
zhònɡ xínɡ tǎn kè
  • heavy tank;male tank
重型坦克 [zhòng xíng tǎn kè]
  • [heavy tank]通常指重量为56-85吨的全履带式坦克

  1. 德国坦克炮弹打不穿这些坦克的装甲,而T-34却能击穿几乎所有德国坦克,直到纳粹搞出虎式重型坦克和斐迪南坦克歼击车。

    German tank shells failed to pierce that tank 's armour , while the T-34 cannon shells penetrated almost all German tanks until Nazis got their Tiger heavy tanks and Ferdinand tank destroyers .

  2. 但就我的理解,TG-1只是打算用来教会苏联的工程师如何发展重型坦克,没有想要把它作为完全实用的可以生产的战车。

    As far as I understand , the TG-1 was intended only to teach Soviet engineers how to develop a heavy vehicle , it was not intended as full-functional production vehicle .

  3. 他们将重型坦克投入战斗。

    They had their heavy tanks come into action .

  4. 那场势均力敌的战役持续了6周之久,重型坦克和步兵都蒙受重创。

    The dingdong fight lasted for six weeks with heavy tanks and infantry losses .

  5. 将敌军对我军的战略上的优势,改为我军对敌军的战役或战斗上的优势。那场势均力敌的战役持续了6周之久,重型坦克和步兵都蒙受重创。

    We can change the enemy 's strategic superiority over us into our superiority over him in campaigns and battles . The dingdong fight lasted for six weeks with heavy tanks and infantry losses .

  6. 视线瞄准前卫重型防空/反坦克系统(ADATS);

    The line-of - sight forward heavy air defense / anti-tank system ( ADATS );

  7. 首先部署了重型火炮部队,三个重型坦克,一架中型坦克,和一个修理坦克。

    Begin by deploying a heavy artillery unit , three heavy tanks , one medium tank , and one repair tank .