
  • 网络Repricing;Reprice;repriced
  1. 人们不得不对海湾区内外的国家的风险进行重新定价。

    This has caused a repricing of risk both in and beyond the Gulf .

  2. 这种必要的资本重新定价,将有利于防止泡沫经济重现。

    This necessary repricing of capital will prevent the recurrence of a bubble economy .

  3. 国际货币基金组织(imf)总裁罗德里戈德拉托(rodrigoderato)日前表示,金融市场上大规模的风险重新定价行为,即便会带来短期痛苦,但应该有益于全球经济的中期稳定。

    Rodrigo de rato , managing director of the International Monetary Fund , has said the dramatic re-pricing of risk in the financial markets should be healthy for the medium-term stability of the global economy even if it results in short-term pain .

  4. 我们没有对之前几轮融资确定的投资者股份进行重新定价。

    There was no re-pricing of investor shares from previous rounds .

  5. 资产评级下降导致风险重新定价;

    The property rating drops causes the risk to fix a price ;

  6. 商店本周关闭,以便让店员对商品进行重新定价。

    Shops have been closed this week so employees can reprice goods .

  7. 他认为,欧元区政府债务的重新定价过程已经有些出格。

    The process of repricing eurozone government debt had overshot , he suggests .

  8. 经理股票期权的重新定价分析

    An Analysis on Repricing Executive Stock Option

  9. 最终,经过重新定价的伦敦和纽约地产将再次显现出投资价值。

    Eventually , repriced real estate in London and New York will look like good value again .

  10. 这使得长期利率保持低位的形势变得更为严峻,因为资产重新定价、赎回和冲销缩减了贷款余额的规模。

    That worsens the longer rates remain low as assets reprice , and redemptions and charge-offs shrink outstanding loans .

  11. 限制贷款机构重新定价无担保贷款的能力,将导致它们停止或减少放贷。

    Restricting lenders ' ability to reprice an unsecured loan will cause them to stop lending or to lend less .

  12. 贷款正重新定价,证券化计划也将有助于剥离资产,既包括健康资产,也包括不良资产。

    Loans are being repriced , and plans for securitisations will also help shed assets , both healthy and non-performing .

  13. 运用重新定价模型分析国内某商业银行省级分行(以下简称M行)的利率风险。

    Whereafter , I used repricing model to analyze the interest rate risk in a province branch of some commercial bank .

  14. 利率的波动会给金融机构带来利率风险:重新定价风险和市场价值变动风险。

    The fluctuation of interest rate will bring interest rate risk to financial institutions : repricing risk and market value change risk .

  15. 从短期来看,降息会给“利率敏感性资产”银行带来压力,它们对贷款的重新定价速度比债务的重新定价快。

    In the short term , rate cuts put pressure on " asset sensitive " banks whose loans are repriced faster than their liabilities .

  16. 利率风险按照来源的不同,可以分为重新定价风险、收益率曲线风险、基准风险和期权性风险。

    According to its different sources , interest rate risk may be classified into repricing risk , yield curve risk , basis risk and optionality .

  17. 商业银行所面临着四种主要的利率风险:重新定价风险、基本点风险、选择权风险、收益曲线风险。

    The commercial banks face four kinds of main interest : Fix the price risk , basic point risk , option risk , yield curve risk .

  18. 因此,仅凭人民币重新定价不能遏止通胀,这和上述的流行观点相反。

    Thus , contrary to the popular perception displayed in the quotes above , China 's repricing of its currency alone will not reduce price inflation .

  19. 活跃于一季度的再融资、重新定价和股息资本重组活动在经历了地缘政治动荡期间的暂时停歇后,现已开始回升,有些待完成的交易规模相当大。

    Refinancings , repricings and dividend recaps – features of the frothy first quarter , but stalled during the geopolitical turmoil – are resuming with some pretty hefty candidates .

  20. 20世纪80年代初以来许多发展中国家实行利率市场化后普遍出现了因国内资金重新定价引起的利率超调现象。

    From the early 1980s , many developing countries had launched interest rates marketization policy , and interest rates over-adjusted phenomenon emerged as a result of re-pricing domestic capital .

  21. 之所以出现上述结果,原因在于中国贷款账目的重新定价周期一般是12个月,因此,近来加息的全面影响目前仍未体现出来。

    The reason for this is that Chinese loan books typically take 12 months to re-price , so the full impact of recent interest rate rises has yet to be felt .

  22. 在利率即将实现完全市场化的背景下,住房抵押贷款所面对的利率风险主要表现在重新定价风险、内含期权风险、基准风险、收益率曲线风险等方面。

    With the background of market-oriented interest rate , housing mortgage loans have to face enormous interest rate risks in forms of repricing , optionality , basic risk , and yield curve .

  23. 这些公司的董事会还会担心美国次级抵押贷款市场产生的连锁反应。这场动荡已经在信贷市场引发了范围更广的危机,并迫使市场普遍对风险重新定价。

    Boards will also be concerned about knock-on effects from the US subprime mortgage market , which has sparked a wider crisis in credit markets and forced a repricing of risk generally .

  24. 根据这种观点,我们需要足够的交易员,来每隔5秒(比如说)为市场重新定价一次;但从事高频洗牌的交易员大军则是对人力资本的巨大浪费。

    We need enough traders to reprice markets at , say , five-second intervals , according to this view ; but vast armies of high-frequency paper shufflers represent a shocking waste of human capital .

  25. 我国利率市场化的过程中,商业银行将主要面临收益曲线风险、基准风险、重新定价风险、选择权风险、政策性风险。

    In the process of the marketization of exchange rate in China commercial banks will be mainly confronted with such risks as yield curve risk basic rate risk re-pricing risk option risk and policy risk .

  26. 以中国商业银行的具体情况为现实依据,采用比较分析法对我国商业银行面临的重新定价风险、基差风险、收益曲线风险、期权性风险进行系统分析。

    Based on the specific circumstances reality of Chinese commercial banks , applying comparative analysis to analyze the commercial banks that facing reprising risk , basis risk , yield curve risk and optional risk systematically .

  27. 从企业内交易的路径出发,分析了人才资本企业内交易的必要性,企业内交易的过程,并提出了企业内重新定价的模型,以达到人才资本产权实现路径的完整性。

    Embarked from the transaction way of enterprise , analyses the necessity of enterprise transaction of talent and process . The artic proposes the re-pricing model of the enterprise and reaches the way of integrity of capital property .

  28. 但就目前来看,决策者们的重点仍然是,设法使必要的调整平稳进行,使市场过渡到借债程度更小的状态,从而使亟需的风险重新定价得以继续,而不会造成更大范围的影响。

    But at the moment , the focus among policymakers remains on trying to smooth the necessary adjustment to a more deleveraged world in the markets so that the badly needed repricing of risk can continue without wider disruption .

  29. 他表示,此举将使公司位置更接近其资产基础,从而可能使其股票获得重新定价,估值水平得以与亚洲上市同行一致,并能利用亚洲市场股东的流动性。

    He said the move would position the company closer to its asset base and so potentially re-rate the shares in line with the peer group listed in Asia , as well as tap into the shareholder liquidity of the Asian market .

  30. 二是利率市场化后由银行内部利率风险管理机制引起的恒久性风险,主要包括重新定价风险、收益曲线风险、基准风险和期权性风险。

    The permanent risk includes reprising risk , yield curve risk , basis risk and optionality risk . On the basis , it points out that the interest rate risk which will be faced by commercial banks can be divided into temporary risk and permanent risk .