
  • 网络Duplicate Content
  1. Google爬行器会由于元刷新重定向而阻塞,而302重定向会导致重复内容处罚。

    The Google spider will choke on a meta refresh redirect and a302 redirect can cause duplicate content penalties .

  2. 有传言称,它认为,任何地点与这些“重复内容”的网站,即时禁止(黑色上市),由谷歌。

    Rumor has it that any sites linked to those " Duplicate Content " sites were instantly banned ( black-listed ) by Google .

  3. 日程做了精心安排,以使每一讲都没有重复内容。

    The programme has been so organized that none of the talks overlap .

  4. XPath表达式中的这些重复内容非常单调&您必须一再重复它们。

    Those repetitions in XPath expression are tedious & you have to repeat them again and again .

  5. 我们将展示如何使用RDFa表达简单的和更为复杂的数据集,特别是在不重复内容的情况下,把现有的人类可见的文本和链接转变成计算机可读的数据。

    We show how to express simple and more complex datasets using RDFa , and in particular how to turn the existing human-visible text and links into machine-readable data without repeating content .

  6. 除此之外,还有一个老问题,那就是内容太多了,而且有时还会有重复内容。

    Also they contain lots of items and , sometimes , duplicate items .

  7. 有重叠和重复内容的地点不对目录的用户有用。

    Sites with overlapping and repetitive content are not helpful to users of the directory .

  8. 将药理学与生理学、病理生理学实验课的重复内容经过重组,构建新型的药理学实验。

    New mode of pharmacological experiments was constructed by recombining the overlapping contents of pharmacology , physiology and physiopathology .

  9. 你应该把它放在根目录下,里面包含可帮你避免重复内容和优化你的网站的指导。

    You should place it in your root directory and include instructions that will help you to avoid duplicate content and will optimize the crawling of your website .

  10. 如果把人类基因组视作生命之书,他们绘制了大量字母或短语的变异&但忽视了书中篇幅更大的整页乃至整章的删节和重复内容。

    Looking at the human genome as a book of life they have mapped vast numbers of variations in letters or short words – but missed much larger deletions and duplications of pages or chapters .

  11. 过去,大的有权重的网站,即使添加些重复内容,也可以以很小的努力就可以获得良好的排名和流量。

    It used to be that an authoritative domain could add pretty much any content , even duplicated content , it wanted to its site and with a little bit of effort get strong organic traffic .

  12. 结果:共收集到19篇关于痛风、痛风性关节炎的相关文献,除去重复内容实际利用10篇,经搜集、整理,并做系统归类,提炼公认、成熟的观点和方法。

    RESULTS : A total of 19 literatures related with gout and arthritis were collected , and 10 articles were used after repetitive data were excluded . Mature views and methods that generally accepted were extracted after collection , arrangement and systematic classification .

  13. 他原本也可以砍去许多重复的内容,从而缩减许多页。

    He could also have cut out much of the repetition and thus saved many pages .

  14. 当我分析SOA的体系结构概念时,你会看到一些明显同Web服务重复的内容,但是本文的着重点是SOA扩展Web服务的前景。

    As I examine the architectural concepts of SOA , you 'll see some obvious overlap with Web services concepts , but the SOA perspective expands the Web services vision , which is the focus here .

  15. 往往最后一段重复原有内容会破坏整篇信的效果。

    A meandering last paragraph can destroy the entire letter .

  16. 听重复的内容会是个好开头。

    One place to start is to listen to things that repeat .

  17. 这就是我们在政治辩论中一再重复的内容。

    That 's what consumes our political debates .

  18. 我得说还是会有重复的内容,但是这并不是我们的本意。

    I 'm sure there 's repeated content , but it 's not by choice .

  19. 重复的内容太多了?

    Too much the same thing ?

  20. 上级局不得要求申请人重复提供内容完全相同的申请材料。

    The upper level SAFE shall not require the applicant to submit the identical application documents repeatedly .

  21. 这是因为一些搜索引擎会看到他们视为重复的内容,降低您的网页排名。

    It is because some search engines will see them as duplicate content and decrease your page rank .

  22. 重复的内容重复的内容涉及使用相同内容的多个网页,或抄袭其他网站的内容。

    Repetitive content repetition content involves using the same content of multiple web pages , or copying other site 's content .

  23. 因此,消除手工流程、错误和重复性内容将大大减少并控制IT成本。

    As such , removing manual processes , errors , and repetition is a great way to reduce and control IT costs .

  24. 并减轻感觉,那些创造磨削或重复的内容,我们推出了与随机每日任务。

    And to alleviate the feeling that those create grinding or repetitive content , we 're coming up with daily quests with randomisation .

  25. 替孩子选择读物时,要挑选语句重复、内容简单的书籍,并和孩子产生互动,孩子才容易对故事留下印象。

    When selecting books for your child , choose those that are simple , include repeated sentences and involve interaction with your child so that he can easily gain an impression from the story .

  26. 曼怛罗就是咒语,你一遍遍重复的内容,比如,大家都熟悉的音节,或唵这种众所周知的,你可以重复念唵音。

    A mantra is something that you would just repeat over and over , for example , the syllable that everyone seems to be familiar with and popular one like Om , you can say Om over and over .

  27. 资料提炼:收集到129篇有关外固定支架治疗桡骨远端骨折的文章,37篇文献符合纳入标准,排除的92篇为重复或内容陈旧。

    DATA EXTRACTION : A total of 129 articles about external fixation in treating distal radius fracture were collected , of which 37 were in accordance with the inclusive criteria and 92 the same studies and Meta analysis were excluded .

  28. 它可以收集团队中所有人员的过往翻译,以此来建立语言数据库(翻译记忆库或TM)。之后在这个数据库中,软件自动确定可重复使用的内容。

    It can collect all the translated materials in order to create a language database , in which the software automatically determines the repeated content .

  29. 当用TRADOS翻译新的句子并且遇到与已翻译的句子相似或相同的句子时,该软件会自动提示可重复使用的内容。

    When translators use TRADOS to translate new sentences , the software will automatically offer the repeated part for translators when similar or the same sentence segments appear .

  30. 版面不要仅仅是重复简历的内容。

    In addition to the layout , don 't just repeat your resume .