
Měi ɡuó xué pài
  • the American School
  1. 后现代语境:重提法国学派和美国学派

    Postmodern Contexts : Reconsidering French School and American School

  2. 结构主义是20世纪语言学的主要理论,它由三个主要的学派组成:布拉格学派、哥本哈根和美国学派。

    Structuralism is an important theory in the development of the twentieth-century linguistics . It consists of three main schools .

  3. 论述比较文学学科自“法国学派”和“美国学派”以来的几次危机及其成因。

    The author discusses some key crises and their causes since the introduction of French School and American School in comparative literature .

  4. 在20世纪西方诗学的语言学转向的背景中,美国学派以一种世界主义的视角标举无事实联系的美学研究,扩大了比较文学的研究对象和研究范围。

    In the setting of'linguistic turn ' in the field of western poetics in the 20th century , American School introduced , in view of cosmopolitism , the aesthetical method of study , which expanded the object and the range of comparative literature studies .

  5. 试论传播学视野中的美国芝加哥学派

    American Chicago School from the View of Communication Science

  6. 评美国主流学派之美日同盟观

    An Analysis of the View of American Major Schools on the U. S. - Japan Ally

  7. 表演理论是由美国民俗学派在二十世纪六、七十年代提出的重要理论。

    Performance Theory has been put forward by American folklore between sixtieth and seventieth in twenty century .

  8. 媒介环境学派是继美国经验学派、欧洲批判学派之后兴起的第三大传播学派。

    The school of Media Ecology is the third rising theory group of media and communication studies after the Empirical and the Critical .

  9. 因而在建筑方面,美国芝加哥学派的路易斯·沙利文提出了形式追随功能的口号,促成了现代功能主义的发展。

    In the aspect of modern architecture , " Form follows Function " by Louis Sullivan of American Chicago School triggered the development of modern functionalism .

  10. 美国传播学派把文化区域特征归结为地理性的文化中心,即文化在这些中心滥觞然后向周边流传。

    The American diffusionists attributed the characteristic features of a culture area to a geographical culture center , where the traits were first developed and from which they then diffused outward .

  11. 诞生于19世纪末的美国芝加哥学派,是对美国社会生活和思想文化影响最大的哲学学派,它的众多理论研究不仅在世界社会学史上独树一帜,而且对传播学也不无教益。

    Emerging at the end of the 19th century , the Chicago School has become the most influential school of philosophy owing to its ingenious and voluminous researches in world sociological history and its contribution to communication science .

  12. 美国描写语言学派与转换生成学派的语言观和方法比较

    Comparison on Language Concept and Linguistic Methods between Structural Linguistics and TG

  13. 布龙菲尔德是美国描写语言学派的代表人物。

    Leonard Bloomfield is the representative figure of American discriptivists .

  14. 句法分析:从美国结构主义学派到转换生成语法学派

    On the School of Thought . Approaches to syntax from structuralists to generativists

  15. 首先,基于美国新制度学派理论提出了本文的研究框架。

    Firstly , the research framework has been proposed base on theory of American New-institutional School .

  16. 二战后,美国法学各学派的繁荣发展支持了功能比较在德国的复兴。

    Nevertheless , the advanced Jurisprudence in America backed up the revival of functional comparison in Germany after the war .

  17. 本文的研究使用话语分析的理论和方法,包括美国会话分析学派、英国伯明翰学派等的研究成果,结合言语行为理论,描写分析现代汉语引发句。

    The research of this paper learns from the theory and method of Discourse analysis . It includes the research findings of The United States of America conversation analysis school and the Bermingham School . It combined with the theory of speech acts .

  18. 詹姆斯·W.凯瑞作为美国传播学文化学派的代表人物之一,他提出的传播仪式观是文化取向传播理论研究中的关键理论。

    As one of the prominent representatives of American communicational culture study , James W. Carey puts forward the ritual view of communication , which is the key theory in communication theory of cultural orientation .

  19. 吉罗克斯作为美国当代激进教育学派和后现代教育的代表人物,其思想继承了早期美国激进主义教育的特征,其中不乏许多激进的、批判的观点和理论。

    As a representative figure in contemporary radical education and postmodern education of the USA , Giroux has lots of opinions on education , a number of which are radical and critical .

  20. 该理论是美国经济分析法学派提出的一种新的违约理论,其出发点仍是违约,但是其中引入了经济学中的效益概念。

    This theory is a new one of breach brought up by the scholars of economic analyzing of law in America . It is still based on breach , but it contains the idea of efficiency in economics .

  21. 卡多佐法官是美国伟大的上诉法院法官,也是二十世纪美国社会学法学派的重要代表人物。

    Cardozo was a great common law judge of the New York State Court of Appeals , and one of important legal theorists of the American sociological jurisprudence school .

  22. 米德是美国著名的女性人类学家之一,她与本尼迪克特一起创立了美国的文化心理学学派。

    Margaret Mead , one of the most well-known women anthropologists in USA , established with Benedict the School of Cultural Psychology .