
  • 网络down payment;cephalic phase;No Money Down
  1. 这些结果提示在绵羊,消化道的迷走神经支配调节进食头期的胰岛素分泌。

    These results indicate that the vagal innervation of the gut mediates insulin release during the cephalic phase of feeding in sheep .

  2. 研究了阉羊和母羊选择性皱胃、幽门、十二指肠和肝迷走神经切断术对消化头期的胰岛素分泌的影响。

    The effect of selective vagotomy of the abomasum , pylorus , duodenum and liver on insulin release during the cephalic phase of digestion was investigated in wethers and lactating ewes .

  3. 拿这个戒指付头期款

    I want you to take the ring for yourdown payment .

  4. 齐格弗里德和罗伊毕业以后,你们才付头期款呢。

    Siegfried and Roy wiII be out of schooi before you make your first payment .

  5. 为你的头期款存点钱。

    Save it for your down payment .

  6. 假如你支付大笔的头期款,你每月的费用尌会少很多。

    You will have much smaller monthly fees if you start with a sizable down payment .

  7. 那如果我们在两星期内付头期款,然后再每月付一次,分期付完,可以吗?

    Would it be alright if we make the initial payment in two weeks , then pay in one-month installments after that ?

  8. 我们就分期付款!交货后两个星期付头期款,以后则每个月付一次。

    We will pay in installments , with the first payment to be two weeks after delivery , then once a month after that .

  9. 另外,甜味物质可能刺激小鼠产生头期反应来影响食欲和食物摄入。

    In addition , the intake of sweet substances may affect the appetite and food intake of mice by stimulating them to produce cephalic phase response .

  10. 本文详细描述了其子实体发育的四个时期&一棒形期、钉头期、杯形期、成熟期的形态特征。

    The paper presented a detailed description of the morphological characteristics of its four fruiting stages : club , pin - head , cup and mature stage .

  11. 班尼斯特先生认为头期买家的缺乏延缓了通货膨胀,也可能证明是房屋市场的利好消息。

    Mr Bannister argues that while the dearth of first-time buyers is putting the brake on inflation , it may turn out to be a boon for the housing market .

  12. 头帽期精子细胞内质网增多,有泡状、管状,并互相吻合形成交错的网络;

    In cap phase ER increased and anastomosed to form a network ;

  13. 适当延长作调味酒的酒头贮存期;

    Appropriate delay of storage period to head liquor which used as blending liquor ;

  14. 头帽期,精母细胞层和曲细精管基部酶反应颗粒明显增多;

    The layers of spermatocytes and basal chambers of seminiferous epithelia displayed weak AcPase reaction .

  15. 施用促芽促苗氮肥能显著提高稻桩在头季成熟期的N素积累量。

    The nitrogen fertilizer could significantly increase the nitrogen accumulation of the first quarter of maturity .

  16. 观察头针对手术期氧化应激产物丙二醛(MDA),氧自由基清除剂超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)的影响。

    Effects of scalp acupuncture on malondialdehyde ( MDA ) level and superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) activity at the operation stage were observed .

  17. 三合激素+LH试验组母牛12头,情期受胎6头,受胎率为50.0%,产犊6头,双胎率为零。

    In tri - hormone + LH were pregnant with pregnancy rate of 50 . 0 % and produced 6 calves without twins .

  18. kg-1Cu(Cu来源于烟酸铜)的基础日粮,每组4个重复,每个重复8头,试验期28d,研究烟酸铜对仔猪生产性能和血液生化指标的影响。

    Each group had 4 repeats and each repeat used 8 piglets . Whole feeding experiment lasted for 28 days to investigate the effects of dietary Cu of Cu-nicotinate on growth performance and blood biochemical indices in piglets .

  19. 这是一头出奶期中的母牛。

    It is a cow in milk .

  20. 超级稻头季齐穗期后15天光合产物的残留量与再生稻的干物质积累及产量的形成密切相关。

    The dry matter accumulation and yield of the regeneration rice were closely related to photosynthetic products .

  21. 目的探讨头针对手术期氧化应激反应的调节作用。

    Objective To study on regulative action of scalp acupuncture on oxidative stress reaction at operation stage .

  22. 1头幼虫全期取食松干蚧卵2837.1粒,也捕食松干蚧若虫和雌成虫等。

    A nymph might consume 2837.1 eggs for life time , and it can also prey on the nymph and adult of the scales .

  23. 结论头针可抑制抗氧化防御系统酶SOD的降低,因此头针对减轻手术期的氧化应激反应有一定的作用。

    Conclusion Scalp acupuncture can inhibit the decrease of SOD activity , reducing oxidative stress reaction at operation stage .

  24. 每个处理设8个重复(栏),每个重复4头猪,试验期为21天。结果表明,添加维生素C可显著增加全血血红蛋白、红细胞压积和红细胞数(P<0.05);

    Each treatment had 8 replicates of 4 head per replicate , No linear effect of vitamin C addition was found in growth performance , although blood hemoglobin , hematocrit and red blood cell count increased linearly at 21 days after weaning ( P < 0.05 ) .

  25. 头季稻生育期140天左右、总叶数较多、LAI较大、茎秆粗壮、穗总粒数较多的杂交稻组合适于进行头季稻&低位再生稻栽培。

    About the choice of main crop , choose hybrid combination with longer growth duration ( about 140 days ), more leaves , higher LAI , firm culm and more grain number per panicle in main crop , followed by lower-nodal ratooning rice .

  26. 一头在秋季发情期吼叫的野公牛。

    A bison bull bellowing in the autumn rut .

  27. 电渣重熔过程中非金属夹杂物的去除主要发生在自耗电极端头熔滴形成期以及熔滴滴落穿过熔渣层阶段。

    The removal of non-metallic inclusion during remelting occurred mainly in stages of formation of dropets on the consumable electrode tip and dropets falling through the slag .

  28. 头季稻成熟期残留在茎鞘中,特别是倒2以下节间中的光合产物越多越有利于再生稻产量的提高;

    The more photosynthates distributed in stems and sheathes at maturity of main crop , especially in internodes below the2nd from the top , the higher yield of palingenesis rice would get .

  29. 1975~1983年共输精21859头母猪,情期受胎率达56.25%(33.30~74.78),窝产仔为8.18头。试验证明我国猪冷冻精液的保存技术有所进展。

    25 % ( 33.30-74.78 % ) for 21,859 inseminations , and mean litter size was 8.18 ( 2-25 ) from 1975 to 1983 . The studies have proven that the deep-freezing preservation technique of boar semen is successful in China .

  30. 对厦门海域5头成体(9~30岁)、6头哺乳期幼仔的中华白海豚颅骨、耳骨及舌骨进行了比较研究。

    Comparative study was conducted between 5 mature Chinese white dolphins ( Indo-Pa cific Hump-backed Dolphin , Sousa chinensis , 9 ~ 30 a old ) and 6 newborn dolphins from Xia men .