
  • 网络NSC;national security council;National Safety Council
  1. 美国国家安全委员会(NationalSecurityCouncil)网络事件响应(CyberIncidentResponse)前主任安东尼?费兰特(AnthonyFerrante)表示:“周一上午,当人们上班后,我们可能会看到一些活动。”

    Anthony Ferrante , a former director for Cyber Incident Response at the US National Security Council , said : " We could see activity on Monday morning when people show up for work . "

  2. 那里指明,收信人中还包括美国国家安全委员会(NationalSecurityCouncil)网络安全协调员J·迈克尔·丹尼尔(J.MichaelDaniel)、美国副贸易代表罗伯特·霍利曼(RobertHolleyman)、美国知识产权执法协调员的幕僚长亚历克斯·尼杰洛(AlexNiejelow)。

    Noted as receiving copies were J. Michael Daniel , the cybersecurity coordinator at the National Security Council ; Robert Holleyman , the deputy United States trade representative ; and Alex Niejelow , the chief of staff to the United States intellectual property enforcement coordinator .

  3. 美国国家安全委员会和五角大楼的争斗愈演愈烈。

    Turf wars blazed with the NSC and the Pentagon .

  4. 但是,美国国家安全委员会的官员并没有确认他的死亡。

    Officials from US National Security Council however will not confirm his death .

  5. 迈克尔.格林曾经在2004年到2005年期间担任美国国家安全委员会亚洲事务的高级负责人。

    Michael Green was senior director for Asian affairs at the U.S. National Security Council in 2004 and 2005 .

  6. 白宫谴责伊朗的导弹试射。美国国家安全委员会发言人说,伊朗应该停止再进行试射,并停止研发弹道导弹。

    The White House condemned the launches , with a National Security Council spokesman saying Iran should refrain from further tests and cease development of ballistic missiles .

  7. 这名韩国飞行员接受美国国家安全委员会的调查时表示,他对在旧金山着陆波音777客机感到非常有压力,因为当时机场的仪表着陆系统发生了故障,他必须依靠视觉进行着陆。

    The Korean pilot told NTSB investigators that he fell very stressful , landing the Boeing 777 in San Francisco because the instrument landing system at the airport was not functioning and he was making a visual approach .

  8. 美国国家运输安全委员会发现,它的民航数据库中有73%的事故发生在机组人员一起飞行的首日。

    America 's National Transportation Safety Board found that 73 % of the incidents in its civil-aviation database occurred on a crew 's first day of flying together .

  9. 美国国家运输安全委员会(NationalTransportationSafetyBoard)正在调查这次坠机事故,但调查结果不会被美国法院采纳。

    The findings of the National Transportation Safety Board , which is investigating the crash , aren 't admissible in court .

  10. 美国国家运输安全委员会(NationalTransportationSafetyBoard)代主席克里斯托弗•哈特(ChristopherHart)表示,全面报告可能会耗时一年。

    A full report could take a year , said Christopher Hart , acting chairman of the National Transportation Safety Board .

  11. 美国国家运输安全委员会的调查者SteveChealander说,该飞机偏离它应降落的跑道。

    National Transportation Safety Board investigator Steve Chealander says the plane was pointed away from the runway where it had been cleared to land .

  12. 据NPR新闻的布莱恩·奈勒报道,美国国家运输安全委员会就这起造成3人死亡的坠毁事件举行了长达一天的听证会。

    NPR 's Brian Naylor reports the National Transportation Safety Board is holding a daylong hearing on the crash that led three people died .

  13. 虽然这次事故没有人员伤亡,但是NTSB(美国国家运输安全委员会)认为需要采取措施,建立一个邻街轨道来用于未来发生事故时的人群疏散。

    While there were no injuries this time , the NTSB want to see the creation of a track-adjacent walkway for use in future evacuations .

  14. 美国国家运输安全委员会正在和康涅狄格州官员一同调查这起事故。

    The National Transportation Safety Board is investigating along with Connecticut officials .

  15. 美国国家运输安全委员会也在进行调查。

    The National Transportation Safety Board is also investigating .

  16. 美国国家运输安全委员会就管道事故进行了调查。

    The NTSB investigates pipeline accidents .

  17. 美国国家运输安全委员会的马克·罗斯堪德表示,并没有证据支持这种论断。

    National Transportation Safety Board member Mark Rosekind said there was no evidence to support the claim .

  18. 但仍然不清楚什么导致过热而美国国家运输安全委员会正在开展调查。

    It 's still unknown what cause the overheating and the National Transportation Safety Board is investigating .

  19. 美国国家运输安全委员会的调查人员已被派往华盛顿州倒塌大桥的事故现场。

    Investigators with a National Transportation Safety Board are being dispatched at the site of a collapsed bridge in Washington State .

  20. 这一新信息由美国国家运输安全委员会转交给了澳大利亚有关部门,这也凸显出美国对此次搜寻行动的参与程度之深。

    The new information was passed on to Australian authorities by the National Transportation Safety Board , underscoring heavy U.S. involvement in the search .

  21. 美国国家运输安全委员会成员厄尔·威纳表示,目前他们能确定的一件事就是,这列火车的行驶速度超过了最高限速。

    One thing National Transportation Safety Board member Earl Weener says they know for sure the train was traveling well above the posted speed .

  22. 美国国家运输安全委员会主席黛博拉·赫斯曼刚刚表示,调查人员要调查机组人员和他们的飞行经验。

    Deborah Hersman , who chairs the National Transportation Safety Board , said moments ago investigators want details on the crew and their experience .

  23. 所有的调查工作都在美国国家运输安全委员会和巴哈马检查人员的监督下进行,“凯旋”号邮轮是在巴哈马注册的。

    All of the work under the supervision of the national transportation safety board , and inspectors from the Bahamas where the Triumph was registered .

  24. 波音777在1995年投入使用,美国国家运输安全委员会负责监视美国制造的飞机,至今数据库中有的事故记录不超过60条。

    It entered service in 1995 and the National Transportation Safety Board , which is responsible for monitoring US-made aircraft , has logged fewer than 60 incidents .

  25. 美国国家运输安全委员会正在调查今天上午纽约市发生的火车脱轨事故,这起事故造成4人死亡,另有60余人受伤,其中有14人伤势严重。

    The National Transportation Safety Board is investigating this morning 's train derailment in New York City that killed four people and injured more than 60 others , fourteen of them critically .

  26. 美国国家运输安全委员会认为这起事故的发生是由于“设计失败”,最后是通过诉讼解决这起事故,并且承诺在未来的9年中将会关闭此段路线并进行修缮。

    The National Transportation Safety Board deemed a " design failure " as the cause , and the line remained closed for the next 9 years while repairs were made and lawsuits were settled .

  27. 美国国家运输安全委员会表示已派出一个调查组前往亚洲,协助调查事故原因,随行的有波音公司的技术顾问和联邦航空管理局的航空安全监管人员。

    The National Transportation Safety Board said it had sent a team to Asia to help the investigation , accompanied by technical advisers from Boeing and the US air safety regulator , the Federal Aviation Administration .