
  • 网络Gastric cavity;stomach cavity;Gastric lumen
  1. PG分泌入胃腔遇胃酸后大部分激活,小部分通过胃毛细血管壁直接入血。

    PG secreted into stomach cavity is activated largely when counter with gastric acid , the smaller go into bloom directly through gastric capillary wall .

  2. 胃壁细胞H+,K+ATP酶是一种质子泵,能特异性地将H+泵入胃腔,形成胃内高酸状态。

    Gastric acid pump , H + , K + ATPase , is a proton pump which transports H + into gastric lumen , resulting in the formulation of a high proton gradient across the plasma membrane of parietal cells .

  3. 结果(1)胃腔内定植菌检出率随胃液pH值升高逐渐增加。

    Results ( 1 ) The isolation rate of colonized bacteria in gastric cavity was associated with the pH of gastric juice .

  4. 从患有皱胃积食的5例黄牛瘤胃中采用胃管吸引法获得手术前、胃腔冲洗后及术后采食3d后的瘤胃内容物,分别测定瘤胃内容物的pH值和纤毛虫数量。

    Rumen content of five abomasum-accumulation yellow cattle were collected by rumen tube before and 3 days after operation treatment and analyzed for pH value and ciliate number .

  5. 结论(1)胃液pH值是影响胃腔定植菌特别是革兰阴性杆菌定植的主要因素。

    Conclusions ( 1 ) The pH value of gastric juice proved to be the major factor which influenced the colonization of bacteria especially GNB in gastric cavity .

  6. 结论病原菌的PFGE同源性分析表明ICU中VAP患者存在胃腔→下呼吸道逆向内源性感染途径。

    CONCLUSIONS The PFGE homologous analysis of pathogen might show that the reverse stomach-lower respiratory tract infection route could exist in VAP patients in ICU .

  7. 息肉型进展期胃癌6例,声像图表现为局限性隆起凸向胃腔呈杂乱回声肿块,直径10~40mm。

    Cases with gastric progressive polypoid cancer presented as 10 ~ 40mm diameter mass with mixed and disorderly echo protruding into gastric cavity .

  8. 建立胃腔感染VacA+CagAHp的昆明系小鼠模型,观察抗-VacA+CagA+Hp-IgY对小鼠胃腔感染VacA+CagA+Hp的防治效果。

    The Kunming mice model infected by VacA + CagA + Hp were created and applied to observe the prevention and treatment effects of anti - VacA + CagA + Hp-IgY against VacA + CagA + Hp infection in stomach of model mice .

  9. 病原菌的PFGE同源性分析表明ICU中52例VAP患者有15例(其中14例为晚发性VAP)存在胃腔→下呼吸道逆向内源性感染途径,占VAP发病总数的288%;

    The reverse endogenous stomach-lower respiratory tract infection route was verified in 15 cases ( among them 14 cases were late-onset VAP ) of the total 52 VAP patients by PFGE analysis , with the incidence of 28.8 % .

  10. 胃腔定植菌在院内感染性肺炎中作用的研究进展

    Research Progress on Value of Gastric Bacteria Colonization on Nosocomial Pneumonia

  11. 胃腔定植菌在医院内肺炎患者发病机制中的作用

    Gastric colonization and its effect on pathogenesis of nosocomial pneumonia

  12. 胃腔定植菌在昏迷病人肺部感染发病中的影响研究

    The impact of gastric colonization on the pathogenesis of pneumonia in comatose patients

  13. 结论气囊上液是引起气管插管患者的呼吸机相关性肺炎的主要原因之一,气囊上液的细菌大多数来源于胃腔和口腔细菌的定植。

    Bacteria of the liquid on air sac are mostly from invasion of stomach and oral cavity .

  14. X线钡餐检查有确诊价值。内镜下特征为过镜困难,胃腔形态异常,胃粘膜糜烂扭曲水肿,常可发现基础病变。

    Endoscopic features of stomach volvulus were abnormal anatomy of gastric cavity and mucosal erosion and fold formation .

  15. 目的探讨强化胃腔灌洗疗法对神经外科应激性溃疡出血的临床疗效。

    Objective To discuss the intensive gastric cavitary lavage method in treatment of stress ulcer bleeding ( SUB ) .

