
  • 网络Air Force Campaign;airforce campaign
  1. 基于解析模型的空军战役作战模拟系统研究

    Study on Air Force Campaign Simulating System Based on Analytical Models

  2. 空军战役过程推演仿真系统研究

    The Research on War Game Simulation System of Air Force

  3. 空军战役仿真智能决策模型

    Establishment of an Intelligent Decision Model for an Air Force Campaign Simulation

  4. 空军战役过程推演中的模型体系研究

    The Research on an Integrated Family of Models in War Game of Air Force

  5. 实验表明,该框架可以较迅速地生成符合需求的空军战役仿真想定。

    Relating on experiment , the framework can generate required scenarios in an effective way .

  6. 采用系统建模与解析的方法研究空军战役作战模拟的方法和模型。

    On the base of system modeling and analytical method , the method and model of air force campaign simulation were mainly studied .

  7. 最后,简要介绍了基于以上方法和模型的空军战役作战模拟平台。

    The operational simulation system of air force campaign , which is on the base of the method and model presented up , was briefly introduced .

  8. 对空军战役仿真而言,如何利用丰富的军事原则和复杂的战场环境去构建满足仿真需求的想定,是一个迫切需要解决的问题。

    How to utilize plenty of military rules and complex battlefield circumstance is one of the key points to generate scenarios which meet requirements in air campaign simulation .

  9. 文章的主要研究成果及创新见解是提出了一种比较完整且形式化更好的计划本体,并且以该计划本体的表示模型为基础提出了一种适用于空军战役规划的计划融合算法。

    The main research achievements and innovations of this thesis are the proposing of a more complete and better formalized plan ontology , and a more suitable plan merging algorithm for air campaign planning based on the representation model of such plan ontology .

  10. 然后,文章介绍适用于空军战役规划的规划基组织结构模型,并在此结构框架下实现了多主体规划的计划融合算法且用类C++语言给出了主要的算法过程。

    Then the thesis describes the model of plan basic organization structure that is suitable for air campaign planning , Under this frame , the algorithm of plan merging of multi-agent planning is implemented and its chief process is expressed in C + + - like language .

  11. 英国皇家空军是不列颠战役中的英雄。

    RAF pilots were the heroes of the Battle of Britain .

  12. 英国皇家空军和英国战役纪念飞机进行特技飞行。

    Fly-past by the Royal Air Force and Battle of Britain Memorial Flight .