
kōnɡ zhōnɡ lì liànɡ
  • air power
  1. 许多专家说空中力量不足以保护平民。

    Many experts say air power alone will not protect civilians .

  2. 那队输是输了,但却表现了极其顽强的精神。联想记忆:德国人的第一个目的是要摧毁我们的空中力量;

    The first German aim had been the destruction of our air power ;

  3. 国会防务发言人在上月的一个报告中强烈批评了IAF空中力量的损耗,并呼吁对此进行迅速的补充和升级。

    Parliament 's Standing Committee on Defence , in a report tabled last month , had commented adversely on the depleting squadron strength of the IAF , calling for immediate acquisitions and upgrades .

  4. 空天一体化&未来空中力量发展趋势

    Integrate Air Power with Space Power & The Trend of Future Air Power

  5. 新的空中力量被恰当地看成是各种作战中的一个革命性的因素。

    The new power was justly esteemed a revolutionary factor in all operations .

  6. 现代战争中,空中力量的重要性不言而喻。

    It goes without saying that the importance of air power in modern warfare .

  7. 欧洲快速反应部队的核心&空中力量

    Air Power in European Rapid Reaction Force

  8. 基于探索性分析的空中力量体系效能空间建模研究

    Research on Effectiveness Space Modeling for Air Power System of Systems Based on Exploratory Analysis

  9. 东南亚国家竞相加速空中力量现代化

    Air Force Modernization in South-East Asia

  10. 略论航空电子在空中力量建设中的作用和地位

    Concise Survey of the Exerted Effects and Position of Avionics on the Establishment of the Air-Power

  11. 中国空中力量分析

    The PLA Air Combat Power

  12. 德罗巴头球能力惊人、空中力量十足,其雄健的体魄在球员中十分罕见。

    With incredible aerial prowess and power , there are few players in the world as strong .

  13. 台湾空中力量的战略调整

    Taiwan Promotes Its Air Power

  14. 他补充称,侵犯领空是俄罗斯在提醒所有人,它仍是一支重要空中力量。

    He added that the incursions were Russia trying to remind everyone it is still a significant air power .

  15. 事实上空运现在已经成为空中力量的重要战略表现之一。

    The reality was that air transport had now become one of the major strategic manifestations of air power .

  16. 我们的空军也大大削弱了他们的空中力量和发动地面战争的能力。

    Our air offensive has seriously reduced their strength in the air and their capacity to wage war on the ground .

  17. 空军:高技术战争的主角&面临革命性变化的空中力量与空中作战

    THE AIR FORCE : A KEY ROLE IN THE COMING HIGH-TECH WARFARE A Discussion on the New Developments and Future Reforms of Air Power

  18. 攻击型飞机是现代战争的主力,也是世界各国空中力量的发展重点。

    Abstract : Attacking aircraft has become the main force of modem wars and has priority during the development of air force in many countries .

  19. 陈纳德成功的获得了罗斯福总统的支持,动用空中力量简洁迅速的夺取胜利,从而绕开问题重重的中国军队。

    Chennault had secured President Roosevelt 's support by promising a quick , cheap victory through air power that avoided relying on the problem-ridden Chinese Army .

  20. 有了更多地面部队,他就能少依靠空中力量了,也就减少了导致平民大量死伤这样不可避免的风险。

    And with more boots on the ground , he would have been less reliant on air power , with its inevitable risk of big civilian casualties .

  21. 所以,如果你想使用空中力量,你不能只是点击敌方基地然后等待胜利。

    For this reason , if you want to use airpower , you can 't just click on the enemy base far away and wait for victory .

  22. 未来的战争形式将是体系对体系的全方位作战,开展航空装备体系信息一体化技术的研究对于提升我国空中力量、维护国家安全具有重要意义。

    The system conflict features the future air fight , development of air equipments integration system is important significance of enhancing our air fight capability and defending nation .

  23. 二是预见到空中力量将在未来的战争中起决定性作用,提出了空权论。

    Second , Mitchell proposed the " right on the air " theory because he speculated that the air force would play a decisive role in the future war .

  24. 但是他们还不能为自己提供所有的后勤支援,也没有空中力量,而且缺乏医疗撤退和其他方面的重要能力。

    But they still can not provide all their own logistics support , and they lack air power , the ability to do medical evacuations and other important capabilities .

  25. 然而,他们最近增加的包括传统的战斗机从常规的空中力量,已开始妨碍我们的日常工作和使命。

    However , their increasing forays , which have lately included conventional fighter planes from regular air forces , have begun to get in the way of our daily scientific mission .

  26. 空中力量被认为是卡扎菲上校相对于反抗军最有力的武器,但是专家称到此为止的战斗中它都没有取得决定性的战果。

    Air power is certainly Colonel Gaddafi 's strongest hand in contrast to the rebels , but experts say that so far it has not proved a decisive factor in the fighting .

  27. 这个打击恐怖主义的行动将为铲除ISIL进行稳定、坚持不懈的努力,不论他们在哪里出现,同时使用我们的空中力量并支持我们在当地的伙伴部队。

    This counterterrorism campaign will be waged through a sturdy relentless effort to take out ISIL wherever they exist using our air power and our support for partners ' forces on the ground .

  28. 开启这个选项,游戏双方都会得到关于对方舰只、部队以及空中力量的不完整的甚至是错误的情报,而且对方基地的情报也是有限的。

    When turned on , both players will receive incomplete or faulty messages and reports concerning enemy ship , troop , and air group damage , as well as limited data on enemy bases .

  29. 叛军在伊斯坦布尔和安卡拉出动了坦克和空中力量来炫耀武力,但这不足以威胁到军队的其他部分,这些部分最终将叛军制服。

    Rebels deployed tanks and air power in a show of force in Istanbul and Ankara , but this was not enough to intimidate the rest of the military , which eventually overcame them .

  30. 初步的调查报告发现,联军的还击是有“理由”的,是根据“交火现有规定”采取的行动,召来空中力量进行攻击,从而引起了人们对伤亡人数的争执。

    The initial investigation found the troops were " justified " and acted within " existing rules of engagement " in returning fire and calling in the air strike that resulted in the dispute over casualties .