
  • 网络On-site audit;Site Audit
  1. 进行外包项目单项评价时,采用了现场审核、数据统计和问卷调查等方法。

    In evaluating the outsourcing service , we use on-site audit , data statistics and survey methods .

  2. 建立现场审核计划与审核专业组的其他成员一起执行审核。

    Establish the site audit plan and performs the audits together with the other members of the auditor panel .

  3. 第三步是质量认证中心进行现场审核。

    The third step is to precede the on-the-spot verification .

  4. 质量管理体系现场审核控制要点

    The outline of field auditing by using quality management system

  5. 认证审核包括第一阶段审核和第二阶段现场审核。

    The certification includes a first stage and second stage audit audit .

  6. 现场审核前要召开首次会议,审核后要召开末次会议。

    On site audit before held its first meeting , after the audit should be held at the end of the meeting .

  7. 实施现场审核时,部门主管和有关人员立在岗,并做好与内审员的配合工作。

    Implement the audit , heads of departments and relevant personnel stand on guard , and do a good job with the auditor 's work .

  8. 在现场审核结束后,将审核结果形成报告提交,并对纠正措施的实施过程及结果进行跟踪控制。

    In the course of examination , examiners collect the related data by using different examination methods and techniques , and then make conclusions through analysis .

  9. 为食品生产企业建立食品安全保障体系提出了建议,可为卫生监督员的现场审核提供一定的参考。

    To some extent , this article could be helpful to food industries in establishing food safety assurance system and provide references for inspectors of food safety .

  10. 为保证产品质量是否确定了工作环境的要求,对工作环境符合性实施了现场审核的客观证据。

    In order to ensure product quality and to determine whether or not the working environment , the working environment with implementation of the audit objective evidence .

  11. 中英文回复客户关于质量体系及环境体系的问卷调查,并接待客户的现场审核。

    The Chinese-English replies customer a questionnaire concerning the quality system and the environment system , being alongside of to entertain guest a door to examine on the scene .

  12. 针对某些非制造行业在建立ISO9001:2000标准体系时,提出删减条款7.4的情况,作者从采购对象的分类入手、结合现场审核经验,对此进行了分析和探讨。

    To the question of deletion of clause 7.4 among some non-manufacture trades while setting-up ISO9001:2000 standard system , the author has been discussed and probed from the classifying of purchasing and combined with on-spot audit experiences .

  13. 本项目得到生产现场与审核领导的一致认可和好评,经济效益非常显著,在同类装置上推广前景极其广阔。

    This project has received recognition and praise , brought very significant economic benefits , which has broad prospects for promotion on similar devices .

  14. 同时,问卷调查结合CT应用质量及辐射防护日常检测工作进行,现场调查并审核回收。

    Questionnaire survey combined with CT Application Quality and Radiation Protection routine inspection ; meanwhile , it was completed and inspected in fields .

  15. 在生产现场和库房审核该条款时,应记录审核到的产品名称、标识方法、标识内容等;以及采取了哪些可追溯性标识方法。

    In situ production and warehouse audit this provision , shall record the audit to the product name , identification method , identification content ; and what traceability identification method .

  16. 广东省对外贸易经济合作厅经现场勘察、审核,征求驻省检查检验单位意见后,提出审批意见。

    After certain on-site investigation and inspection , the Guangdong Provincial Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation shall hand out its decision upon seeking advice from local examination and inspection authorities .

  17. 按4.2.2执行,必要时,按计划实施现场评审、程审核和产品审核。

    Carry out according to4.2.2 ; if necessary , implements on-the-spot appraisal , process evaluation , and product inspection according to the plan .