
  • 网络Apricot
  1. 本文采用优化综合评价系数法,对北京市密云县东关大队杏园主栽品种串枝红杏,在不同修剪强度下的幼树1a生枝修剪反应进行了综合分析研究。

    In this Paper , the comprehensive optimum appraisal coefficient method is used to study the response of annual shoot of young apricot trees to pruning of various intensities .

  2. 红杏经过多年的发展,我们立足上饶,专业销售及加盟众多中外优秀品牌,经营的产品种类更加齐全。

    After many years'development , the red apricot stands in shangrao , professionally selling and aligning itself with large number of excellent brands both in china and abroad .

  3. 系统分析了串枝红杏果实生长动态及发育过程中维生素C、有机酸、可溶性糖的变化规律。

    This paper studied the growth curve and content variation of Vitamine C , organic acid and soluble sugar , which in the Chuanzhihong apricot fruit during the process of fruit development .

  4. 借此,叶红杏将中国当代艺术的新兴主题概念化了。

    By doing so , the artist conceptualizes a burgeoning theme in contemporary Chinese art .

  5. 一枝红杏引来春色满园&喜见开发区促进当地经济发展之硕果

    Development Zones Promote Local Economic Growth

  6. 利用反渗透技术对几种果蔬汁(黄瓜、芹菜、胡萝卜、枸杞子、红杏)的浓缩处理进行实验与分析。

    Experiments and analyses were carried out on the concentration of several fruit and vegetable juices ( cucumber , celery , carrot , Chinese wolfberry , red apricot ) by reverse osmosis .

  7. 想那“红杏枝头春意闹”固然热烈,可是一个“闹”字也让人感到一种压力,好像一切都快要来不及了。

    Think that " Spring Awakens Apricot Branches " is certainly warm , but a " downtown " character also makes people feel a pressure , as if all will soon be too late .

  8. 她就像年轻人一样急切地捧出了一枝报春的红杏&《杜晚香》,忘情地投入新的生活和创作。

    She was fully involved in the new life and the refreshed career , hastening to publish her new piece of work , Du Wan Xiang , like an apricot flower reminding people of the coming spring .