
chónɡ zhì jià zhí
  • replacement value
  1. 在传统的保险条款下,很难准确计算财产的重置价值。

    With conventional insurance policies it is difficult to work out accurately the replacement value of your possessions .

  2. 在这种情况下,“重置价值”(replacementvalue)是一种可笑的想法。

    In this context , " replacement value " is a ludicrous concept .

  3. 这些衡量标准包括经过周期调整的市盈率(考虑10年期间的利润)和托宾Q比率(Tobin'sQ,比较股价与资产重置价值)。

    These are the cyclically adjusted p / e ratio , which looks at profits over a ten-year period , and Tobin 's Q , which compares share prices to the replacement value of assets .

  4. 铁路固定资产重置价值计算方法的探讨

    Approach to Method of Calculating Replacement Values of Railway Fixed Assets

  5. 盘盈的固定资产按重置价值入帐;

    Surplus of fixed assets should enter into account as the replacement value .

  6. 如果这一建筑物具有实际用途的话,此类计算其中涉及重置价值并不困难。

    Such calculations – involving replacement values – are not difficult where the building has a practical use .

  7. 如果你的房产已经升值,可请人进行评估以了解完整的重置价值。

    If your home has risen in value , have it appraised so you 'll know the full replacement value .