
  • 网络Sales Analysis;sales analyst
  1. 我们新的基础设施将这一流程数字化,使商店销售分析得以立即进行,公司首席财务官吉米•麦克劳林(JimmyMcLaughlin)表示。

    Our new infrastructure digitises this process and enables store sales analysis to take place immediately , says Jimmy McLaughlin , executive treasurer .

  2. 文章讨论了建立在包含大量数据关系数据库基础上实现多维数据分析的技术,介绍了通过ADOMD访问多维数据的方法和OLAP在服装销售分析系统的应用。

    This paper discusses how to realize multi - dimensional data analysis based on RDBMS including a large number of data , introduces the method about accessing by ADO MD. At end of the paper , the design schema of OLAP for slop - sales analysis system is given .

  3. 就一个具体的商品销售分析统计的Web应用项目进行了分析和设计,并用Struts框架对其中的模块进行了具体的编码实现。

    Analyzing , designing and implementing a concrete Web application of commodity sale analysis using Struts framework .

  4. 交叉销售分析是CRM中的主要分析内容之一。

    The analysis of cross selling is one of the important parts in analytical CRM .

  5. 通用汽车销售分析经理迈克?迪吉奥瓦尼(MikeDiGiovanni)在一个电话会议上表示,公司正在调整其豪华车产品系列,以更好地满足全球不同市场中买家的需求。

    During a conference call , GM sales-analysis manager Mike DiGiovanni said the company is remodeling its portfolio to better meet demands of luxury buyers in an array of global markets .

  6. BS1的专业时间帐单-时间计费及会计软件:应付帐款,应收帐款,总帐,库存,时间计费和销售分析软件。

    BS1 Professional Time Billing-time billing and accounting software : Accounts Payable , Accounts Receivable , General Ledger , Inventory , Time Billing and Sales Analysis software .

  7. 他的销售分析报告中也使用了这些词汇。

    These terms are also used in his sales analysis report .

  8. 协助销售分析经理有效地控制部门费用预算。

    Assist Sales Analysis Manager to control HCB department budget effectively .

  9. 汽车销售分析与预测系统的设计与开发

    Design and Development of Analysis and Forecast System for the Distribution of Car

  10. 做好销售分析,提出销售促进方案。

    Analyze the sales and make the improvement proposal .

  11. 辽宁葡萄市场销售分析

    Marketing Analyse of Table Grape in Liaoning Province

  12. 引进温室蔬菜生产销售分析

    Marketing analysis of modern greenhouse vegetable production

  13. 商业销售分析中具有时间约束的交易规则模型及实现

    A model of transaction rules and its implementation with time constraint in business sales analysis

  14. 商品分析挖掘模块主要包括商品的销售分析,商品的销售关联分析。

    Product of mining module includes sales trend analysis , sales analysis , correlation analysis of goods .

  15. 销售分析表明,这两种产品在竞争垄断市场方面仍然不分高低。

    Sales analyses show these two products are still vying neck and neck to corner the market .

  16. 在阅读销售分析报告时,业务用户按照客户、产品分析收入,并分析客户收入等级。

    Studying his sales analysis report , a business user analyzes Revenue by Customer , Revenue by Product , and Customer Revenue Ranking .

  17. 本文分析了在商业销售分析中常见的具有时间约束的交易规则。

    In this paper we analyze the transaction rules with time constraint that can always be found in the process of business sales analysis .

  18. 负责销售分析,包括市场占有额的分析和战略的调整和改进,从而保证执行计划和地区或全国目标相一致。

    Conduct sales reviews including market share analysis and adjust strategies & tactics accordingly to ensure execution of plans are in line with divisional or country goals .

  19. 根据市场供需预测结果(未考虑地方小炼厂生产)进行2005年市场销售分析。

    The marketing strategy for CNPC is analyzed on the basis of the demand / supply forecast in 2005 ( without consideration of the small-scale refineries ) .

  20. 你的文字概述了四大报告替代品所提供的管理信息系统。原定每周销售分析报告,是一个典型的需求管理报告。

    Your text outlines four major reporting alternatives provided by management information systems . A scheduled weekly sales analysis report is an example of a demand management report .

  21. 通过对产品销售分析,可以挖掘出大量的、有价值的数据信息,必将对公司开展与改革有着重要的指导意义。

    Through analysis of product sales , can unearth a lot of valuable data information , will carry out and reform of company has an important guiding significance .

  22. 同时产品的销售分析与销售预期关系到企业生死存亡,也关系到社会的再生产;

    At the same time marketing analysis and selling expectancy of the products concern are decisive factors which have great relation with the development of organizations and reproduction of society ;

  23. 发现潜在、有用的关系应用于具有高度潜能的市场,进行市场分析、销售分析和信用分析。

    For corporation possessing of huge potential energy , finding latent and useful relation from those information , which can be used for market analyzing , sales analyzing and credit analyzing .

  24. 对金银花及其产品的销售分析表明,虽然金银花市场广阔,但是销售的产品以初级产品为主,附加值低,没有形成品牌,销售渠道单一,处于被动地位。

    For honeysuckle and product sales analysis shows that , although the honeysuckle broad markets , but sales of products to the primary products , low added value , not form a brand , sales channels , in a passive position .

  25. 通信企业利用进销存方案,能够有效减少盲目采购、降低采购成本、合理控制库存,提高资金结算速度和销售分析能力,提升企业市场竞争力。

    The correspondence enterprise make use of the invoicing plan , can reduce the blind purchase , reduce the procurement cost , control inventory reasonably , raises the fund settlement speed and sale analysis ability , upgrade the enterprise market competitiveness .

  26. 在该系统的设计过程中,针对企业具体的需求,建立了以销售分析与决策为主题的数据仓库系统,并给出了数据仓库多维数据集的详细设计与实现。

    In the system design process , aimed at specific needs of enterprises , I established sales analysis and decision making for the theme of the data warehouse systems was presented , and the data warehouse multi-dimension data of detailed design and implementation .

  27. 通过一个商业销售分析与决策支持系统的设计,证实该方法可以提供完整、及时、准确和明了的决策信息,达到提供全面的决策支持服务的目的。

    By the design of a market analysis and business decision support system , it has been testified that this method can supply with full , timely , precise and concise decision making information and reach the aim of a comprehensive decision support service .

  28. 一类CRM模型的构建及其销售策略分析

    Kind of CRM modeling and its sales strategy analysis

  29. YT公司C网手机销售模式分析

    Analysis of YT Company 's CDMA Mobile Phone Sales Mode

  30. 基于VISUALFOXPRO的零售药店POS系统销售平台分析与设计

    The Analysis and Design of the POS System Platform in Visual Foxpro-based Retail Pharmacies