
kōnɡ zhōnɡ zhēn chá
  • aerial reconnaissance;aerial scout;air scout
  1. 何以发生不同G-2情报部门均忽略如此明显地貌特征,特别是在空中侦察清晰准确显示了树篱地带情况下?

    How could the various G-2s have missed such an obvious feature , especially as aerial reconnaissance clearly revealed the hedges ?

  2. 空中侦察表明敌人正要发起进攻。

    Aerial reconnaissance showed that the enemy was about to attack .

  3. 他们穿过树林来到第二个棚子;这个棚子经过巧妙伪装,空中侦察不到。

    They walked through the trees to a second hut , cunningly camouflaged against air surveillance .

  4. 不过,以阿尔卑斯蒿酒代替了紫罗兰酒的话,我们则以《小王子》(TheLittlePrince)作者的姓埃克苏佩里(Saint-Exupery)来命名这款鸡尾酒,这位作家还曾为法国空军执行过空中侦察任务。

    With G é n é py des Alpes , however , we called it the Saint-Exup é ry , after the author of ' The Little Prince , ' who also flew reconnaissance missions with the French Air Force .

  5. 空中侦察图像连续拼接中的平滑算法研究

    Research on the Smoothing Algorithms of Reconnaissance Serial Images Stitching

  6. 我们对那个村庄进行了空中侦察。

    I had an air reconnaissance report on the village .

  7. 马上制定-个空中侦察计划,-侦察哪个区域?

    Prepare an air search plan right away . - for what area ?

  8. 对一岛进行空中侦察。

    Make an aerial reconnaissance of an island .

  9. 万童,你去搜索河流与小溪,天使小凤凰,你负责空中侦察。

    Won ton , explore the rivers and streams . angel , patrol the sky .

  10. 按计划俄罗斯空军将失去一中队的轰炸机、战斗机和空中侦察机。

    The Russian air force is slated to lose squadrons of bombers , fighters and reconnaissance aircraft .

  11. 政府内部官员表示,总统已经授权展开空中侦察。

    Those inner administation officials have been quoted as saying the president has authorized to Surveillance flights .

  12. 无人机的一个重要用途就是用于空中侦察和战场监视。

    One of most important use of the UAV is to achieve aerial spy and battlefield monitor .

  13. 据统计,在第一次世界大战期间,有90%的情报来自空中侦察。

    According to statistics , during World War I , 90 % of the information came from aerial reconnaissance .

  14. 空中侦察仅仅是雇了一名商业飞行员,去拍摄德国的海岸线。

    Aerial reconnaissance was limited to the hiring of a commercial pilot to take shots of the German coastline .

  15. 埃德蒙顿日报-北极新的巡逻舰和扩大空中侦察,将民警卫队加拿大的远北地区和西北通道。

    Edmonton Journal-New arctic patrol ships and expanded aerial surveillance will guard Canada 's Far North and the Northwest Passage .

  16. 可携带不同任务载荷,进行长时间的空中侦察、巡逻和监视及气象探测等。

    It can carry different payloads to carry out long-time aerial reconnaissance , patrol and surveillance as well as meteorological observation .

  17. 安东尼、埃迪,你们俩和我一起在空中侦察。香香,你和瑞雪儿在海上巡逻。

    Anthony , Eddie , you get to fly reconnaissance with me . Xiang Xiang , Rachel , you patrol the coast .

  18. 事后,空中侦察表明,该战列舰受伤颇重。事故发生后,受伤者被急忙送往医院。

    Later air reconnaissance showed that the battleship was heavily damaged . After the accident the man who was hurt was rushed to hospital .

  19. 他们将培训伊拉克部队,提供空中侦察以及伊拉克部队目前并不具备的支持资源,并且保护美军部队和平民。

    Instead , they will train Iraqi units , provide aerial surveillance and other support resources the Iraqis do not have and protect American troops and civilians .

  20. 今日的飞船只是在运动比赛上空盘旋的巨大广告看板,未来飞船或许会扮演更重要的角色,那就是空中侦察机。

    Today 's blimps are fat , happy billboards hovering above sporting events . Tomorrow 's blimps may well play a much more serious role : airborne surveillance .

  21. 澳大利亚发生最大规模鲸鱼搁浅事件,塔斯马尼亚州麦夸里港的空中侦察最先发现了470头鲸鱼搁浅在一个宽阔的沙滩上。

    In Australia 's biggest whale beaching , 470 whales were first spotted on a wide sandbank during an aerial reconnaissance of Macquarie Harbor in the state of Tasmania .

  22. 在进攻开始日之前,盟军进行了为期一年的广泛的空中和地面侦察。

    Before D-Day , the Allies conducted one-year extensive air and ground reconnaissance .

  23. 印度报业托拉斯援引空军部门消息人士的话说,重启斗拉特别奥里地基地是为了加强印度在这个战略地区的空中和陆地侦察能力。

    The news agency Press Trust of India quoted Air Force sources as saying that the Daulatbeg Oldi Base was revived to bolster India 's aerial and land reconnaissance capability in the strategic region .

  24. 该条约于2002年生效,缔约国可对其他缔约国的全部领土进行听的歌时间内的空中非武装侦察,以收集有关军事力量和活动的数据。

    The treaty , which became effective in 2002 , allows its state-parties to conduct short-notice , unarmed reconnaissance flights over the others ' entire territories to collect data on military forces and activities .