
  1. 对他们来说,合理的游戏化可能会将他们的推销技巧转化为与其他团队成员之间的竞争,配合使用电子排行榜显示销售冠军。

    For them , the right kind of gamification might be turning their sales pitches into a competition with other team members , complete with a digital leaderboard showing who is winning at all times .

  2. 这张专辑曾获得全球iTunes销售冠军。

    This album had won a global iTunes sales champion .

  3. 在发布会上,雨果•巴拉推出了小米4i(Mi4i),这是专为印度市场打造的手机。该公司表示,它的目标是到2020年时,小米能问鼎手机销售冠军。

    The company says it aims to be the top handset brand in India by 2020 .

  4. 他的书是全年的销售冠军。

    His book was of the best-seller of the year .

  5. 可是当我成为分公司的销售冠军后,他们给了我一个升职的机会,一个无法继续获得销售佣金的职位。

    After becoming the Number One sales person in the branch – they offered me a promotion which meant I would come off commission .

  6. 在接下来的几个月里,若美国对汽车需求恢复,至少来年仍能保住世界年销售冠军的宝座。

    Still , if American car demand revives in coming months , the United States will remain the world 's largest market by annual sales & at least for another year .

  7. 在她的研究中提到:举例来说,为了增加竞争、激励雇员,公司可能会设立奖金或奖品,奖励每月的销售冠军。

    Her study added : ' For example , a company may reward its top monthly salesperson with some extra money or a prize - the idea being that competition increases everybody 's effort .

  8. 在FIFA10电子游戏打破了销售记录的一年后,制作公司ElectronicArt(EA)再次回归并出品了运动系列游戏的升级版,包括去年销售冠军FIFA11。

    A year after breaking sale 's records with its FIFA10 video game , Electronic Art is back with an updated version of its soccer franchise not only has FIFA11 topped last year 's early sale tally .