
chóng rán
  • Reignition;restrike
重燃[chóng rán]
  1. 据报道,在边境地区战火重燃。

    Renewed fighting has been reported on the border .

  2. 内战战火重燃的威胁正迫在眉睫。

    The threat of renewed civil war looms ahead .

  3. 安哥拉人担心战火重燃。

    Angolans are worrying about a return to war .

  4. 似乎我也是全国性地对编织和其他手工艺重燃兴趣的一员。

    It seems , too , that I 'm part of a national renewal of interest in needle and other handicrafts .

  5. 有什么事情可重燃他逝去的热情呢?

    Is there anything could rekindle his extinct passion ?

  6. 他们试图重燃爱火。

    They tried to rekindle the flames of romance .

  7. 不过,随着多核CPU重要性的逐步增加,大家又重燃构建高级并行编程函数库的热情。

    With the increasing emphasis on multi-core CPUs , there has been a renewed interest in high-level parallel programming constructs .

  8. SF6旋转电弧的重燃和弧后介质恢复的试验研究

    Arc Reignition and Dielectric Recovery of SF_6 Rotating Arc

  9. 该拍卖行专家大卫帕克(davidpark)注意到,近来投资者的兴趣重燃,至少在折叠地图和大型地图方面是如此:“10年前,这些地图相当被人瞧不起;如今它们大红大紫。”

    Its specialist , David Park , has noticed a recent revival of interest , not least for folded maps and large maps : " a decade ago these were rather despised ; now they are all the rage . "

  10. 汇丰全球资产管理公司(hsbcglobalassetmanagement)积极管理部门卓誉(halbis)首席执行官戚浩霖(chrischeetham)认为,投资者兴趣重燃,更像是试水、而非涌入。

    Chris Cheetham , chief executive of halbis , the active management unit of HSBC Global Asset Management , believes renewed interest is more a dipping of the toe in the water rather than a rush .

  11. 过往的经历会重燃你们美好的回忆,并因此让人变得更为亲密。不如给老朋友发封邮件,列上一串以前曾经一起做过的事,向TA建议再去做一次。

    Since that drew you together in the past , it should reignite positive memories and bring you closer again Start by emailing your friend with a list of shared favorite activities and suggest doing one of those .

  12. 这部电影去年夏天在希腊悄然摄制,讲述的是Celine和Jesse九年后再次相逢,相聚一天,重燃两人之间的火花。

    Shot on the sly in Greece last summer , the picture catches up with Celine and Jesse nine years later , as once again they use a portion of the day to reignite their relationship .

  13. 这样做并非是想在当今的欧洲重燃旧的纷争&我们还有更重要的事情需要解决,法新社(AgenceFrance-Presse)援引他的话报道。

    The goal is not to revive old quarrels in a modern Europe & and there are more important things to sort out , he was quoted as saying by Agence France-Presse .

  14. 汇丰案件使人们重燃希望:打击有组织犯罪可以借助为电子表格殚精竭虑的“忍者会计师”获胜正如因被控逃税而入狱的阿尔卡彭(a.capone)的遭遇那样。

    The HSBC case has renewed hopes that the fight against organised crime can be won using " Ninja accountants " who will drain its lifeblood with spreadsheets as happened to Al Capone , who was imprisoned on tax evasion charges .

  15. 老伯爵遗孀(玛吉·史密斯[MaggieSmith]饰),突然放弃了和俄罗斯克拉更王子爱火重燃的念头,伊莎贝尔·克劳利(IsobelCrawley,佩妮洛普·威尔顿[PenelopeWilton]饰)拒绝与默登爵爷订婚。

    In one fell swoop , the Dowager Countess ( Maggie Smith ) abandoned any thought of rekindling a past infatuation with the Russian Prince Kuragin , and Isobel Crawley ( Penelope Wilton ) closed the door on her engagement to Lord Merton .

  16. 开关多次重燃对过电压的限制或递增作用

    Effect of Multiple Reignition on Restraint or Increase of Switching overvoltage

  17. 防止三相真空断路器产生多次重燃过电压的措施

    Measures Taken for 3-phase Vacuum Circuit Breakers from Multiple Reignition Overvoltages

  18. 媒体非常关注你们重燃爱火的详细情况

    The press is clamoring for details about your rekindled romance .

  19. 开断高压电动机时的重燃过电压计算模型

    A Computer Model of Re-burn Overvoltage at Switching off Motor

  20. 为什么你又让我们重燃希望?

    Why 'd you have to bring that up again ?

  21. 写作是我重新发现的一个重燃的激情。

    Writing is a renewed passion that I have re-discovered .

  22. 和谈破裂,战火重燃。

    The peace talks did not pan out and fighting was resumed .

  23. 这些节日将逐渐地重燃这将烬的灵性品味火花。

    These festivals will gradually rekindle the dying spark of spiritual taste .

  24. 爱火,还是不应该重燃的。

    The fire of love , is better not to grow again .

  25. 他们愤概于哪里出了错,或者如何去重燃爱火。

    They agonise over what went wrong and how to rekindle the flame .

  26. 我却又总是对你重燃爱火。

    I start fallin back in love with you .

  27. 磁环抑制真空重燃过电压的陡度

    Steepness Suppression of Vacuum Restriking Overvoltage by Magnetic Ring

  28. 为此,美国人必须重燃购买通用品牌汽车的欲望。

    For that , Americans must want to start buying its cars again .

  29. 现在加沙地区战火重燃。

    For now fighting in Gaza has not resumed .

  30. 此外,受投资者兴趣重燃的推动,新兴市场举债成本也大幅下滑。

    Emerging market borrowing costs have also tumbled thanks to renewed investor interest .