
  • 网络website structure;Site Structure;web structure
  1. Web日志挖掘中重构网站结构技术

    Restructure Web Site Structure on Web Log Mining

  2. web包是复制网站结构的一种绝佳方法,但是它们不能包括列表数据、子网站或安全和权限设置。

    Web packages are a great way to duplicate site structure , but they cannot include list data , subsites , or security and permissions settings .

  3. 网站结构和内容对Web使用挖掘的影响

    Web Usage Mining Process Influenced by Web Site Structure and Content

  4. Web使用挖掘中网站结构和内容的作用

    The Process of Website Structure and Content in Web Mining

  5. 基于网站结构挖掘的Web文档自动分类

    Automatic Web Page Categorization Based on Structure Mining of Sites

  6. 在Web日志挖掘中应用聚类改进网站结构的研究

    Web Usage Mining with the Method of Cluster

  7. 为了进一步提高Web页面的查询效率,提出了一种基于相似网站结构的页面查询方法。

    A new similarity structure retrieval method is proposed to enhance retrieval efficiency of the web page .

  8. 目前存在的多种网站结构优化技术中,基于WEB使用挖掘技术的网站结构优化是一个重要的研究方向。

    In the various existing website structure optimization technology , based on the web usage mining technology is a significant research direction .

  9. 用PHP设计电子商务网站结构和操作网络数据库

    Using PHP to Design Structure of Electronical Commerce Website and Manipulate Network Database

  10. WEB是一个非常巨大的信息来源地,不过提供这些信息的网站结构是否合理,唯一的评估者是访问浏览它的用户。

    Web is a huge information source , but only the user , who often visits the web site , can determine whether the structure of the web site is proper .

  11. 本文提出一种新的Web用户频繁浏览路径挖掘模型,充分考虑了Web网站结构层次特征,克服传统的挖掘的模型存在的问题。

    A new web mining model for user frequent navigation patterns which considers the Web site framework adequately is issued . It is proved that the model figures out the shortages of conventional Web mining models for user frequent navigation patterns by experimentations .

  12. 并针对预处理过程中动态页面跟踪、站点结构表示和会话管理等难点问题进行了进一步分析,提出了一个网站结构数据模型SITEDM和一个高效的会话管理算法sessionmanager。

    Besides , this paper takes a deep insight into those hard problems such as trading of dynamic pages , presentation of site structure and management of sessions . As a result , it also presents a site structure data model SITEDM and an efficient algorithm session_manager .

  13. 基于网站结构的网络使用挖掘树化模型

    A Tree Model for Web-Usage Mining Based on Web Site Structure

  14. 对整个网站结构和各模块功能介绍。

    The entire site structure and function of each module description .

  15. 开放存取期刊网站结构和页面分类研究

    Research on Website Structure and Page Category of Open Access Journals

  16. 比如,网站结构缺乏灵活性;

    For instance , the website structure lacks the flexibility ;

  17. 关联规则在网站结构优化中的改进算法

    Improvement Algorithm of Association Rules for the Structure of Website

  18. 您有已经存在的网站结构地图吗?

    Do you have an existing sitemap for the outgoing site structure ?

  19. 将网站结构抽象为无权有向图。

    Website structure was described as an un weighted digraph .

  20. 信息抽取中网站结构树生成方法的研究

    Research on spanning tree of website structure for information extraction

  21. 用无权有向图来描述网站结构。

    Website structure is described as an un-weighted digraph .

  22. 关于公共图书馆网站结构和交互性的探讨

    Discussion on website structure and interactivity of public library

  23. 基于隐马尔可夫模型的电子商务网站结构优化

    E-commerce website structure optimization based on hidden Markov model

  24. 将视觉的宜人性和清晰的网站结构相结合。

    Combines visual appeal with clear site structure .

  25. 基于关联系数的电子超市网站结构优化模型及算法复杂性分析

    Commodity Covariance Based Mathematical Model for Link Structure Optimization of E-Supermarket Website and Algorithm Analysis

  26. 网站结构对于网站的制作和运行至关重要。

    The structure of website is very important for its making and oper at ion .

  27. 方法:介绍世界卫生组织网站结构和药物流行病学信息所处栏目。

    Method : The structure of the WHO website and the columns related to pharmacoepidmiology were introduced .

  28. 作为可以动态调整网站结构、满足用户需求的站点结构优化技术成为研究热点。

    Website structure optimizing technique capable of dynamically adjusting website structure and satisfy user demands becomes research focus .

  29. 通过使用精确的问候这些元素,您可以您的网站结构,实现其最大潜能。

    By using precision in regards to these elements you can structure your site to reach its maximum potential .

  30. 从中心式,基于浏览器的网站结构到连接至公共云和私有云多种设备和谐架构。

    Architectural changes from three-tier , browser-based web architecture to multiple device connected public and private cloud orchestration architecture .