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  • customer service
  1. 我们认为提高客服满意度的一个方法是设身处地的为客人着想,这样我们才能更加理解他们的需求。

    We believe one way to improve our customer service is to put ourselves in the clients1 ' position , so we can understand their needs better .

  2. OA系统与客服中心集成的实现

    Exploration of OA System and Customer Service System

  3. 看他们如何对待前台、服务员、客服人员以及任何服务业者,这能充分说明他们的性格以及他们是否能理性地解决问题。

    How they treat receptionists , waiters , call-center employees and anyone in a service profession . It speaks volumes about their character and their ability to deal with problems in a rational way .

  4. communication通讯onthephone电话英语电话客服中心亚当大学时代曾在某家电话客服中心工作过。

    call center Adam had a job at a call center during his college years .

  5. 随后,提出了基于XML的数据客服中心解决方案,从其提供的功能、服务和其理论依据开始,阐述了其设计方案和实现方法。

    According its function , service and theory basis , the paper explains the design proposal and implementation .

  6. 你是不是值得花时间打电话跟客服沟通就为了省下X钱

    Whether time spent on the phone with customer service to save $ X is worth it

  7. 你觉得mary在客服能做得好吗?

    Do you think Mary can do well in the client service department ?

  8. 客服:您在使用IE浏览器吗?

    CustCare : Are you using Internet Explorer .

  9. Longpolling也就是我们熟知的Comet,其让服务器来控制这些事,让客服端等在那里听服务器的响应。

    Long polling , also known as Comet , puts the server in control , by making the client wait for responses .

  10. 客服系统中排队机与CTI技术的对比

    The Contrast the ACD with CTI Technology in Call Center

  11. 基于CTI技术的中小规模客服中心系统

    A Mid-small Client Service Center System Based on CTI Technology

  12. 基于Lucene的在线客服机器人的研究与实现

    The Research and Implementation of Online Customer Service Robot Based on Lucene

  13. 客服专员将和漂在北京网站的CEO及市场推广总监紧密合作,为该网站的客户及会员提供服务支持。

    The Service Coordinator will work closely with WLIB'sCEO and marketing director to provide service support to WLIB 's clients and users .

  14. 针对SYNFlood攻击的特点我们在客服端和服务器端之间设计一个中间代理。

    Base on the characters of the SYN Flood attack , we design a proxy between the customers and the sever .

  15. Washington衡量成功不是一个人取得的社会地位而是他一生中客服了多少障碍!

    Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome .

  16. 另外赵世诚还对《财富》杂志(Fortune)称,目前尚品的客服电话每天开放12个小时,不过很快就会扩展成全天24小时。

    Customer service phone lines operate for 12 hours a day each day , and will soon expand to 24 hour service , Zhao told fortune .

  17. 客户通过Twitter和Faceboo向世界传播糟糕经历的能力已经改变了客服世界的生态。

    The ability of customers to air their dirty laundry to the world via Twitter and Facebook has already changed the customer service game .

  18. 经过13年的快速发展,AlpineAccess现在已经拥有来自1000个城市的3000名员工,他们为AmericaOnline,OfficeDepot等财富榜前100强的金融公司做客服。

    Fast-forward 13 years . Alpine Access now has 3,000 employees in 1,000 cities that take calls for clients such as America Online , Office Depot and Fortune 100 financial companies .

  19. 赶集CRM系统是应用于赶集内部的一个系统,它一共提供了客服、销售、财务和产品四个平台。

    CRM is a system which used in the company . It provided four platforms . They are customer service , sales , finance and products .

  20. 早上好,这里是HBR银行的客服部。

    Woman : Good morning - HPR Bank . Customer Services Division .

  21. UPS客服中心是在UPS设备的配备了职员的地点,在那里UPS客户服务代表能帮助您准备运输文件和包裹货件。

    UPS Customer Centres are staffed locations at UPS facilities where UPS customer service representatives can help you with UPS ? shipping ? documents and package shipment .

  22. 但有些情况下,到了该公司承诺的日期店内仍没有货,购物者打爆了客服电话,并在Facebook和推特(Twitter)上表达对这家零售商的不满。

    But in some cases , the items weren 't available and shoppers jammed customer-service phone lines and took to Facebook and Twitter to gripe at the retailer .

  23. 就在NexusOne发布和客服代表培训结束不久,他们和美国的服务运营商T-Mobile迅速召开了一场紧急会议。

    The companies , along with service provider T-Mobile USA , held an emergency meeting soon after the Nexus One launch and ended up retraining their customer service representatives .

  24. 事实上,从CEO到客服代表,与数百个团队一起共事的经历让我们更加相信,采用一些相对简单的方法,任何人都可以想出新鲜而有创意的点子。

    Our work with hundreds of teams , from CEOs to customer service reps , has convinced us that a few relatively simple techniques can help anyone generate new and creative ideas .

  25. 联邦快递(FedEx,排名第20位)会向在客服方面表现突出的25位员工颁发PurplePromiseRewards奖。

    At FedEx ( FDX ) ( No. 20 ) , purple promise rewards are handed out to 25 FedEx employees who go above and beyond in providing customer service .

  26. 和许多摇滚歌星一样,鲍伊一直在酒店里长住:先是格莱美西公园酒店(GramercyParkHotel),后来是荷兰雪梨酒店(Sherry-Netherland),直到积累了天文数字的客服费用。

    Like a lot of rock stars , Mr. Bowie lived in hotels : first the Gramercy Park Hotel , then the Sherry-Netherland until the room-service bill became obscene .

  27. 但是,临界于桌面应用程序的胖客服端与Web应用程序的瘦客户端机制,Ajax技术的使用造成web应用程序同时具备这两种客户端特点的安全威胁。

    However , standing between the " fat client " like the desktop application and the " thin client " like the web application , the use of Ajax technology has the characteristics of security threats of the two kinds of client .

  28. IVR业务即交互式语音应答业务,实现了总机功能、人工客服、自动语音报读等。

    IVR service that is interactive voice response services , realizes a switchboard function , artificial customer service , and automatic voice report .

  29. Hudson'sBay位于宾夕法尼亚威尔克斯-巴里(Wilkes-Barre)的客服中心负责处理LordTaylor及Hudson'sBay在加拿大的连锁商场的问询电话,通常每个月会接到50000个电话。

    Hudson 's Bay Co. typically gets about 50,000 inquiries a month at its Wilkes-Barre , Pa. , facility , which handles calls for Lord Taylor and the Canadian Hudson 's Bay chain .

  30. Reddit的用户dronkensteen分享说,他们在客服岗位工作,但是当地的办公室猫非常喜欢他们的办公桌。

    Reddit user dronkensteen shares that they work in customer support , but that the local office cat really likes their desk .