
xiàn yì
  • active service;on active service;active duty;on active duty;active duty, active service
现役 [xiàn yì]
  • (1) [active duty, active service]

  • (2) 在武装部队中有固定职务和薪金的,服从军事审判统一法典和各种专门的规章制度的正规军现役人员

  • (3) 公民自入伍之日起至退伍之日止在军队中所服的兵役。现役包括军官的现役和士兵的现役。服现役的人员称现役军人

现役[xiàn yì]
  1. 退出现役后,发还居民身份证或者再申请领取居民身份证。

    when they retire from active service , they shall have their resident identity cards back or apply for new ones .

  2. �公民被征集服现役的,在办理注销户口手续时,交回居民身份证;

    Citizens who are enlisted in active service shall hand in their resident identity cards when going through the formalities to cancel their resident registration ;

  3. 他已经服完30年的现役。

    He 's completed 30 years of active military service .

  4. 该国有将近400万现役士兵。

    There are nearly four million soldiers under arms in this country .

  5. 他那时是现役海军高级军官。

    He was the senior serving naval officer .

  6. 他完全赞成现役运动员尽可能多赚钱。

    He is all for players earning what they can while they are in the game

  7. 基于Matlab的现役港口起重机剩余寿命估算

    Residual life prediction of the active port crane based on matlab

  8. 现役军人AIDS知识及相关态度调查分析

    Survey of AIDS knowledge and related attitude among the servicemen

  9. 现役普通机床的开放式CNC改造

    Open CNC Reformation for Active Conventional Machine Tool

  10. CFRP约束现役混凝土应力-应变对比分析

    Contrastive Analysis of Stress-strain Relationship of Concrete in Work Restrained by CFRP

  11. STC现役空冷汽轮机的研发及技术特点

    Development and Characteristics of STC ' Air Cooling Turbine in Service

  12. (与此同时,)所有现役NBA球员和媒体组的选票在投票结果中所占的比重各为25%。

    All current NBA players and a media panel each account for 25 percent of the vote .

  13. 敦豪快递(DHLExpress)连续第十年为现役军人运送圣诞树。

    DHL express , for the tenth year , is shipping Christmas trees to soldiers on active duty .

  14. 基于联系数的NBA现役优秀中锋竞技水平发展趋势研究

    Study with the Method of Contact Coefficient on the Upward Trend of Athletic Level of NBA and CBA Outstanding Centers

  15. 介绍我国现役各类W火焰锅炉燃烧器、配风方式及结构特点。

    The features of burners , air distribution mode , and structure for various W-shaped flame boilers in service at present in China have been presented .

  16. MMPI的附加量表对现役飞行员的测查分析

    The Additional MMPI Analysis of Pilots on Active Duty

  17. 现役CBA主场城市多为副省及以上级别城市,城市生态环境丰富迥异。

    The current CBA host cities are mainly at the level of provincial capitals or above , whose ecological environment is rich and diversified .

  18. 我们将现役NBA球员的球风水平与漫威史上最伟大的黑人超级英雄拥有的超能力做了比较,汇总出以下结果。

    We took a collection of basketball players in the NBA and compared their strengths and superpowers with the greatest black superheroes in the history of Marvel Comics .

  19. 着重介绍了台湾空军现役主要武器装备的作战性能,包括:F-16A/B、幻影2000-5和IDF战斗机;

    The article introduces combat performance of Taiwan air force ′ s major weapon equipments in service .

  20. 作为NBA现役年纪最大的球员,8届全明星,扣篮大赛冠军以及奥运会金牌获得者,文斯-卡特即将迈入自己职业生涯的第20个赛季。

    The NBA 's oldest player is an eight-time All-Star , a slam dunk champion and an Olympic gold medalist and is entering his 20th season in the league .

  21. 此次NBA全明星首发投票,球迷投票占50%,现役球员和记者投票分别占25%。

    Fans accounted for 50 percent of the vote to determine the NBA All-Star Game starters , while current players and a media panel accounted for 25 percent each .

  22. 目的调查现役飞行员群体中明尼苏达多项个性测查表(MMPI)的因子结构,用于飞行员的心理素质测查分析。

    Objective To investigate the factor construction of MMPI in pilots on active duty and its application in psychological assessment of pilots .

  23. 比如,单Transocean一家就经营着巴西60个现役海上石油平台中的10个。

    For example , Transocean alone operates 10 of the 60 offshore oil platforms currently in operation in Brazil .

  24. IMR纳米复合涂层与现役飞机典型涂层抗紫外线老化性能对比研究

    Comparison test of anti-aging performance to UV radiation of nano-composite coatings of IMR with typical coatings applied presently for aircraft structures

  25. 我们再一次在一个舞台上作为一个完整的C-130行动体系与现役部队紧密配合。

    Once in theater , we operated seamlessly with active duty counterparts as a single integrated C-130 operation .

  26. 在四川峨边大渡河拱桥关键性吊杆中成功布设了FBG应变和温度传感器,提出并实施了现役拱桥吊杆FBG传感器的布设工艺以及布设后吊杆的修复方法。

    The FBG strain and temperature sensors have been successfully installed in some key suspenders of Sichuan Ebian Dadu river arch bridge . The installation of FBG sensors and suspender repair have been exp-lored in-service arch bridge .

  27. 方法应用霍兰德职业兴趣问卷修订版和卡特尔16种个性因素测验(16PF)同时对陆海空军639名现役官兵进行测量。

    Methods 639 soldiers were assessed with HLD ( the developed edition ) and Cattell the Sixteen Personality Factor Test ( 16PF ) .

  28. 但是就在现在,163体育和许多中国的媒体正在报道CBA的一个会议,会议里新添加规定了不允许任何现役的NBA球员参与CBA的联赛。

    Sports 163 along with multiple outlets are now reporting that at the CBA meetings , the league approved a rule to block outright any NBA player currently under contract with the NBA from playing in the CBA .

  29. 本文以某冷轧厂现役45t自动立式吊具作为研究对象,将动力学仿真与有限元分析相结合对其机构进行分析计算。

    The paper focuses on the sling used in cold-rolling mill plant , its machine is analyzed by combining FEM with ADAMS .

  30. 第一批MQ4CTriton将于明年投入使用,美国海军将从2015年起着手针对该型无人机进行训练,2017年将有大批MQ4CTriton正式编入现役。

    The first Triton squadron will enter service next year , training on the aircraft will commence in 2015 , and the fleet will enter service in 2017 & years before anything else like it .