
zhī yuán
  • support;assist;help;aid
支援 [zhī yuán]
  • [support] 支持援助

  • 支援边区建设

支援[zhī yuán]
  1. 财政支援尚未到手。

    Financial support was not forthcoming .

  2. 过去,陆军部队在很大程度上依赖空中支援来摆脱困境。

    In the past army troops have relied heavily on air support to get them out of trouble

  3. 当地的公司支援了建筑材料和劳动力。

    Local companies pitched in with building materials and labour .

  4. 这个项目由于缺少财政支援而告吹。

    The project failed for want of financial backing .

  5. 最后政府提供了财政支援。

    Finally the government weighed in with financial aid .

  6. 其他国家的支援将可使兵力增至35,000人。

    Offers from other countries should swell the force to 35,000 .

  7. 他们一直在暗地里向叛乱者提供军事支援。

    They have been supplying covert military aid to the rebels

  8. 前线的防务得到后备装甲部队的支援。

    These front-line defences are backed up by armoured units in reserve .

  9. 该机构说国际救援机构也提供了支援。

    The agency says international relief agencies also have pitched in

  10. 军方请求美国红十字会支援6,000品脱的血液。

    The military requested 6,000 pints of blood from the American Red Cross .

  11. 看来,英国已下决心要派遣一支配备有百余坦克和支援装备的主力部队。

    Britain looks set to send a major force of over 100 tanks and supporting equipment

  12. 支援水灾区的物资,可真救急了。

    The goods and materials were sent to the flooded areas just when they were in great need .

  13. 工业和农业是互相依赖、互相支援的。

    Industry and agriculture depend on and support each other .

  14. 我们应主动派人去支援。

    We ought to voluntarily send people to help on our own initiative .

  15. 各行各业都要大力支援农业。

    All trades and professions must support agriculture .

  16. 记住他们对这个国家的巨大支援是重要的。

    It 's important to remember the breadth of their support in the country .

  17. 你还有可能成为一名警察支援志愿者。

    And there are also possibilities of being a police support volunteer .

  18. 半人马掠夺者在支援射击时不受惩罚

    Centaurs – marauders does not have penalty when shooting into support .

  19. 这项支援协议对所有的空军单位在很多重要方面上提供了升级。

    This support protocol upgrades all aircraft in a couple of important ways .

  20. 扑救特大火灾时,有关地方人民政府应当组织有关人员、调集所需物资支援灭火。

    For ultra large fire disaster , relevant local people 's government shall organize relevant personnel and assemble necessary goods to support the fire fighting .

  21. 布莱恩·朗格斯塔夫爵士在给内阁大臣大卫·立丁顿的信中指出“一再呼吁财政支援,以充分补偿受害者”。

    In his letter to Cabinet Office Minister David Lidington , Sir Brian Langstaff notes " the repeated calls for financial assistance which fully2 recompenses those who 've suffered . " He says decisive action should be taken .

  22. 虽然很多年轻人可能嫉妒他们的生活中没有工作压力,也不需要父母的财政支援,但信托自由儿却可能厌倦自己作为一个富裕企业家或名人的儿子或女儿的身份。

    While many young people would envy a lifestyle without the pressures of work or financial support , a trustafarian may become bored with his or her role as the son or daughter of a wealthy industrialist4 or celebrity5 .

  23. 无论是被征召服役的战士们、被迫分离的家人,还是被要求从事新职业、学习新技术以支援战争的人们,每个人都有自己的职责。

    Whether it be the men and women called up to serve , families separated from each other , or people asked to take up new roles and skills to support the war effort . All had a part to play .

  24. 履带式小型装甲车是由一个BAR和一挺机枪组成的支援武器。

    The Bren is a mix of a support weapon such as a BAR and a machinegun .

  25. 不断更新以支援最新的DVD刻录机和空白DVD光盘。

    Constantly updated to support latest DVD burners and blank DVD discs .

  26. 指定ole容器或伺服程式以及主式文件支援。

    Specify ole container or server options and active document support .

  27. 当前系统总共有十九个内容Schema,二十个展现Schema,七个元数据Schema以及其他十余个支援Schema。

    Current system contains nineteen content Schemas , twenty presentation schemas , seven metadata schema and a dozen other support schemas .

  28. 该Trunk线路可以支援多个VLAN。

    That trunk can support multiple VLANs .

  29. 找他们的支援的他们的HCL区域。

    Find their HCL in their support area .

  30. HLA的天基信息支援下反导作战仿真系统OM设计

    Design of Object Model of ATBM Simulation System under the Satellite Support based on HLA