
  • 网络Sales tools;sales kit
  1. 或者你是否一直在开发销售工具,却对销售团队没有多少价值?

    Or have you been developing sales tools that bring little value to the sales team ?

  2. 此外,捷成也将为零售商提供销售培训和顾客销售工具,并对其进行监督和管理。

    In addition , Jebsen Watch will provide sales training and customary sales tools to retailers , and monitor and manage retailers .

  3. 你的案例研究可以用作市场和销售工具在IBM随需应变平台上为你的行业解决方案产生要求。

    Your case study can be used as a marketing and sales tool to generate demand for your industry solutions on IBM On Demand platforms .

  4. 我说的是像VeevaSystems这样的公司,它为医疗保健行业提供基于云服务的销售工具,并在去年秋季成功进行了首次公开募股(IPO)。

    I 'm talking about firms like Veeva Systems , which makes a cloud-based sales tool for the health care industry , and which successfully launched an IPO in the fall .

  5. 一个网站是一个强大的销售工具。

    A website is a powerful sales tool .

  6. 你是否遇过某个人试图利用宗教作为销售工具?

    Have you ever encountered someone who attempted to use religion or spirituality as a marketing tool ?

  7. 网络也是许多公司的一个主要的销售工具,它能够提供关于关于他们的产品的信息。

    The web is also a major marketing tool for many companies to provide information about their products .

  8. 把你的简历作为销售工具,用来把自己推销给潜在的雇主。

    Think of your CV as a sales tool which you 're using to sell yourself to your prospective employer .

  9. 包装设计是低碳产品品牌的销售工具,对于低碳产品品牌设计,以及低碳理念的宣传和发展起着至关重要的作用。

    Packaging design is a low-carbon product sales tool brand , brand design for low-carbon products , as well as the concept of promotion and development of low-carbon plays a vital role .

  10. 网络营销是建立在互联网基础上、借助于互联网特性实现一定营销目标的特殊营销手段,是企业整体营销战略的重要组成部分,其实质是将互联网作为销售工具及手段进行的一种营销活动。

    As a special marketing tool , e-marketing not only bases on Internet , but also realizes its aim through it . Being one of the important part of the marketing strategy in the enterprise , e-marketing focus on Internet as its marketing tool .

  11. 在经济全球化的今天,重庆市出口知名品牌企业要迎接更加严峻的市场挑战,要走出国门、参与国际市场竞争,都需要充分利用驰名商标这一销售工具和竞争锐器。

    In the economic globalization , export enterprises will meet more severe market challenges . It needs to make full use of trademarks , which is helpful to the competition and the sale of goods , to go abroad and participate in international market competition .

  12. CodePlex同时包含这两个版本吗?或者说你还在销售这个工具的专业版吗?

    Does CodePlex contain both versions or are you still selling the professional edition ?

  13. 通过对现有研究文献的梳理,考察品牌资产的构成维度,销售促进工具种类和分类方法,指出从销售促进是否直接关注货币成为本研究进行分类的重要基础。

    Based on existing research literature , we inspected the dimensions of brand equity , types of sales promotion tool and its classifications which basis on monetary .

  14. 如果你不知道买什么工具,你买那些与优质美容产品系列一齐销售的工具就不会错,莫蒂妮说,多数是专门设计出来让你获得专业的化妆效果,同该系列美容品最相称的工具。

    If you don 't know what to buy , you can 't go wrong if you purchase the tools sold with a high-quality beauty line , Mordini says . Most , she says , are created to give your application a professional touch and to work best with each product in the line .

  15. IBM通过IBMPartnerWorld向他的商业伙伴提供销售和市场工具,技能建立课程,技术支持等等。

    IBM provides sales and marketing tools , skill-building courses , technical support , and more to its business partners through IBM PartnerWorld .

  16. Editd还有一个虚拟的销售规划档案工具,可以帮你制定下一季的促销战略。

    A visual merchandising archive helps shape promotion strategies for upcoming seasons .

  17. 出于商业目的,书坊主利用评点的传播功能刊刻注有评点的小说,小说评点也就成了小说销售的促销工具和商业手段,具有了商业价值。

    Ancient press organizations published novels with criticism for the purpose of gaining commercial profits and therefore novel-criticism became an effective commercial tool of promoting sales and was of commercial value .

  18. 文中还介绍了销售漏斗这一销售工具的作用及如何利用销售漏斗做具体预测操作;

    Also the sales funnel tool was introduced to do forecast in practice in this paper .

  19. 在整个销售过程中善于利用各种销售工具和资源并积极地管理销售机遇。

    You will actively manage opportunities through the entire solution selling process and be responsible for leveraging various sales tools and resources during the closing process .

  20. 销售工业品的公司大多重视人员销售这一销售工具,同时辅以广告、促销活动和公共宣传等营销工具。

    Firms selling industrial products generally emphasize personal selling in their promotion mixes and use advertising , sales promotion , and publicity to support personal selling efforts .