
  • 网络Customer complaint;Complaint
  1. Jeff在一个忙碌的办公中室工作,整天要接到客户投诉。

    Jeff works in a busy office answering customer complaint calls all day .

  2. 制造业者应维持所有客户投诉调查的纪录。

    The manufacturer shall maintain records of all customer complaint investigations .

  3. 如果老板来的时候很生气,你就先别告诉他那些客户投诉,否则你就是火上浇油。

    If the boss is angry when he comes in , don 't tell him about all the customer complaints . You 'll just be adding fuel to the fire .

  4. 客户投诉的价值CRM环境下基于价值分布的客户细分方法

    The Study on the Value Segmentation of Customer based on the Distribution Customer Value Theory of CRM

  5. 系统利用ATM网络,在SqlServer数据库环境中实现客户投诉受理、报修单生成和保修信息流转管理过程。

    The system uses ATM network to deal with accepting customer complain , forming maintenance sheet and guarantee information administration under SQL Server data base environment .

  6. 仅28%的人在使用苹果的应用软件商店AppStore——从Upstream调查获得的客户投诉来看,这种状况可能会发生改变:

    Only 28 % are currently using Apple 's App Store -- although judging from Upstream 's litany of complaints , that could change :

  7. 由于存在大量客户投诉,而且联邦政府相关机构开始对其进行审查,威力众无线公司(VerizonWireless)放弃了收取2美元附加费的计划。

    Verizon Wireless ( VZ ) dropped plans for a $ 2 surcharge fee after numerous customer complaints and scrutiny from federal regulators .

  8. 强生公司已开始召回该工厂生产的泰诺8小时缓释胶囊(Tylenol8-HourExtendedRelease),原因在于有客户投诉说,该产品有霉味。

    Johnson & Johnson is recalling Tylenol 8-hour extended release caplets made there because customers complained that the product smelled moldy .

  9. 通过过程能力分析,FMEA,客户投诉等有效手段持续改进产品质量;

    To improve product quality continuously with the input from process capability analysis , FMEA , customer feedback , etc.

  10. 但就目前来看,ATM仍存在诸多不尽如人意的地方:硬件脆弱、软件不完善、环境恶劣等,导致客户投诉日益增多。

    However , there are still a lot of unsatisfying handicaps in ATM System , such as weak hardware , imperfect software , bad environment , and so on .

  11. 其次,在MES的品质管理中的缺陷管理模块引入专家系统,改善目前纯手工作业中对操作人员训练难度大、操作人员容易误判、客户投诉持续偏高的问题。

    Secondly , expert system is introduced in the module of defect management during the MES quality management process , for resolving problem , which is the personnel training difficulty in the pure manual operation , the operator easy to misjudge and the sustained customer complaints .

  12. 选择降低客户投诉率,提高客户满意度为目标主题,实施FORD-8D质量控制方法的运用。

    Choose " down the rate of customer complain and up the degree of customer satisfaction " as the target topic for implement Ford-8D .

  13. 我们正在处理一个关于VN6650衣服的客户投诉,钻石是塑料制品的珠子,色调很暗,看上去更像黄色而不是米色。

    VN6650 We are having complaints on the diamond shaped plastic bead ornamentation that is showing a darker tone of a yellow Ivy .

  14. 电信运营商客户投诉处理标准化的研究

    Study of Standardization of Telecommunications Operators to Deal with Customer Complaints

  15. 我的姑妈在一家零售商店负责处理客户投诉。

    My aunt deals with customer complaints at a retail store .

  16. 国内大学出版社客户投诉处理工作探析

    Probe into the Handling of Customer Complaints in China 's University Presses

  17. 如果收到具体的客户投诉,则进行修理。

    Carry out repairs if concrete customer complaints are received .

  18. 客户投诉,是各行业必然存在商业现象。

    Customer complaints , is the industry exists commercial phenomenon .

  19. 你对细节的关注有减少错误和客户投诉吗?

    Did your attention to detail minimize errors and reduce customer complaints ?

  20. 处理客户投诉,退换货以及咨询服务。

    Handling the complaints , returning and changing the goods , consultation .

  21. 我们的客户投诉我们的产品质量低劣。

    Our customers are complaining of the inferior quality of our products .

  22. 独立完成客户投诉信息和样品的分析处理。

    Accomplish the assigment from department manager timely and effectively .

  23. 有无其他故障或客户投诉?

    Are there any other faults or customer complaints ?

  24. 记录客户投诉,并及时向经理汇报。

    Record the customer 's complaints and report to the manager in time .

  25. 参与处理客户投诉产品事宜;

    Involve in dealing with customer complaints of products ;

  26. 格林小姐擅长处理客户投诉。

    Miss Green is good at dealing with customers'complains .

  27. 有处理客户投诉和供应商审核的工作经验。

    Work experience on customer complaints and vendor audits .

  28. 代表调查有关信贷服务,帐单或信用等级的客户投诉。

    Credit representatives investigate customer complaints about service , billing or credit rating .

  29. 基于信息化的甘肃移动客户投诉处理模式研究

    Study on Customer Complaints Management Model of Information Infrastructure

  30. 市场竞争与客户投诉处理的关系

    Relation of market competition handling of customer complaints