
  • 网络gastrointestinal bleeding;gastrointestinal hemorrhage
  1. 胃肠出血~(99m)Tc-RBC显像的诊断价值

    The clinical value of ~ ( 99m ) tc-rbc scintigraphy in diagnosis of gastrointestinal bleeding

  2. 急性溃疡形成是显著的胃肠出血的起因。

    Acute ulcerations were responsible for significant gastrointestinal bleeding .

  3. 急性心肌梗死患者PCI术后胃肠出血的发生率及其对预后的影响

    Incidence and prognostic impact of gastrointestinal bleeding after percutaneous coronary intervention for acute myocardial infarction

  4. 反常带血的柏油便(通常由胃肠出血引起)。

    Abnormally dark tarry feces containing blood ( usually from gastrointestinal bleeding ) .

  5. 声明说,卡斯特罗由于压力导致胃肠出血,接受了手术,将需要休息几个星期。

    Castro had surgery for gastrointestinal bleeding brought on by stress and he will rest for the next few weeks .

  6. 对63例急性胃肠出血患者进行了血清尿素氮/肌酐(BUN/Cr)比值的测定。

    In order to evaluate the bleeding site the serum urea / creatinine ( Ur / Cr ) ratio was determined in patients with massive gastrointestinal ( GI ) bleeding .

  7. 上述结果表明,血清BUN/Cr比值的测定系一种简单、方便实用,是判断胃肠出血部位的诊断方法。

    There results indicate that determination of serum Ur / Cr ratio is a simple , practical and useful method for detection of the bleeding site in patients with massive GI bleeding .

  8. 原因不明胃肠道出血的DSA

    Value of DSA Examine in Unknown Gastrointestinal Bleeding

  9. ~(99m)锝标记红细胞腹部γ-闪烁扫描捡测胃肠道出血

    99mTc-red blood cells for detection of gastrointestinal bleeding

  10. ~(99m)Tc-RBC显像诊断和定位胃肠道出血的临床经验

    Clinical experience in the detection and localization of gastrointestinal bleeding using ~ ( 99m ) tc-rbc

  11. OJ围手术期可发生多种并发症如脓毒血症、胃肠道出血、伤口愈合延迟及术后急性肾功能衰竭(Acuterenalfailure,ARF)等。

    A lot of complications can happen around the surgery , like sepsis , gastrointestinal bleeding , wound healing delay , and acute renal failure , and so on .

  12. 结论:胃肠道出血的血管造影检查结合应用DSA,可进一步提高病变检出率和诊断正确率。

    Conclusion : In angiography to examine the gastrointestinal bleeding , It will be useful to improve the sensitivity and accuracy to combine puck film and DSA .

  13. 背景:阿司匹林及氯吡格雷联合抗血小板治疗在世界范围内广泛运用,而质子泵抑制剂(PPI)包括埃索美拉唑及泮托拉唑是临床上最常用于防止胃肠道出血的药物之一。

    Background : Aspirin-clopidogrel antiplatelet dual therapy is prescribed worldwide , with PPIs included esomeprazole and pantoprazole were frequently associated to prevent gastrointestinal bleeding .

  14. 梗阻性黄疸(ObstructiveJaundice)急性胃粘膜病变引起的胃肠道出血,因其死亡率和并发症率高,发病机制不明确,而受到普遍的重视。

    Acute gastric mucosa pathological changes of obstructive jaundice ( OJ ) can cause gastrointestinal bleeding and its mortality and complication rate are very high . However , the mechanism is undefined .

  15. 血管畸形所致胃肠道出血的血管造影诊断与治疗

    Angiography Diagnosis and Therapy of Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage Caused by Arteriovenous Malformation

  16. 合理应用止血夹结合肾上腺素盐水注射治疗胃肠道出血

    Reasonable application of hemoclip combined with adrenalin-saline injection for gastrointestinal bleeding

  17. Tc-99m-RBC显像定位诊断胃肠道出血的价值

    Value of Tc-99m-labeled red blood cells scintigraphy in diagnosis of gastrointestinal bleeding

  18. 手术后胃肠道出血16例诊治体会

    Experience of Diagnosis and Treatment of Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage after Operation

  19. 颅脑创伤后的胃肠道出血与应激激素变化关系的研究

    Evaluation of Stress Hormones in TBI Patients with Gastrointestinal Bleeding

  20. 临床主要表现为胃肠道出血和腹部包块。

    The clinical manifestations were hemorrhage of gastrointestinal tract and abdominal mass .

  21. 当胃肠道出血没有致她死亡。

    And when GI bleeding didn 't kill her .

  22. 继发于空肠胃黏膜异位的反复胃肠道出血

    Recurrent gastrointestinal tract bleeding secondary to jejunal gastric heterotopia

  23. 内镜下局部喷洒凝血酶治疗活动性胃肠道出血的临床观察

    Clinical observation of endoscope-guided thrombin spraying in the treatment of active gastrointestinal hemorrhage

  24. 很明显不会引起胃肠道出血。

    Pretty unlikely to cause a GI bleed .

  25. 虽然阿司匹林的健康效益久已确立,但它也会带来胃肠道出血的风险。

    Aspirin has well established benefits , but also carries the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding .

  26. 不明原因胃肠道出血患者在推进式内镜下阳性结果的预测因子

    Predictive factors of positive findings in patients explored by push enteroscopy for unexplained GI bleeding

  27. 环氧化酶抑制剂2可以减少胃肠道出血的,但是可能会增加心血管事件的风险。

    COX-2 inhibitors reduce GI bleeding but they may increase the risk of cardiovascular events .

  28. 视频胶囊内镜对不明原因胃肠道出血的诊断作用:早期应用的有效性

    The role of video capsule endoscopy for evaluating obscure gastrointestinal bleeding : Usefulness of early use

  29. 结论该方法可作为早期快速诊断胃肠道出血性疾病的重要方法。

    Conclusion This method is an important method used for quick and early diagnosis of gastrointestinal hemorrhage .

  30. 小肠的迪厄拉富瓦病变存在和节段性扩张:胃肠道出血的不常见病因

    Dieulafoy 's lesion and segmental dilatation of the small bowel : An uncommon cause of gastrointestinal bleeding