  16. 近来一些研究表明,胃腔定植菌在院内感染性肺炎的发生中起着重要的作用。

    Gastric bacteria colonization has been proved to play a significant role in the development of nosocomial pneumonia recently .

  17. 消化盲囊为复管泡状腺,以导管与胃腔相通。

    The digestive diverticula is the type of compound tubuloacinar gland which communicates with the stomach by a system of ducts .

  18. 水螅体具有固定的出芽顺序和芽体着生位置,胃腔和柄共同控制水螅芽体发生的位置与方向。

    The hydra had fixed budding sequence and position , the position and direction of budding in hydra were controlled by gastric cavity and stalk .

  19. 手术后近期吻合口处有一高压带,可起到阻止胃腔正压向食管腔传递的压力屏障作用。

    A high pressure zone was formed at the site of anastomosis in short term after operation , which can be prevented from gastric positive pressure transiting to esophageal lumen .

  20. 先根据胃腔充盈扩张度、有无呼吸伪影及胃蠕动伪影进行图像质量评级,评估其对肿瘤诊断和分期的影响。

    First , the image quality was graded according to the gastric cavity expansion , breathing artifacts and gastric peristalsis artifacts on imaging , and then we evaluate its ' influence on the diagnosis and staging of gastric tumor .

  21. 口服水对比剂及阳性对比剂均能满意地充盈胃腔(26/26),在轴位图像胃壁结构显示上单纯口服水对比剂效果好(25/26),且对周围图像无影响(伪影0/26)。

    Both water and positive contrast media can be full of stomach ( 26 / 26 ) . The showing of stomach wall is good in axial image ( 25 / 26 ), and no forgery to surrounding organs ( 0 / 26 ) .

  22. 结果:鼻腔及鼻旁窦、喉部、气管、支气管及胃、肠腔CT仿真内镜获得类似于纤维内镜显示空腔器官腔壁或腔内病变形态的效果。

    Results : The imaging findings of CTVE of nasal cavity and paranasal sinus , larynx , trachea and bronchi , stomach and colon were similar to the results of fiberoptic endoscopy .

  23. 胃左静脉腔静脉分流术下腔静脉病变13例;

    Left gastric venous caval shunt . inferior vena cava 13 cases ;

  24. 胃左静脉腔静脉分流术治疗门静脉高压症八例

    Left gastric venous caval shunt for esophageal varices : a report of 8 cases

  25. 胃粘膜屏障包括胃腔表面的粘液和粘膜上皮细胞。

    What protective screen of gastric mucous membrane includes gastric antrum appearance is mucous with mucous membrane epithelial .

  26. 结果:胃癌的CT表现主要有:胃壁增厚、显著增强的软组织肿块、胃内不规则充盈缺损、胃腔狭窄、淋巴结及远处脏器转移、邻近脏器侵犯。

    CT findings were compared with histopathologic studies of the resected speciman . Results The main CT signs included thickening of gastric wall , obviously enhanced mass , irregular filling defect , stenosis , regional lymphnode metastasis , invasion of adjacent tissue and distant metastasis .

  27. 目的探讨胃腔内病原菌定植的影响因素以及胃腔定植菌在机械通气相关性肺炎(VAP)内源性发病机制中的作用。

    Objective To investigate the risk factors for gastric bacterial colonization and its role in the endogenous pathogenesis of ventilator-associated pneumonia ( VAP ) .

  28. 在清醒大鼠研究延髓迷走背核复合区(DVC)微量注射五肽胃泌素(G5)对胃窦运动的作用。用慢性植入胃腔外应力传感器记录胃窦运动。

    Changes in antral motility induced by pentagastrin ( G5 ) microinjected into the dor-sal vagal complex ( DVC ) were investigated in fasting conscious rats .

  29. 模型组大鼠胃粘膜下层充血,粘膜上皮细胞近胃腔部腺上皮脱落。

    There was hyperemia in gastric submucosa and abscission of glandular epithelium in mucosa epithelial cells in model group .

  30. 由胃内压升高导致胃壁血管功障碍是急性胃扩张发病的关键因素,胃腔过度膨胀所致胃壁坏死穿孔是急性胃扩张最严重的并发症,其死亡率极高。

    Gastric necrosis is the most severe consequence of acute gastric dilatation and its mortality rate is terribly high . vascular insufficiency secondary to increased intragastric pressure is the critical factor .