
  • 网络vertex
  1. 基于地面垂直目标的标定方法,由垂直目标(人体)的头顶点和脚底点得到垂直消失点和水平消失线。

    In vertical ground objects based approach , vertical vanishing point and the plane vanishing line can be obtained by top-points and bottom-points of vertical objects ( always , human ) .

  2. 采用左、右耳分别和两耳同时施声刺激从头顶Cz点记录方法,观察了30例正常儿童(NC)和60例脑瘫儿童(CCP)的听觉诱发脑干反应(ABR)。

    Auditory evoked brain stem responses ( ABR ) were recorded following left , right and binaural stimulation in 60 children with cerebral palsy ( CCP ) and 30 normal children ( NC ) subjects .

  3. 你知道你的头顶有点秃吗?

    Ever see that little bald spot on top of your head ?

  4. 一阵霹雳在头顶炸响,大雨点开始降落下来。

    A clap of thunder Burst overhead and heavy drops of rain Began to fall .

  5. 昨夜一阵倾盆大雨之后,天气凉快起来了。一阵霹雳在头顶炸响,大雨点开始降落下来。

    It cooled off after the downfall last night a clap of thunder Burst overhead and heavy drops of rain Began to fall .