
  • 网络chat online;net chatting;NetChat;cyberchat
  1. 谢谢收看本期“网聊教程”节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Video Chat Online

  2. 网聊就是消遣时间。

    To chat online is a time-waster .

  3. 在本月上旬发布的这次更新,使得许多摄像头既不能用于Skype网聊,也不能用来视频直播。

    The update , released earlier this month , stops many cameras being used for Skype or to broadcast and stream footage .

  4. 在《纽约客》工作的大卫?莎皮欧说,现在每当他想念谁的时候,他会给对方发一条Yo,而不是花好多时间网聊。

    David Shapiro , from The New Yorker , says now when he thinks about someone , he just " Yos " them instead of spending time starting and carrying on a conversation .

  5. 而与她们网聊的男人经常会提出单独会面的要求。

    Men often ask to meet a girl in person .

  6. 多功能蓝牙立体声耳机电话音乐网聊尽在其中!

    Multi-functional bluetooth stereo headphone phone music online chatting all in one !

  7. 当今,多数人通过电邮,网聊或短信交流。

    Nowadays , most people communicate via e-mail , chat or text messaging .

  8. 她的继父假扮了网聊男友.-你说什么

    Stepfather posing as on-line boyfriend . - What ?

  9. 网聊是一种打发时间、结交新朋友的好方式。

    Flirting online is a good way to kill time and make new friends .

  10. 面对面交流的快乐远胜过网聊。

    Face-to-face time makes us happier than Facebook .

  11. 我很确定他们会在有网聊的人那里找到你的。

    I 'm sure they can just get it from someone who DOES log chats .

  12. 英语网聊语解构

    Deconstruction of on-line English-chatting language

  13. 他还是为数不多的举行网聊的部级纪检官员。

    He is also one of the few ministerial-level officials from the discipline commission that has held online chats .

  14. 我也是。最近,我迷上了网聊。我在网上交了很多朋友。

    Me too . Recently , I 'm fascinated with net-chat . I 've made many friends on the net .

  15. 我在想也许我该写你出门这会艾丽克斯一直在男友网聊。

    I 've been thinking that maybe that I should -- Alex has been skyping with her boyfriend since you left .

  16. 对于简单的业务交流而言,邮件或网聊都是极佳之选,但任何形式的实质性沟通都应面对面进行,

    E-mail or online chatting is great for brief business exchanges , but any communication of real substance should be done in person .

  17. 网聊双方需要带内置麦克风的摄像头,现在大部分电脑都自带摄像头和麦克风。

    You and your chatting buddy need a webcam with an internal microphone . Your computer may already have a webcam and Mic built in .

  18. 通过对大量的语料分析发现,汉语网聊词汇以其独特的方式反映了网民社团的语言知识、经验水平及其思维方式,体现在以下几个方面。

    Through a qualitative analysis , we find that Netspeak vocabulary reflects by its unique way netizens'knowledge of language , experience level and way of thinking as follows .

  19. 据《人民日报》报道,27岁的苗松涛把自己打扮成女人模样,先和男人网聊,随后便用各种手段骗取钱财。

    The 27-year-old , known as Miao Songtao , dressed as a woman and met men online before defrauding them in various means , reports the People 's Daily .

  20. 设专门为网聊设计的麦克风质量更高,如果害怕有回音,可以选头戴式受话机或者头戴式耳机麦克风一体的设备。

    You 'll get higher sound quality with a microphone designed for chat . To avoid feedback or echo , you can use headphones or a headset with a mic and earphones .

  21. 这种情况不用说也知道他没想跟你玩真的,不过我也不止一次听说人们通常是在经过几个月的短信或网聊后才开始尝试面对面接触的。

    This should be a given but I can 't tell you how many times I 've heard people texting org-chatting for months and months before any attempt at physical contact is made .

  22. 米娜·埃尔·瓦里是一个25岁的法国女人,她在网上结识了一个网友。他们网聊了好几个月,终于,米娜决定去摩洛哥见一见她的求爱者。

    A 25-year-old French woman named Mina El Houari had been chatting with a suitor online for months before deciding to make a trip to Morocco to meet him for a real first date .

  23. 对于简单的业务交流而言,邮件或网聊都是极佳之选,但任何形式的实质性沟通都应面对面进行,不要害羞或紧张,做自己就好。

    E-mail or online chatting is great for brief business exchanges , but any communication of real substance should be done in person . Try not to be shy or nervous , and be yourself .

  24. 随着网络覆盖面扩大,网络视频质量提高,只要有一个网络摄像头,你就可以同任意地方的人网聊。

    Video chatting quality is getting higher , and you once you get a webcam , you can video chat for free to anywhere in the world . Find out how easy video chat can be .

  25. 其次,论文结合技术身体这一概念,分析了赛博空间中的身体交往活动,以网聊、网游为例阐述了赛博空间中的身体狂欢。

    Secondly , by combining the concept of technical body , the author analyzes the body in the cyberspace communication activity and expounds the body revels in cyber space by taking online chatting , online game as an example .