的变迁。

    This text makes use of the method of parallel research to carry on the contrast of these two images , their contrast embodies the change of the western capitalism civilization of from 18th century to 20th century .

  29. 他主要运用平行研究方法分析跨国家、跨民族、跨语言的文学现象,试图寻找其中的规律,表现出开阔的文化视野。

    He used parallel research approaches to analyze the literature phenomenon of cross-nation , cross-country , and cross-language mainly , and attempted to find the law among them . All that he did demonstrates the open culture vision .

  30. 对这两者关系的研究,过去虽然论述很多,但多不全面并局限于具体细微的影响研究或是一对一的平行研究,少有综合全面的论述。

    There have been lots of comments on the relationship between Latin-American Magic-Realism and Chinese literature in the past , but most of them are not very comprehensive and are mainly focused on the specific influence studies or parallel studies .