
  1. 洗得太频繁会使头发干枯易断,所以还是控制一下吧。

    Over-washing can dry your hair , making it brittle , so only wash when you have to .

  2. 头发干枯易断、指甲易断、体重骤增或骤减可能是甲状腺疾病的征兆。

    Thyroid disease can manifest itself in dry , brittle hair , brittle nails , and weight gain or loss .

  3. 外出度假时,空气湿度或许并不是你的关注点之一,但长时间处于极端的天气状况下可能会让你的头发干枯、皮肤干燥。

    Air humidity may not be top of the list to monitor when you are away , but long exposure to extreme conditions and you could be left with dry hair and skin .

  4. 你的头发是否非常干枯,毫无生气?

    Is your hair dry and lifeless ?

  5. 头发造型产品也会使头发干枯受损。

    Styling aids can also dry and damage hair .